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Sharking with/against a cram.

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  • Sharking with/against a cram.

    Okay I have a couple questions here....

    1. Where do you mine? or do you even mine on the defense?
    2. Where is a good place to repel on the attack and defense?

  • #2
    mine so you kill bad guys and not your own. rep the bad guys when they're about to kill good guys or are going to get into base.

    any idiot can shark, dude.



    • #3
      Originally posted by aiee
      mine so you kill bad guys and not your own. rep the bad guys when they're about to kill good guys or are going to get into base.

      any idiot can shark, dude.

      sure any idiot can shark, but few use the intelligence to be a good/great shark
      Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


      • #4
        i like to shark so i take this as an insult! prepare for war and stinky eggs!


        • #5
          -_-;; could you please elaborate bosshawk?


          • #6
            Any idiot CAN shark, any idiot CAN play instruments, any idiot can do anything, it's all about the quality.

            Usually when a shark mines on defense, he's ABSOLUTELY sure they won't get repped into entrance, on attack, it's effective to get the terr away from leaning to the nub, usually that guarantees a good entrance if the enemy sharks don't attach RIGHT then.
            6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

            Originally posted by Dreamwin
            3 league vet


            • #7
              Re: Sharking with/against a cram.

              Originally posted by Dameon Angell
              Okay I have a couple questions here....

              1. Where do you mine? or do you even mine on the defense?
              2. Where is a good place to repel on the attack and defense?
              1. As Phren said, I never mine at any spot where I'm unsure as to whether or not the mine could be repped back into my cram. Usually, if I have time, I'll mine way low, to the left and right (or sometimes below) the bar in lower.
              2.) When and where you repel depends on how well you're working with your other shark. I always just try to stay alive, repping and eating enemy bullets, just long enough for my other shark to jump in behind me as I die. Sometimes it's a good idea to sit right in the midst of your spiders whilst repping. If you go too far down in lower, there's a chance the enemy can get between you and your cram. This can be dangerous.
              jasonofabitch loves!!!!


              • #8
                Keep an eye on your energy bar. Knowing just when to rep when you're low on energy thus conserving reps often separates the good sharks from the great ones.

                (No, I'm not great.)
                5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                • #9
                  fear jason, he's pro.

                  but seriously now, any idiot can shark well because i can.
                  There once was a man from Nantucket.


                  • #10
                    I close my eyes and rep, I have no idea why people pick me in ?go base........shit, I used to be a good spider before I got in this damn ship.


                    • #11
                      1 bad mine is all it takes to break a cram. Sometimes you get away with one but usually you're kicking yourself for opening the gates to the enemy.

                      You have 3, maybe more reps. Don't be a spaz, make them count.


                      • #12
                        This is a stupid thread.


                        • #13
                          im not going to tell everything i think on how to be a good shark and how some wind up being bad sharks. just watch a successful team in twbd though and watch what their sharks do and how they work together.
                          Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                          apt>yes u can wtf
                          apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                          apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                          apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                          Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                          apt>ill show you pictures
                          apt>next time I masturbate


                          • #14
                            This is clockwork little buddy of mine.

                            Now you are reffering to cram defense, there is no "set" time when to rep, when to mine, EVER. You have to judge this for yourself, based on experience.

                            1. For me, if I'm in the middle of transitional repping with another shark in cram position, I won't EVER mine, the only time you mine is when you are certain the terrier won't port out when rushing you. Then you drop a mine on his sorry ass. Prior to getting into rep position you can mine anywhere you want, as long as its not reppable into entrance tunnel or anywhere near the general area. I prefer saving my mines and chasing terr around mid base and dropping mines as his retarded teammates dettach. That is always fun.

                            2. On cram defense, your cram is only as good as your sharks transitional flow of time reps. If you are repping like wild monkeys with no coordination or base entrance awareness, your team is as good as Michael Jacksons career. Again, when you have the option to freely use reps, It is up to you to judge it. No one call tell you how to play shark, but they can tell you what works for them, and what possible paths you can take as a shark.

                            In most cases if you are not sharking with an adept shark, you will find yourself attaching with your entrance about to be mauled by angry newbies who think they are eliter than me, hoho. So you place your shark behind the 90 degree angle corners of the battle neck and rep. If you are able to push them far enough out that you can move from behind there without dying immediately. I like to sit INBETWEEN the battleneck, and take bullets for the cram while timing my reps when i hit 600 energy, knowing full well that the next bullet can kill me. You NEVER want to die with reps, note to self. A lot of players prefer rushing out into the offense when they are blank on reps, I for one don't look highly upon this, but those retards think it's elite. But again it's your choice as to how you want to die, and how the situation fits. In some cases if you're pushing hard enough, YOU CAN rush into the offense and drop mines, as long as its DIRECTLY on top of people. But usually I end my life by moving toward the enemy from center of battle neck opening strafing left to right catching bullets. And I can't stress enough, make sure you die only when you have seen the other shark attach to your terrier. Dying earlier is a sign of shark newbieness. Yet 95% of the sharks in the league do this, yet they are claimed to be elite. You have to time your reps and death accordingly. You never want to move into cram position and use all your reps back to back to back, only use it when you need to, always while moving toward the enemy. Sitting still repping wont do you any good, you might as well go to spec and let the spiders do that.

                            On Attack, you do a bit of timing as well, both sharks should never be dead at the same time. Or else the offensive push is killed and terrier is forced to retreat, unless spiders are able to hold down the defensive push. Just be creative with your positioning, I like to hide behind walls and rep, or sometimes just sit infront of spiders. Again , it depends on the situation and the ships being used.

                            Another thing, Shark is not meant to just rep, the main point of the shark is to defend spiders. When In flag battles or any other part of the base map, run infront of your spiders, and strafe back and forth. While repping when needed to protect your spids. If you have 4 spids who are each able tos hoot 8 shots and not get hit during that time. You have done your fucking job.

                            Flag room - Defending your own terrier and spiders comes before putting pressure on enemy terrier. Really you could write 10 pages on how to play Shark in every possible moment and when to attack and so forth. But I learned to shark within a week of playing Trench Wars. It's all about Game Awareness and Discipline.

                            PS: Double Rep on Mines and Reps, or the shraps will eat your team alive.

                            PSS: Yes I am smashed as fuck at 4 am. Bye.



                            • #15
                              or you can just lag

