Overrated and Underhanded:
The false legacy of Dice in TWLB
The false legacy of Dice in TWLB
Watching Stayon and Mega cry nonstop in these forums and perpetuating hilariously inaccurate myths about themselves and how amazing they are is entertaining, but at some point it gets grating.
Let's debunk the Dice Myth (with a special message for Stayon and Mega about Sunday's Final at the end!)
I'm not going into depth with the early formative seasons of TWLB with random damage, insane lag, cram having the extra block, and CE usage (a former Dice basing champion says he watched Dice win S8 and their sharks were using CE to shorten their death timers, which coincides with Merce using CE in the S8 TWLJ Finals), I'll focus on the modern era.
Dice falls apart ala S21 and misses playoffs. Penetrate defeats Pirates.
Dice defeats Respect in the finals. Good win.
Dice gets knocked out by the original Pandora they had abused for years in the Semi-Finals. Penetrate wins again.
This is the first season where a squad outside of Penetrate gets their act together and starts to stack as hard as Dice in the form of Sage. In fact, they went completely overboard, and had the most stacked TWLB team of all-time.

Sage was the best team S15 by a mile. Dice actually had someone on their team who knew Glavitik (Sage's best spider) set up a camping trip with him on the day of the finals. It took that, and legendary captain menelvagor benching Mattey (their best shark) and Cranium (their second-best shark) for himself (legendary choke artist who bombs his own terr in crucial moments), with some luck and Cape sub-in heroics to win. In fact, Sage even had more minutes won in the final than Dice, they just weren't as ideally spread out across all 3 rounds.
It's actually a pretty impressive upset and win, but once again Dice avoids playing either the best team or the best line (a common theme.)
The season they claim the greatest Dice squad of all-time played. Except for the fact Thunder was as strong if not stronger:

Thunder was a dominant team that season, with Zizu still close to his S15 prime in terr, Mattey/Riverside/Zidane in shark, and Ease/Turban/Shayde/M_M God/Hulk in spider. The lack of double-elimination brackets in most seasons meant oftentimes the finals weren't the two best teams, and Ease and Shayde unable to show to the Semis meant a middling Penetrate line upset them 20-19 and went to the finals instead. Dice never even played the other best team in the playoffs that season.
The worst final I've ever seen, Dice stomps Pene in an un-competitive match. It's such a bore they even sub-in LF partway into the second round as added insult, and still win easily.
Dice split up, forming potential Finals contenders in Sage and Sweet, but Mega/Cripp got axed in a fight with Riverside, and Stayon emo'd and dissolved Sage after a loss, ruining their season. Their motto becomes "S17 doesn't count because we didn't play together." A Thunder-ized Pandora wins.
Dice reforms and stacks with an all-time great spider line, their two best sharks in history, and Zizu in terr. They plan to re-assert their dominance. They take on the S17 champs Pandora in the finals. The first round is 16-15 for Pandora but there's bot issues. M_M God declares the round void and to be replayed completely. Pandora wins the next round 20-16, and goes up 1-0. Pandora is then up 19-12 with Dice in the spawn and Pandora in complete control of the FR and cram when the bots die and the zone is getting DDOS'd. M_M God declares Pandora the winner.
Dice spends the next four years pretending they didn't lose, and Mega goes around forums claiming Dice has never lost a final in a long-running delusion. Their motto is now "S18 doesn't count because bots died."
Dicegeon forms, and they beat Thunder in the finals. Thunder's best player Mattey is missing, but they didn't send him on a camping trip, so that's not their problem. I have no issue with this win -- they won fair and square.
Dicegeon defends their title and loses to Burn. Their new motto is "every season after Dice S16 is a joke", even though they never even beat the actual other best team that year, or played Sage's best line the year prior.
Dice flops after burning their bridges with quality players like Commodo (who Stayon blamed for them losing S20). Commodo takes his talents to Cobra and proceeds to take a giant dump on Dice. Missing players, they see an opportunity to weasel out of losing with the other Semi-Final possibly going too long, and everyone logs off. The match starts on-time, making them look incredibly stupid. They then start-up the Dice myth-engine, going ham on forums crying about how no one would have beaten S16-prime Dice over and over and over again, claiming they never lose anything, and everything after S16 is a joke (S21 is a joke, and basing has fallen off a cliff this year, but S12-S20 are fairly comparable.)
Mega and Stayon big babies that are mad someone burst their bubble, stacked as hard as they do, and don't bench their best players (Spezza S13, Mattey/Cranium S15, etc.) in the Finals to give them easier titles, and they're lashing out in the only place they can still compete -- forums.
Head TWL op Markmrw thinks you should be eliminated for the garbage you pulled last Sunday, and agreed that the Semis shouldn't be same day as finals, but Cobra have been generous and we're going to give you one last chance to beat us.
Or maybe you just wanna hang around forums all day bragging about how you beat 7-star players like Tim, Zung, and Evul when no one gave a shit 10 years ago, I dunno.
So get in the Official S21 Dicemobileā¢ and face us.
