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TWDT2010 Playoff Semi-Final Recap

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  • TWDT2010 Playoff Semi-Final Recap

    I decided its harder to write a HOT or NOT for games in this format, so I'm just going to make it a recap.


    I "hosted" the Underground vs. Ez or Wut game so we might as well start there since I got to watch all 3 of the games. In the first round, Ez or Wut more or less controlled the whole game. Ease (10-10) got a few deaths early and was forced to stay outside-ish base and snipe in on 9. He managed to get a few kills, but the rest of his team was "running from Creature's bullets...not even bombs, bullets." All of Ez or Wut's players went positive, but Dreamwin (12-10) earned the MVP and Zizzo (11-6) turned in the best rec. In the next round, Underground recovered a bit, especially Ease (16-9) who took over the game and refused to let his team go down around him. Zidane (13-7) has had a stellar season and was also very good, which was convenient because Turban (7-10, 5-10) and Struck (5-10, 6-10) were not for the 2nd straight game. Zizzo (16-10) once again had the best rec for Ez or Wut, while dreamwin (3-10) went from MVP to the doghouse. In the deciding game, Underground was just the superior team. Turban (14-7) finally turned himself around and the rest of the team was positive or better. It should be noted that Ease switched in I.D. at the start of the 2nd round and his team sailed much smoother after that. Sakke struggled most for Ez or Wut in the last round (3-10 with a TK)

    The other semi-final went much more quickly. Similarly to the other game, the captain of the winning team MVP'd the first round as Draft (14-10) took Ruby's business into his own hands, while M_M God (4-10) struggled to do the same for Candy King. Also, Jamal (10-6) proved once again that he is a pretty good 3-league player, while Burnt (8-10) could not quite prove the same. In the 2nd game, Draft benched himself, but his replacement Cape (18-8) simply went to town on Candy King. He scored 4 of the last 5 kills by himself to seal the deal for Ruby and all of his teammates went positive. M_M God replaced himself with Minotar/Phyre (2-5/1-5). Fludd (2-10) was the most disappointing player in the arena, since you expect your higher drafted players to come through when your team needs them.

    MVP- No idea who to give this to, but decided that I had to give it to Ease for being the only player in the tougher match to go even or better in all 3 rounds. In addition he carried his team in the 2nd round.
    Honorable Mention- Cape, Draft, Zidane, Zizzo

    LVP- Decided this was a tie between the players in each match who cost their team the win most: Sakke and Fludd
    Dishonorable Mention-M_M God, Minotar/PhyRe, Burnt
    Last edited by Black Mage; 08-16-2010, 07:25 PM.
    When I stab you, you stay stabbed.

    T0MA> play like a man

  • #2

    Candy King came in as the favorites to win TWLB, but Ruby knocked off Top5Squad last week in a similar underdog role and were the better team all game today too. I've been writing all year that Ruby had the talent to go all the way, and they've done everything right in the playoffs, including pristine attendance (the best example to show is that Cape, Spezza <TW>, and Raples all showed up today, but were benched due to better players being available). Draft decided to terr himself, despite some different players getting a few chances during the year, and he looked pretty good. Fire Phoenix (88-81) continued his dominant (and pretty much non-laggy) ways, scoring 2 more TeKs than the other team combined (in addition to the 7 more his teammates had). Jamal (142-60), of course, did what Jamal does best: kill sharks and enemy spiders with his own spider. Ruby even survived Dwopple amassing an impressive (yet potentially disastrous) 12 TKs, although his play otherwise was very good (had almost as many kills as the rest of the sharks in the game combined). Trasher (119-79) led Candy King in defeat, but his spiders and Burnt were not the problem...missing starting sharks were.

    The other game was even closer, but eventually Ez or Wut prevailed over Underground in a rematch from Week 7. I only got to see the end of the game, so people can fill in anything I missed or got wrong in the comments. Tabarnak!!! told me after the game that he was the difference, repping dald's bombs that seemed unreppable to other sharks. Glavitik (132-58) earned the MVP for the 2nd straight time against Underground, and he had by far the best record for Underground. Raspi (130-82, 8 TeKs) outplayed the aforementioned dald (100-81, 14 TKs, 9 TeKs), especially when considering teamkills. I.D. (135-77) had the best game for Underground in spider and Brookus managed 50 kills in terrier, but the lack of elite sharks did in Underground again. Dreamwin got the win in terr, which means we get a championship featuring two captain terriers (that a lot of people tend to think aren't great or shouldn't terr themselves).

    MVP- Glavitik put up a beastly rec, but Jamal's was even beastier in less gametime.
    Honorable Mention- Tabarnak!!!, FP <ER>, Trasher, Raspi, Glavitik, I.D., Dwopple

    LVP- Candy King's sharks (Vatican Assassin and G.I. Joe_) who failed to show.
    Dishonorable Mention- Dald, Struck, zeebu, Pressure Drop
    When I stab you, you stay stabbed.

    T0MA> play like a man


    • #3

      The credit for Top5Squad's dueling victory over Candy King can only go to one person (and here's a hint, it's not Vys)... why it's BlackMage of course for a superb job filling in as cap for Jaa's emoness. All joking aside, Jaa's been raging all week about his basers. But seriously, Vys did come up big (16-8) in round 1. It was really a slaughter from the start, with Mythril (7-0 start, 10-4 finish) exclaiming that "[Candy King] might have had the worst teaming I've ever seen." Welt (3-10) did poorly for Candy King (among others) and only killed Riverside (10-6), who prophetically pronounced before the match that "Welt always owns me." In the second round, I saw that Burnt (14-10) had his game face on after only two kills. So I courageously reminded my team not to chase him. Well, they ended up splitting up in 4 directions and letting Candy King pressure them; Best captain/coorder ever. Eventually Top5Squad regrouped and started killing the Kings, especially Kyou (4-10). They clearly needed Bacon to save them. Riverside (12-9) stayed on 9 for what seemed like half the game, while Vys (11-8) played well again, and Money (10-6) kept saying he was playing the worst game ever but still ended up with a decent rec. Thus ended a terrible day for Candy King (0-3 overall...0-5 in rounds).

      Last (and perhaps least) game of the day was between Ez or Wut and Blood Choke. Blood Choke provided yet another example as to why best of 3 round format is more fair. The first game was very tight (from what I can tell in the boxscore), but Ez or Wut had Raspi (19-9) so they prevailed. Blood Choke was led by Lofty (13-10), but Thrill was not there so leadership was perhaps an issue in the picking of the lineup. On the other side of the fence, Dreamwin (12-9) made a gutsy call (as all great leaders do) by playing himself in warbird, but shockingly it paid off. In the next round, however, he went 3-7 and had to be subbed. Oops (4-2) redeemed his spot a bit with a nice sub, but Simple Mistake (0-3) was subbed in for Jones (2-7) with an equal 3 deaths and died out almost immediately. Of all people, the_Paul became acting cap during this round for Blood Choke, and he benched Misled in favor of CrimsonX (11-7); Can call that a smart move with the power of hindsight. Burg (13-9) once again went nuts in a big spot. Creature (13-10) and of course Raspi (12-10) led the way for Ez or Wut in the loss. The last round of the match (which I got to watch in full) featured a record-breaking performance: fastest non-afk sub out then elimination. It took less than 2 minutes for Rookie (1-6) to get spawned into oblivion, forcing dreamwin to make a sub. He started Oops in this round, so he went back to Simple Mistake for the sub (granted he has been his next best player on the season). Unfortunately for Ez or Wut, Simple Mistake (1-4) died out so fast, I don't think I actually saw him once all game. In fact, Oops did not die for the first time until 3 minutes after Simple Mistake had been eliminated. This put Ez or Wut at an extreme disadvantage, essentially playing 4v5 for the whole match. Luckily, they had Raspi (15-10 and the current K/D leader) who stayed alive and killed enough for two, and Yakuza (13-10) of Blood Choke pulled an Unabled (got 13 kills but died out in 6 minutes..if you get 9 kills its called an Izor) taking away their advantage. But still Blood Choke took over (although it took awhile), and eventually Burg (11-6) killed Raspi a few times with nice shots, and we had our championship game decided.

      MVP- Fuck it, I'm going to give it to Raspi (46-29) even though his team lost, despite Burg and Vys having deserving claims.
      Honorable Mention- Burg, Vys, Riverside, CrimsonX, Burnt

      LVP- Simple Mistake needs to stay alive as a sub, but Kyou had high expectations and stats coming in and got absolutely rocked (11-20)
      Dishonorable Mention- Welt, Simple Mistake, Rookie, Jones, Misled
      Last edited by Black Mage; 08-16-2010, 05:56 PM.
      When I stab you, you stay stabbed.

      T0MA> play like a man


      • #4
        I didn't procrastinate for once. Enjoy and feel free to comment on the games I couldn't watch.
        When I stab you, you stay stabbed.

        T0MA> play like a man


        • #5
          it was a very good game and blood choke played extremely well. for me and maybe others it was also a big wake up call seeing as twl is around the corner and it's time to take the game more serious
          TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


          • #6
            I'm dedicating my Sunday MVP to jaa :d
            Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

            - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


            • #7
              do it again next week and i will claim my undying allegiance to you
              Gripe> apok is good but he's completely wasted his youth playing this game


              • #8
                BM 4 TWL Commentary
                Last edited by Creature; 08-17-2010, 09:25 PM.


                • #9
                  Essentially I wanted someone else in there, so I overlooked your 7-6 in the first jav game and any teaming-related positives you provided haha. Wanted to put you in for wb, but I couldn't overlook you leading your team in the 2nd game. Similarly, Dreamwin's first round MVP made me not want to put him in there, even though he was not good in the last two. There is actual thought put into who I list, but sometimes I stretch for someone. You're probably right about dreamwin deserving it more if I put anyone there though.

                  *Edit* Decided that since I gave a dual LVP that I didn't need that other mention.
                  Last edited by Black Mage; 08-16-2010, 08:14 PM.
                  When I stab you, you stay stabbed.

                  T0MA> play like a man


                  • #10
                    I've capped 2 other weeks too BM don't be rude!

                    Finals should be interesting though since I'd say we're an underdog again. Thrill, leave the lineup to me buddy
                    JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                    turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                    Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                    the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                    • #11
                      you dishonor my family !

                      i shall chop you down with a samurai sword and reclaim my honor

                      gonna join that bushido squad first though
                      In my world,
                      I am King


