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HOT OR NOT -- Week 1 & 2

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  • HOT OR NOT -- Week 1 & 2



    Week 1

    Burn vs. You2be

    Noted polygamist and 2x Most-Likely-to-Sunburn nominee Racka (12-6) led Best (13-9), Ogron (10-9), Raazi (8-9) and Kira Tomato (8-9) to a closer-than-expected victory for Burn.

    Eren (14-10) put in a superlative performance, whereas Stack (2-10) put in a super-laxative performance, shitting the bed behind Amar, Carling, and pee pee sock, who incidentally wet the bed -- making the most of their acronym-laden dorm room at the South Harmon Institute of Technology.

    HOT: Racka

    NOT: Stack


    Potenza vs. Paladen

    The Italian Stallions struck first, as Iron Survivor (13-9) gave Paladen brazilians, ahead of Cres (11-7), Server (12-7), Shaun, Okyo, and Spezza.

    Paladen saw nice performances from mainstay Jessup (10-10) and Racketeer (11-10), but Alextron, dour, Axwell, and Ptero all struggled.

    HOT: Served
    NOT: Alextron, with an anemic 0-5.


    Fierce vs. You2be

    Last Standing (15-5) and Tripin (14-8) showed no mercy, leading Apok and Vash to victory. Meanwhile, Geio (4-5) was wearing the 4-5 like Jordan coming back from baseball, and looking like he was playing the wrong sport.

    You2be saw Dark_Night (9-10) almost achieve parity, whilst Amar, Carling, Eren, and poo poo mittens fell behind.

    HOT: Last Standing
    NOT: Gei(c)o, get 15% or less kills than your 2-Star opponents! Call today!


    Paladen vs. Dudgeon

    Paladen shone through in this game, managing to hold off the veteran Dudgeonites with siginificantly more TWL experience, and win the game, as Racketeer (13-8), Axwell (11-8), and Little Buddha (8-4) took home the W alongside Ptero, Jessup and Dour.

    dreamwin (12-10) was the lone bright spot, as Commodo, JAMAL, plob#f, and Stayon all failed to achieve David parity.

    HOT: Racketeer
    NOT: plob#f, an actual veteran wb, only managing a 7-10 vs. Paladen. The last time i saw a veteran doing this poorly, he was begging for change -- which is what I'm sure your fellow teammates will be asking for in their WB lineup come Week 2.


    Burn vs. LEGO

    This was a massacre, perpetrated by Racka (16-6), Raazi (12-2), Best, (9-4), Cape, and fahrenheit. Keep these guys away from Doctors Without Borders hospitals.

    DELECTABLE (2-10) will have to console himself by rolling around in the piles of money from his settlement, and hopefully turn rolling ships off on his new computer, because that was one of the worst performances of all-time. Turban (5-10) was equally abhorrent, as were Flew, joemama, and ROWS.

    HOT: Raazi
    NOT: DELECTABLE, who i assumes name is ALL CAPS because his team is always yelling at him.


    Fierce vs. Vikings

    The TWLD champs wasted no time dispatching Vikings, who like their real life counterparts, are now extinct, as Fierce was droppin' bombs from their palms blowin' up their victims like Napalm, as Apok-alypse Now (11-9) captained Skepilepsy (12-8), VashTheStampede (11-6), Geico, and TripinAdvisor to the W.

    Witch doctor/veteran warbirds Unabled (12-10) and Jones (10-10) pull up a hell of a fight, but couldn't work their voodoo on doodoo, as Ison, Enf, Ravos, and Warrior stunk up the joint.

    HOT: Skepsis
    NOT: Enf, with a paltry 2-6. Next time, go 2-by-8, so your teammates have something to hit you over the head with for doing so poorly.


    Cobra vs. Vikings

    Although but a shadow of its former self, Cobra didn't expend too much energy dispatching Vikings by 10, as Ricko notched a 16-7 ahead of Kentaro (11-8), Neymar, Casket, and Rasaq.

    Once again, Jones (12-10) and Unabled (10-10) led the foray into enemy lines, but Ison (4-10) and Ravos (4-8) once again held them back, despite a stalwart effort from Steep (10-10).

    HOT: Ricko
    NOT: Ison, with an interminable 4-10. What did the buffalo say to his kid before booting him off the roster?

    BYE SON! (Bison)


    Cobra vs. Dudgeon

    This match was tighter than the virgin mary's... friendship with Lazarus, as Ricko (14-8) and Neymar (13-8) put the kibosh on Dudgeon, ahead of Rasaq, Kentaro (11-6), and Casket (7-10), who's name is befitting since he always seems to be dead in easy matches.

    Zizzo (11-10) and dumbwin (10-10) turned on the euro lag and managed to keep things close, but Commodo, JAMAL, plob#f, and Stayon fell short.

    HOT: Neymar
    NOT: Commodo (0-4), who, like his namesake, the Komodo dragon, is confined to a single location -- the bench.


    Potenza vs. LEGO

    Okyo Drift (15-10) sped into the lead and never looked back, towing Cres (12-8), Iron Laggot (11-6), Served, and adopt-a-pubber beneficiary Tweeks (5-5) to victory.

    delectable (10-10) uncapitalized his name, capitalizing on the decreased target he presented and achieving parity, alongside asian sensation Flew (10-10). Unfortunately, turbad, raizin, rows, Paky Dude, Where's my talent (4-10) and joemama (0-5) couldn't keep up.

    HOT: Okyo
    NOT: Paky Dude. I hope you believe in a two-state solution for Paky-stan, because right now your only state is sucking.


    Week 2

    vs. Dudgeon

    Okyo continued to live up to his potenzial, slamming the door shut on Dudgeon with a ferocious 17-9, with Iron Deficiency (12-6) and Crest Whitening Strips (10-8) not far behind. Solemn and Served were serviceable.

    Unlike Paris Hilton's herpes, Dudgeon once again failed to breakout, despite JAMAL (10-10) and Elven's (10-10) best efforts. dreamlose (5-10), Zizzo (6-10) and Rough (4-10) fared little better.

    HOT: Okyo
    NOT: Rough, going 4:10 like a miner's alarm clock.


    Fierce vs. LEGO

    DEEZ NUTS (12-6) and Skepsis (13-6) led Apok, Vash, and Geio to the W over the hapless LEGOnians, as delectable (2-9) once again looked like a legless LEGO Legolas, and joemama (2-10), Spikey (2-8), and TJ Gadzuki faring little better.

    Turban (14-10) once again continued his legendary streak of high scores against Fierce, whilst One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (9-10) nearly hit double digits.

    HOT: Turban -- the only reason I know Finland exists, and is a country.
    NOT: Joemama.


    Paladen vs. LEGO

    AFRI (12-8) and Axwell (12-7) led Paladen to a convincing win over opposite day success-story LEGO, leading Dour, human-rat brainswap experiment subject Jebass (7-6), and Plead (12-8) to the W.

    A recurring theme, Flew (12-10) and Turban (10-10) managed the only positive scores, as Pure_Suck, joemama, Spikey, and TJ Hazuki negged harder than a frat boy at a women's low self-esteem retreat.

    HOT: Flew
    HOT: Axwell
    NOT: Spikey (1-5), who continues to prove there is no ship he can't go negative in.


    Burn vs. Paladen

    Paladen's win streak ended with Burn, who lit them up for +28 kills, as Best (15-7), Racka (13-3), Weaver (11-4), Weak, and Mythril showed no mercy.

    Paladen's scorebox looks like the Vietnam War Memorial to the fallen, and is best observed in silence: Afri, Axwell, Jessup, Little Buddha, Plead, Racketeer, Tyf.

    HOT: Best
    NOT: Axwell (1-7)


    Burn vs. Victims

    Vikings couldn't put out red-hot firebrand Weaver (13-2), who torched them for [INSERT BURN METAPHOR HERE], ahead of Best (13-9), Mythril, Raazi, and Racka-wacka.

    Unabled was the lone bright spot, with a strong 11-10, but had little to no support from Beasty, Enf, Flion, or Ison.

    HOT: Weaver
    NOT: Flion (2-10)


    vs. Cobra

    In a rematch of last year TWLD Finals, Fierce once again lit Cobra up, winning in convincing fashion as Kentaro (14-10) and Ricko (13-10)'s superb performances were marred by piss poor outings from Riverside (2-10), Casket (3-10), and Creature (5-10).

    Team captain and inexplicable 120ms ping generator Apok (14-7) looked like he was at an all-you-can-eat Buffet, eating 20 bullets and luring the Cobramin to certain doom, as Skepsis (13-10), Vash (10-8), Geio (7-5), and DEEZ NUTS were lying in wait.

    HOT: Apok
    HOT: Kentaro

    NOT: Riversad, who's in the fetal position in a corner listening to Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me A River" over and over.


    Potenza vs. You2be

    Served (13-6), Cres (10-5) took the reigns of this gimme, carrying Iron Survivor, Okyo, and mental midget Dwarf to the W.

    For their part, You2be negged across the board, as Amar, Eren, pee pee sock, raizin, and Stack blew up overnight like Aria Grande.

    HOT: Cres
    NOT: raizin


    Dudgeon vs. Vikings

    Dudgeon notched their first TWLD victory, as Commodo (12-8), Stayon (12-7), JAMAL (11-6), and Zizzo (10-9) carried actual wb plob#f to victory.

    Major Crisis put up a nice 12-10, but the rest Vikings fell short, although Ison (9-10) was almost useful. Almost.

    NOT: plob#f (5-10), who was ahead of his time, working #Hashtag Fail into his name almost a decade before Twitter was invented.


    Cobra vs. You2be

    Cobra sprung into action against You2be, getting their fangs into them early and never letting go -- much like Rupert Murdoch's ex-wife.

    Kentaro continued his venomous assault on TWLD this year, with a potent 16-8, leading Creature (10-3), Casket (10-2), Ricko (9-1), and Wax (6-7).

    On the losing side, Amar, Carling, Eren, Fiora, pee pee sock, raizin, and Stack all took turns as the fat guy in Deliverance. "Squeal, piggy!"

    is also something LF has also said, according to the FBI's Amber Alert division.

    HOT: Kentaro

    NOT: raizin (2-7), who, like the food, is dried up and a fruit.
    Last edited by ogron; 10-11-2015, 02:46 AM.
    top 100 basers list

  • #2

    Week 1

    Burn vs. Fierce

    Sex machine and short-lived drummer of Spinal Tap fahrenheit dropped a 12-7, as the oft-mercurial javelin led kess (12-7), Kira Tomato (8-10), and Tiny (6-7) to the W, alongside always-use-up-your-deaths advocate Best, with a blistering 12-9.

    Fierce was anything but, as Apok, Aprix, and Geio all meandered through mediocrity with a trio of 7-10s, whilst Singer (9-10) and Spawnisen fared little better.

    HOT: Fahrenheit. He's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs. WHY SO CELSIUS?

    NOT: Spawnisen, with a dookie 4-10.


    LEGO vs. Youtube

    Turban continues to be LEGO's dominant force across all three leagues, powering the squad to victory with a ferocious 15-5, ahead of spikey (11-7), Mean Gene (11-7), df, Henry Saari, and Dookie Monster ROWS (0-4).

    You2be saw one good performance, from spelling-contest participation trophy winner Euforia (12-10), ahead of negative nancies Eren, Genitals, pee pee sock, and name for the movie which A Fistful of Dollars is originally based on (6-10).

    HOT: Turban. He's a super Sikh, super Sikh, he's super Sikh-y!
    NOT: ROWS. Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, verily, verily, verily, verily, you died out faster than James Dean.


    Potenza vs. Vikings

    Okyo (13-10) continued to show his two-league dominance, ahead of Iron Survivor (10-5), Mark Stone, Shaun, and Haze.

    Only Jones (10-10) showed signs of life, but Enf, hs, Ravos, Risk, and Valker looked like extras in The Walking Dead.

    HOT: Mark Stone (11-5)
    NOT: hs, with a debilitating 0-6.


    Dudgeon vs. LEGO

    Rough (12-4), Commodo (12-9), Dreamwin (10-5), Stayon (9-7), and Zizzo laid down the law against LEGO, although it's in Finnish, so we don't know what the law says. I assume mandatory Sauna breaks every 15 minutes, and Disneyland be renamed Lapland.

    Like the Ionians, the Legonians went extinct this game, as turban, spikey, NL>Trigger, Mean Gene, joemama, and df all fell in quick succession. Dudgeon completely stomped them. I'm sure TJ Hazuki and co. take solace in that stepping on LEGOs really, really hurts your foot.

    HOT: Rough
    NOT: JOEMAMA and NL>Trigger, with a combined 1-10. Usually when you combine legos, you get something better. Like Justin Bieber's parents, however, you've combined to make something much, much worse.


    Juans vs. Cobra

    This was a hard fought match, as Neymar (15-10) almost carried Cobra to the promised land, with a trio of 7-10's from Ricko, Trasher, and Shadowmere, and an abhorrent 5-10 from the player-equivalent of a Mountain Dew commercial, Morph. IT'S bad at playing jav.

    Ease (11-8), Healt (11-7), Steadman (12-9) and John Juan carried Tom to the victory.

    HOT: Healt (11-7)
    NOT: Morph


    Burn vs. Victims

    Kess (13-3) led Best (12-9), fahrenheit (10-7), Tiny (8-2) and Zidane to the W, as the TWLJ favorites 25-point victory increased Aloe Vera stock prices due to demand from Vikings after the match.

    Person who sounds like a shitty KIA SUV Ravos (10-10) was the only opposing player to achieve parity, as Enf, Jones, Risk, Sorrow, and Valker, warportal all fell short.

    HOT: Kess
    NOT: whoreportal, with a 0-7. His 7 goes through her 0 on a nightly basis. Also, a pay-by-the-hour basis.


    Juans vs. Fierce

    What did the Dalai Llama say when he went into the pizza shop? Make me Juan with everything.
    I'll see my way out...

    John Juan once again led the sortie, slamming Fierce with a 15-10, ahead of Steadman (10-6), Healt (9-8), Ease, and Tom Juan.

    Another tough loss for the Fiercites, with only Aprix (10-10) hitting double digits, alongside Last Standing, Spawnisen, Kado, and Apok.

    HOT: John Juan

    NOT: Last Standing (3-10), who was anything but. I'm not even angry with you, I'm just disappointed.


    Dudgeon vs. You2be

    A great showing from up-and-comers You3be, managing 40 kills against the imposing might of Dudgeon, as euforia (17-10) led all javs, ahead of carling (11-10), Eren, pee pee sock, Stack, and Yojimbo.

    For their part, last year's TWLJ Finalists closed out strong, as team captain Zizzo (15-8) flashed some talent, leading Commodo (12-8), JAMAL (12-5), Dreamwin, and Omega Red (3-10) to the win.

    HOT: Zizzo
    HOT: euforia

    NOT: Omega Red


    Cobra vs. Potenza

    Cobra narrowly clinched this nail-biter, as fans narrowly clenched their buttholes in nervous anticipation -- which gives me the impression watching tight matches and showering in prison are a similar experience (and watching 1v1s TWLJ endings feeling just as long).

    Excellent death management by the Cobra-kai led to the W, as Shadowmere (14-9), Neymar (11-9), Trasher (5-9), and Kim (8-9) all survived on 9 to close Potenza out with superior numbers.

    A heartbreaking loss for the Italian Stallions, as Iron Surivor (13-10) and Haze (11-10) nearly carried the likes of Mark Stone, Okyo, and Shaun. Disappointing outings from the latter two, some of their strongest javs.

    HOT: Shadowmere
    NOT: Shaun


    Week 2

    Fierce vs. You2be

    Another competitive match, as Fierce slithered by in a 9 point game, with a sumptuous performance by EvilDeed, dropping the hammer with a 16-9.

    Apricot (12-7), 24, Kado, Last Standing, and Spawnisen all chipped in.

    For the You2bers, strong showing all around, with no one putting up less than 7 kills (Fiora, Fork, Shivah, Yojimbo), and euforia with a high score of 10.

    HOT: EvilDeed
    NOT: Spawnisen, with a mediocre 5-9, although probably not NOT worthy. Not Not. Who's there? Spawnisen. But not really. He's kinda, sorta here. Like you show up at his house, but he's working from home, ya know? So he's kinda there, but he's not really available. That kind of Not.


    Burn vs. LEGO

    Burn sizzled their way to another victory, as they started the season 12-0, thanks in part to monster performances like this one from Best (17-6), who smashed LEGO apart like a little brother going into your room while you're out, alongside Kira Tomato (11-7), who is great at violent family barbecues because he bleeds Heinz ketchup, and ?go base killer Tiny (9-5), who I'll be hosting a baby shower for. I'll be holding it in Dachau, in 1943. Don't forget to wear the cool Star of David I mailed you.

    For LEGO, Turban (10-10) and DSB (10-10) soared, while Spikey, Flew, df, Henry Saari, and TheWadoRooster sunk.

    HOT: Best
    NOT: So many good choices for this award in this game, it's like a buffet of suck. Between df's 0-4, to Flew's 1-5, to TheWadoRooster's 0-5 and spikey's 4-10... let's just say you're all winners in my eyes.


    Juans vs. Vikings

    In the battle for Scandinavia, John Juan (15-8) led the Finnish to the Finish, ahead of Ease (9-5), Steadman (10-5), Healt, and Tom Juan (9-4).

    For Denmark and the Vikings, the use of Harold Bluetooth wireless keyboards wasn't enough to save Major Crisis (9-10) and a plethora of 4-10 and 5-10s from Valker, uprise, hs, and Enf.

    HOT: John Juan
    NOT: The XL Pipeline bill being blocked by congress. Like Steadman's father, you will never gain its approval.


    Dudgeon vs. Cobra

    Shadowmere (12-10), Cloth, Creature, Neymar, Trasher, and Wax couldn't hold off the onslaught that was Commodo, who brought the house down with a monstrous 17-7.

    In his wake were Zizzo (14-6), JAMAL (5-4), dreamwin (5-6), and Rough (8-9).

    HOT: Commodo
    NOT: Creature, with a dyspeptic 1-6. As my man beam likes to tell Heaven every time he plays [INSERT ANY GAME EVER MADE HERE], you stink worse than blue cheese!


    Fierce vs. Cobra

    Apok (13-7) and co. went Sasha Fierce on Cobra, beating them by 11, as Spawnisen (12-9), Aprix (12-9), 24 (7-4), DEEZ NUTS, and Last Standing closed them out.

    On the not-so-winning side, Wax was resilient with 10-10, but Morph, Neymar, Shadowmere, and Zazerick went negative faster than a Republican political ad.

    HOT: Apok
    NOT: Last Standing, with a repugnant 2-7 on the winning team. Ouch! I recommend trying out this new cologne:

    It keeps the women away so you can focus on practicing jav non-stop 12 hours a day. (Side effects may include, but are not limited to: bad attitude, poor sportsmanship, inflated ego, deflated testicles, dry mouth, and League of Legends chat restriction.)


    Burn vs. Juans

    Tiny (16-6) made a big splash in Week 2, annihilating Juans, as he led Amnesti (11-9) and Zidane (7-2) to victory, alongside Kira and always on 9 Best (9-9).

    Healt (9-10), Tom Juan (7-10), John Juan (6-10), Steadman (6-10), and Ease (5-10) fell in surprising fashion, in a game most anticipated to be much closer.

    HOT: Tiny!
    NOT: Ease, who should spend less time becoming a lawyer and doing something with his life, and more time in javduel.


    Potenza vs. LEGO

    This might have been the closest TWLJ match of the first two weeks, as LEGO almost beat out a much better team in Potenza, as godking Turban put on a near-masterpiece with a monstrous 18-10 outing, but was sunk by poor play all around him in the form of df, dsb, flew, henry saari, and spikey, who all negged.

    Escaping by the skin of their teeth (enamel?), Okyo Drift (14-10) and Shaun the Sheep (12-7) managed to get the W along with Iron Survivor (12-1), Mark Stone (7-10), and Haze (5-10).

    HOT: turban
    NOT: Haze, with a doodoo 5-10 to match his personality


    Potenza vs. You2be

    Okyo once again helped carry Potenza to victory, hammering You2be with a Herculean 15-10, ahead of Mark Stone (9-7), Shaun (8-5), Dwarf-sized cock (7-6), and Iron Survivor.

    Fiora, euforia, genitalia, Heismania, Yojimbo and Fork all fell to the flying P.

    HOT: Okyo
    NOT: Yojimbo, who shamed Akira Kurosawa with an ignoble 1-6. Expect your sword in the mail within 1-6 weeks to perform seppuku, you have shamed your family. You doctor yet?!


    Dudgeon vs. Vikings

    Finally, we end on Commodo (15-7) and Zizzo (12-5) taking down Vikings by 22, ahead of Participant trophy collector and Dudgeon Mascot Heaven (8-6), Rough, Omega Red, and Stayon.

    Major Crisis managed a 10-10, but no one else broke 6, falling alongside Enf, Ison, uprise, and Valker, Texas Ranger.

    HOT: Heaven, for going positive. Nice work, you piece of poop!
    NOT: People who Heaven outkilled: Rough, Stayon, Enf, Ison, uprise, Valker. If you don't have a sword like Yojimbo to fall on, I recommend attending Tiny's baby shower.
    Last edited by ogron; 10-10-2015, 08:01 PM.
    top 100 basers list


    • #3

      Writing pieces for all sixteen games in the first week is too much work, especially after doing it thirty-two for TWLD and TWLJ, so I'll try to do something a little different to knock TWLB out before Week 3 starts to catch up.

      So after two weeks, we've gotten a good look at all eight basing squads, and I would stratify them thusly:

      Tier 1 - Dudgeon, Burn
      Tier 2 - Fierce, Cobra, Lego
      Tier 3 - Vikings
      Tier 4 - You2be, Paladen

      Dudgeon and Burn are the two favorites, no surprise with most of their players coming back from last season's Thunder/Dudgeon Final.

      Fierce's core is mostly Royal, which finished third, but has had serious show issues, which hopefully will be solved come playoff time, and has been underwhelming thus far, which is surprising considering they were pegged pre-season as clear dark horse favorites and in Tier 2 by themselves, but Cobra made some last minute additions of quality veteran basers like Cranium, and LEGO stabilized the bleeding with the key addition of Turban, while retaining key players like Zizu, Spikey, Vatican Assassin, and NL>Trigger. All three of those squads have upset/dark horse potential if their full lines show.

      In Week 1, LEGO surprised everyone by going toe-to-toe with Burn, losing 15:00-12:30, with NL>Trigger putting on a stunning performance in terrier, notching a sizzling 48-8, matching Cape (43-7, 1 tek) blow-for-blow. Markmrw seems to have made a nice leap in shark, playing alongside DSB, while Turban/TJ Hazuki/Producer/Mean Gene put in solid spidering performances and pushing hard. It proved to not be enough, as Zidane/ph sharked ahead of diakka/Ogron/kess/hulk/M_M God for the W.

      The biggest upset of the week, that sent shockwaves throughout the basing world, was Vikings knocking off Fierce 15:00-12:16, with Cripple/wbm/Sphinx not showing.

      Banks MVP'd with a 112-49, alongside Steep with a 111-49, handling Fierce's spiders, as wily veterans Ephemeral in shark and warportal (37-7) in terr helped seal the victory, as Enf and Major Crisis negged leading the push, with a clear understanding that it's minutes, not kills, that matter.

      LEGO showed Vikings who was boss, however, dunking them 15:00-4:38, Jones (60-53) looked so far out of his element, physicists at CERN thought they'd discovered a new particle observing the game. NL>Trigger (36-2) once again terred like a pro, as Spikey and Turban took over in spider, and trampled over them. Said Wazzaaa after the match: "I'd never been manhandled like that before. So dominated and... constrained. I think I learned something about myself today. Do they sell ballgags on eBay?"

      Cobra and Burn got no-show wins against Potenza, who were relegated and replaced with You2be, while Dudgeon aced Paladen, while Cobra held them to a minute and a half.

      What should have been the match of the week turned into a rather rote win for Dudgeon, as they took down Fierce 15:00-5:22. Everett (24-5) was solid in terr, making his debut alongside veteran shark DOWNFALL (2.9 RPD), as Sphinx and USOI got online as well, but it was too little, too late against a full Dudgeon line.

      Zizzo notched a nice 40-1 ahead of Commodo/Porkjet, with dreamwin/JAMAL/mcvicar/Omega Red/Stayon in spider.

      Week 2 saw Dudgeon ace You2be in their first match, while Burn did the same to Paladen.

      Vikings bested You2be in a decent 15:00-5:28 game, showing that they are clearly in a Tier of their own handling scrubs and upsetting Fierce, as Flion, Gurliver and Wazzaaa led their spider contingent, with Ephemeral/Valker proving a steady hand in shark ahead of warportal (29-4).

      pee pee sock managed an impressive 85-58 despite his team's strength, while euforia (42-8), ever a liability in terrier, acquitted himself decently behind raizin and Heisman in shark.

      After impressing against Burn, LEGO regressed against Dudgeon, possibly due to adding smoremaker-in-chief Henry Saari, who would have been a perfect fit on Marshmellow Marines, but definitely because Turban wasn't in the game. This, combined with the demotion of TJ Hazuki, among other things, has shown that df isn't equipped to run a serious TWLB squad with veteran players, and will definitely affect their chances at success going forward.

      NL>Trigger (30-6) once again impressed, despite his team getting outkilled by 100, and has been their best player thus far this season, which isn't a surprise given how much time he puts in in ?go base practicing. If he wasn't so valuable in spider, I'd start him over an inactive Zizu.

      For Dudgeon, Mikkiz aced with a 24-0, with Commodo/porkjet in shark, and JAMAL (98-38) leading dreamwin (80-36), mcvicar, omega red, and Zizzo.

      Fierce smushed Paladen 15:00-2:45, as Cripple/sphinx/aprix/Oder/wbm ran them over, behind DOWNFALL/Geio in shark, and Everett (25-2) in terr.

      Paladen put up a respectable three minutes, with Jessup in terr, Dour/Rinse in shark, and Afri/Axwell/Mad Jack/Plasma/Racketeer in spider.

      Cobra took care of business against Vikings, with Trasher/Megalo/Ricko/Skatarius/squallFF8 trampling them 15:00-4:02, with Wax picking up a 27-2 in terr, guarded by menelvagor and rodney.

      The closest game of the week was Fierce vs. Lego, as superstar Cripple (115-44) and Apricot (112-38) led Sphinx/wbm/Kado in spider, Oder/Downfall in shark, and Everett (40-3, 2 Teks) with a sublime performance in terr.

      The Legonians once-again had NL>Trigger (41-8) putting up strong numbers, with DSB/Markmrw in shark, ahead of Henry Saari/Jammu/Producer/TJ Hazuki/Turban in spider, but fell 15:00-10:20.

      What some expected to be the match of the week, turned into a complete blowout, as Burn trounced Cobra 15:00-0:44.

      Cape (14-1) had a quiet but effective game in terr, with Zidane (3.1 RPD) and Hulk (3.0 RPD) in shark, and diakka/Ogron/kess/Hellkite/M_M God in spider.

      For Cobra, Wax and Trasher shared terring/spidering duties, with menelvagor and rodney in shark, and Megalo/Ricko/squallFF8/skatarius in ship 3.

      Tiny wanted me to mention his 12-0 ace versus Paladen, so I'm affording it the font size his accomplishment warrants.

      After two weeks, this leaves Burn and Dudgeon at 4-0, Cobra at 3-1, Fierce and Vikings at 2-2, LEGO at 1-3, while Paladen and You2be look for their first win.

      Heading into Week 3, there are three big matches to look forward to:

      1. Dudgeon vs. Burn (5pm EST)
      The two heavy favorites to win TWLB go head-to-head, and is definitely a must-watch.

      2. Cobra vs. Fierce (5pm EST)
      Unfortunately, the other game to watch is at the same fucking time, which is incredibly annoying from a viewership perspective, as the two best dark horse candidates go toe-to-toe. Given what I've seen from both squads, this could go either way. Cobra has shown their veteran starters consistently and Cranium is set to make his debut, but if Fierce's top line shows, I think they have a slight edge. Could go either way.

      3. Dudgeon vs. Cobra (4pm EST)
      I can't see Dudgeon losing this, or it even being particularly close, but there's a ton of veteran talent on Cobra, and some true legends like Trasher and Cran, so it could be close or interesting under the right circumstances.

      While everyone makes the playoffs, there is a big difference between finishing 4th and 5th, as fourth gets a cushion to lose once in the Winner's bracket, while fifth gets seeded into the Loser's bracket and remains in a win or die situation for the entire duration. Given that Dudgeon and Burn will likely take two of those spots, that leaves two Winner's bracket spots for Fierce, Cobra, LEGO, and Vikings, so these matches do matter.

      Fierce (2-2) has Cobra, You2be, and Burn left, making their Cobra match extremely important.

      Cobra (3-1) has Fierce, Dudgeon, and LEGO left. Expect those Fierce/Cobra matches to be huge swings in placement.

      LEGO (1-3) has You2be, Paladen, and Cobra left. They should beat the first two, making their Week 4 match exciting to watch vs. Cobra.

      Vikings (2-2) has Paladen, Burn, and Dudgeon left, so their final record is likely already settled at 3-4.

      Good luck in your matches this Sunday!
      Last edited by ogron; 10-11-2015, 02:35 AM.
      top 100 basers list


      • #4

        WB OF THE WEEK: Kentaro
        Kentaro has been an absolute force to be reckoned with the first two weeks of play, going 16-8, 11-6, 11-8, and 14-10 in a tough loss to TWLD champions Fierce, and well deserving of this award.

        JAV OF THE WEEK: Tiny & Commodo
        Tiny, for his sublime 16-6 performance against Juans, tearing them apart at the seams, and Commodo for his monster 17-7 against Cobra, leading his team to the W. Nice work!

        BASER OF THE WEEK: NL>Trigger
        He has had the toughest schedule, the least to work with, and performed spectacularly in every match in the most crucial ship. He's kept games close even when his team is getting outkilled by over 100, which is extremely tough to do and indicative of great terring.
        Last edited by ogron; 10-11-2015, 02:44 AM.
        top 100 basers list


        • #5
          Good stuff! glad someone stepped up and did this


          • #6
            These are good summaries for those who dont watch every game. I like the humorous element too, a lot made me laugh. keep up the good work


            • #7
              Whohoooow thanks claus
              Rudy> Maisoul has a history of making men out of girls. Something in his physiology.

              Morgane> was that fun?
              waxer> like the first time i had sex, i cried
              Morgane> u really cried the first time u had sex?
              waxer> LOl,no
              waxer> im just like kthx, i never had sex


              • #8
                Nice work Claus, appreciated
                1:Foreign> i screenshot every time i get mvp in javs
                1:pascone> folder is empty :/
                1:Tiny> LOL
                1:Mega Newbie> uhauhauhauhauhauha

                1:Ricko> i havent played so well and gone 4-7 before


                • #9
                  I called the comeback of HON's eventually. Voilá.

                  We had no TWL op, no HON's, nothing. Just plain disbelief that we the common people had "what you deserve".

                  After a series of events, sad attempts and moans the past few weeks, culminating with last sunday, things are now going at full steam, now that TW is saved and fixed.

                  kess> esse gajo é o maior lambe botas


                  • #10
                    Lmaooooo this is great
                    1:Da1andonly> korven plays subspace from a 1978 microwave

                    Grab a piece of paper. Place a dot in the middle of it. Draw a small circle around the dot, and leave the rest open. The dot represents your knowledge. It's what you know. It is the limit of your mind's capacity. The circle around the dot is everything that you don't know - but you know that it exists. And the rest of the paper is everything that you didn't even know that you'd never know - that exists or has the potential to exist.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Stayon View Post
                      I called the comeback of HON's eventually. Voilá.

                      We had no TWL op, no HON's, nothing. Just plain disbelief that we the common people had "what you deserve".

                      After a series of events, sad attempts and moans the past few weeks, culminating with last sunday, things are now going at full steam, now that TW is saved and fixed.

                      kess> esse gajo é o maior lambe botas
                      People did get what they deserve -- getting massacred by Burn, Dudgeon, and Fierce all season.

                      "We the common people"

                      You're not part of the common people. You've played on stacked squads every year. The one time you didn't, you acted like a 12-year old baby and dissolved the squad rather than risk losing, which is pathetic.

                      TW isn't saved, and the league would have been much better with changes in place. I would shut the fuck up about what people deserve and how you "called HoN returning. voila." with that smarmy fucking shit-eating attitude, unless you want me to remove you from being mentioned in every HoN, because if anyone doesn't deserve to read about themselves and gain any enjoyment from it, it's a selfish pos like you who's never contributed anything to the zone.
                      Last edited by ogron; 10-09-2015, 03:11 PM.
                      top 100 basers list


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Stayon View Post
                        I called the comeback of HON's eventually. Voilá.

                        We had no TWL op, no HON's, nothing. Just plain disbelief that we the common people had "what you deserve".

                        After a series of events, sad attempts and moans the past few weeks, culminating with last sunday, things are now going at full steam, now that TW is saved and fixed.

                        kess> esse gajo é o maior lambe botas
                        You know what, you've reminded me why I don't want to contribute to this zone -- shitty people like you.

                        I'm done with this, write your own fucking Hot or Nots.
                        top 100 basers list


                        • #13
                          this is a community driven game, and when the people contributing to the community gets shit on by those who do nothing but complain .. well, this happens. sorry to hear that.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Claushouse View Post
                            You know what, you've reminded me why I don't want to contribute to this zone -- shitty people like you.

                            I'm done with this, write your own fucking Hot or Nots.

                            GJ stayon, way to ruin the fun.
                            1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                            • #15
                              Community driven indeed
                              And thanks claushouse got a smile out of reading the updates here is a smile for you ; )

