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Predictions question?

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  • Predictions question?

    question about predictions?

    i see a lot of predictions where they post the score at 5001-5000

    obviously not a close call is it just a filler cause they dont want to be bothered?

    i see some where they picked the 5001 for the opposite team they chose as the winner...

    so they show the score as 5001-5000 in favor of the team they think will lose...

    but it happens a lot...

    is it just one of those lazy assed things?
    or is it for a reason? lol
    Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

  • #2
    The only example I see of 5001 - 5000 in favor of the loser is for OUR (War Angels) predictions, which is probably because 99% of them were for Camisade, and it just substituted our name in for theirs when we got their spot. Maybe it messed up the predictions. Every other squad's predictions are fine.


    • #3
      I think ppl just do it so they don't bother with the score guessing, its just like saying Team A - 1 : Team B - 2

      So in essence Team B wins by 1 point, but of course it doesn't happen, its to spare guessing the score, cuz its a toughie, quite often resulting in a burden just to think about it
      Failure teaches success.


      • #4
        I think he's talking about where it's like this prediction:

        War Angels - 5001
        Elusive - 5000
        Winner: Elusive

        It's screwed up because it says the winner is the person with less points.

