Me thinks I was forced into dodging a bullet; after seeing the crap people put you through Epi. On the bright side, it should be good practice for your bedside manner .
ya we did put him through some tuff crap and he did handle most cases good ...and he did a very well job last season and i imagine will help alot this season
Originally posted by rusher It nice to know our league Op didnt go further than his own squadchat to find the right man for running the league.
If you are refering to Epi and I, this was before I joined Elusive, a ways before season 6. And I didnt mean to imply that I could have run TWL, just had a couple offers to volunteer turned down is all
Also it might have the effect that they will do anything (even too much) to make the decision "not biased" so it will harm Spastic aswell... If you know what I mean :/
Mantra brings up a very good point here, nontheless I have faith in the selected TWL ops, its their decision.
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
Well not Cpt is gone and PUsher back in, so now we got ourselves a buncha guys from different places. Just curious tho, isnt Pusher/P_L deans on staff? gonna get cramed with work doin that and TWL stuff.