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Let's get the best squads into TWL

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  • #46
    Thats why i said have a small tourny @ the end. U will have ur top squads in TWD make it. Im sure PUMA wont be #4 again. Then u'll have the other squads farther back in the ladder who will duke it out for the last spots. And squads like PUma/Cripz/Elenya will be in the tourny, but wont win enuff to make it to TWL, and the better squads will make it.


    • #47
      Just remembered two squads that for some reason aren't on ladder.


      WR should definitely be in twlb, while provoke has chance at last open spots....not sure if they dissolved or something.


      • #48
        Why should WR be on the ladder? We don't play TWLB anymore.


        • #49

          Originally posted by Cig Smoke
          Thats why i said have a small tourny @ the end. U will have ur top squads in TWD make it. Im sure PUMA wont be #4 again. Then u'll have the other squads farther back in the ladder who will duke it out for the last spots. And squads like PUma/Cripz/Elenya will be in the tourny, but wont win enuff to make it to TWL, and the better squads will make it.
          Interesting Idea
          I came, I saw, I lagged out... :rolleyes:


          • #50
            All I know is that every time I see PUMA at #3 on ladder I get pissed off ;P

            Well, not really, but it's annoying.
            - k2


            • #51
              LOL i agree, the 1st thought through my mind is, WHY ARE THEY THERE? then i remember.

              But if u ended it today, of course puma would get into TWL, even if we did a tournylike i said. But i imagine after the reset, other squad will be trying to make it and the real squads will rise to the top of the ladder. Puma mite sneak upto 9-10th spot, but if u do some kinda tourny or somethign they'll havta do well in that to make TWL. Like i said b4, i only listed somethin off the top of my head, and i didnt think it through well, but it seems like something that would work if someone thought it through good.

              1)provoke died months ago
              2) WR says they dont TWLB, but who knows till TWD resets, they just mite. Why else would they still have basers on there roster. + they just plain old suck in everything else. They are actualy respectable basers, they can make TWLJ, but they wont perform well in it.


              • #52
                Originally posted by lunch3
                ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
                Hell yes.
                "Have Guns and Travel SubSpace / Continuum" -KJW

                Paladen Website


                KJW: 'He stole my MVP!'


                • #53
                  IF Paladen decides to get there act togther a little bit, and get some practice in i think they would be TWLB worthy. If they get a terr, and Yomama active they wont win TWLB, but they will make it and do alrite in it. Terr- someone, Sharks - kjw/mama, jav -bobr, spider- rest. Not to shabby of a lineup. Ur sharks would be on the top 1/2 of squads w/ best shark pair. U'd also have 1 of the best ever base javs, and if he remembers whats important (not rec) he is very deadly in it still.


                  • #54
                    I saw Paladen racking up some wb wins too. Not too shabby at all =D. Keep it up.


                    • #55
                      Ya chewy is determined to get paladen back into TWL. Me and him were talking about it the one day, i think if he keeps dedicated and dont get frustrated, bc recruiting "elite" guys to paladen rite now is a hard thing to do, but maybe after this coming TWL, if they make it show they are still worthy, maybe they'll rack in some nice recruits, but he cant get frustrated.


                      • #56
                        I think people are getting too anal, the system is fine, tweak it if you must (more points for playing playoff squads seems like a good idea), but seriously, teams have good days and bad, if you set up this tournament, you could easily catch some great teams on a bad day and they could be eliminated because half their squad had a family reunion that weekend and the other half had to work.

                        there's no way to guarantee that the best squads will get in because this is a game, not a job, so just set up the parameters, let people know what they have to do, and see who does it.

                        Even fi puma doesn't deserve the 3rd spot or whatever, at least they're showing at they're motivated and they're active.

                        Whether other people are working the system or not, if a squad can't grab that 16th spot and gets left out, they didn't deserve to be in anyway.
                        Last edited by bloodzombie; 02-10-2004, 02:49 PM.
               - Gallileo's racist thread

                        "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                        • #57
                          I agree BZ, the giving pionts or nething is a good thing to do. Im just naming some other ideas that came to my head, by no mean to i expect them to be used at all, but do u really think someone like PUMA deserves to be in TWLB? Sure u'll get the majarity of squads in, but why did we even have everyone requalify? We'll ahve the same basica squads in, and u'll have the same bottom 2-3 in each league draggin behind just like BS/NS/Cripz were. Like i said all u had to do was eliminate the bottom 3 + the squads taht disbanned and u would of had clear enuff space for the deserving new squads to make TWLB. Now u have 10+ spots for neone to make, and in TWBD ne squad who is active enuff can make top 10, and u gotta remember to - the playoff squads outa the counting. I agree tho, there is no real way to get all teh rite squads, or have all competative squads, nor do i think there should be all bc u'll have a lower "tier" of squads no matter what, but i think we are wasting our time having everyone have to requalify.


                          • #58
                            I think the idea of making people requalify was to get rid of the few squads that got grandfathered in and then never won any games last season (british squad).

                            I don't really know much about puma, but yes, I think they deserve to be in, because they're active and they really want in and they're motivated enough to do something about it. you can argue that they're cheesey in their methods, but who would deserve their spot if they didn't get it? the 17th place squad?

                            When accepting 16 squads, as far as I can tell, we're basically taking anyone that wants in. how many squads will really want in, and not be able to make the top 16? only ones that don't deserve it.
                   - Gallileo's racist thread

                            "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                            • #59
                              Well that 17th place squad mite be Juice, who plays squads liek RB/Spastic blah blah and so on, while pumaplays Elenya as there best game.

                              I agree, but u could of removed again the bottom 3 squads, they were the 3 that grandfathered into the league (ns/bs/cripz) and still had alot of squads woh are now again gonna requalify. I think its all a waste of time and it was stupid to make them all requalify. Everyone said it was to make the league mroe competative, if were accepting neone then obviously it didnt.


                              • #60
                                I'd suggest a team like Juice to ask PUMA for a game at a set time during the weekends. That was you have something a bit more concrete. You could even make it a series of games in wb jav and basing or 3 basing games in a row ... best of 3.

