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  • #76
    Here is the official rule as it was presented in the Rules thread for TWDT 2016:


    Trading names to get around Star Limits is a season-ending ban. No warning.

    There are no current bans in effect. Everyone is welcome to play and enjoy TWDT.

    That said, acting like an entitled, petulant child, crying about your TWDT star rating and demanding to be removed then re-added later like we're your personal slaves, etc. will get you banned. Make all the posts you want, cry to upper staff, I promise you it won't work. I will not put up with your shit. We're not paid to do this, and it's a lot of work. The only thing I ask is you not actively try to make our lives a living hell while we run it.

    Ruining my hockey or football fantasy season is not a bannable offense (but should be).


    I've bolded the area where this might apply to Shadowmere's situation. As I do not see any concrete proof yet of Shadowmere refusing to play besides healt's word for it he might not be banned.

    Claus> The issue was that he played for his team both Week 1 and Week 2, that's not an outright refusal, but he seems to have gone to bed (something he asked me to cite in his draft note) earlier than he would have without the conflict. He obviously has issues with Pressure, who has become captain now, and probably logged out of spite, but deriving intention from that with 100% confidence is difficult.

    I don't know but to me it sounds like he's refusing to play but people are unable to prove it. Still looking at it from the outside from a person who has no bias and doesn't know Shadowmere and have no inherent hate for him I do not think putting Shadowmere into FA is good for the league. It only reinforces the idea that a player can force themselves out of a team/captain they don't like.

    Sure part of drafting is drafting players that will play for you (see Steadman), but still a player signing up to the league should be expected to play, within reasonable time frame.

    I do not like this one bit of Shadowmere getting into the FA draft. He should stay on Mortal or if not dropped and replaced with Rough.


    • #77
      Originally posted by KneX View Post
      Leave shadowmere on Mortal and if he doesnt wanna play they could either arrange a trade or get fucked. If this happened next week, there was no other option but trading. If Shadowmere goes into FA, its only a huge advantage for Avengers.
      I dont see why Shadowmere should get into FA. Ppl who have had fights with captains in the past got traded, never got put into FA. So why make an exception for Shadowmere?

      "Nothing" happened apparantly. If so, no one has a single clue why he's on the FA list then.

      He should still be our responsability to add as a wb or trade (which we won't be able to do anymore).


      • #78

        And If #1 goes through, I want children/vys/geio removed from roster and FA picks matching them in value (refer to public forums posts of boycotting). Also, retroactively banning Zidane, Best, from last season for ruining hypocrits team as well as refusing to sub In finals, as well as Roiwerk banned for refusing to play for me. Lastly, considering if he gets banned for showing up and mvping and missing 1game and ignoring someone he ignored for years, and my likewise demands aren't met, find a replacement for me as well.
        1:waven> u challenge
        1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

        Originally posted by MHz
        Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Tiny View Post

          And If #1 goes through, I want children/vys/geio removed from roster and FA picks matching them in value (refer to public forums posts of boycotting). Also, retroactively banning Zidane, Best, from last season for ruining hypocrits team as well as refusing to sub In finals, as well as Roiwerk banned for refusing to play for me. Lastly, considering if he gets banned for showing up and mvping and missing 1game and ignoring someone he ignored for years, and my likewise demands aren't met, find a replacement for me as well.
          Even though, some want a ban. I personally don't.

          "Nothing" happened apparantly.

          He should still be our responsability to add as a wb or trade (which we won't be able to do anymore).

          The "only" problem, Healt, was/should be fixed with one of Rough, Temu, Aprix. We'd maintain Shadow and pick whoever with our #2 pick as normal procedure.

          Not only we can't pick him on the upcoming FA we still have 0 clue why he's on the FA list then when it never happened for others as Major stated.

          Changing someone's rating after it started, has "never" happened, so Beam's rating can't be changed because exceptions aren't made.

          Yet, we're seeing one right in front of us.

          Kick, can you tell me why Shadowmere is on the FA list? I don't see Children, Vys or Geio in there.

          It's very kind to try to help us with a problem of ours though. I'd help with those 3 you said, but they are your business Chief!


          • #80
            Option 3:

            Swap Healt for Rough and keep Shadowmere on Mortal.
            1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

            1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

            Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

            Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

            Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


            • #81
              1. if you're going to keep shadowmere on mortal and replace healt, im against it being Rough since then mortal is getting a FREE UPGRADE from healt to Rough in TWDTJ. Keep rough in FA, keep shadow in mortal, replace healt with....... aprix? or temujin the intial swap. someone that's mainly jav and wont impact the other leagues since healt would never play TWDTD or TWDTB <- THERES ALMOST 0 IMPACT ON FA AND OTHER TEAMS. fairest deal right here

              2. if shadowmere refuses to play for MORTAL than that's their problem and pressure problem to trade him or bench him. he shouldnt get a free pass off his team and into FA. if pressure decides to bench him for his incompetent behavior then so be it.

              3. lol i love ss

              4. plz Vote for Heaven's vote (point #1) so we can all happily move on to next week and the ass whoppin imma give to whoever is standing in my way.
              Last edited by Heaven; 10-19-2016, 05:07 PM.
              3:BOMBED> got donuts
              3:BOMBED> how jealous
              3:Heaven> how american
              3:BOMBED> ??????????
              3:BOMBED> wtf u suppose to get
              3:BOMBED> they didnt have any fried goat


              • #82
                The issue is that everyone on mortal wanted shad kicked off the team last weekend and all preferred rough. Now they're realizing they could have just drafted rough anyway. Just draft shadow again at #2 and stfu already about it.

                There's no chance in hell any cap would have agreed with a healt for rough swap


                • #83
                  lol I dont understand why people so hard against Rough replacing me because I was 2nd weakest overall star captain anyways. There are still much stronger captains than Rough. Rough could have been cap instead of me and pick the exactly the same team. ppl like me and Attacks were already on disadvantage before draft because we were lowest star rated captains. and star ratings had no effect on draft order.


                  • #84
                    Zid, Healt can be replaced with Aprix, Zazerick or whoever lower's really indiferent. It doesn't have to be Rough at all nor any of us asked for such a swap. An exception being made for one player getting put on the FA when this has never happened for others, is not indiferent at all. He's still should be our problem to handle and we'd pick either Ease, Cape, Hulk, Rough or whoever with our 2nd pick.

                    The only 'problem' was Healt. Replacing Healt was the only thing needed to be done.

                    No one is capable of answering why Shadowmere is on the FA list if there were no problems with him. I'm going out, when I get back...I'll make a mojito and expect answers and a good read papis!


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Crescent Seal View Post
                      Option 3:

                      Swap Healt for Rough and keep Shadowmere on Mortal.

                      This idiot Turban has somehow tried to pass off Healt as having the same value as Rough, which is absolutely ridiculous.

                      Healt has never reached a final in anything, or done anything. He's also the mentally softest person I've ever seen in my life, and the only captain I've ever seen quit two weeks in and uninstall.

                      Rough has been a starter in six of the last six Finals across all three leagues:

                      On what planet do you live on to think they have anywhere near the same value? Rough has a 100% showrate and has played in like 20 finals, and he's a ruthless sociopath. Like, DSM-IV textbook diagnosable.

                      There is no legal basis for any sort of swap, it was just a common sense deal put together that 5 of the 6 captains approved (we'll call Dreamwin's lukewarm response, but not outright refusal, an abstain) -- I wouldn't have gone out and simply done it of my own accord.

                      We lost Steadman for the season due to him refusing to play and demanding a trade, but you don't see our team asking for a swap. We just lost him. End of story. That's generally what happens.

                      Healt quitting mid-season is pretty unprecedented and an extraordinary circumstance, and the captains wanted to move in quickly and get something done to make sure Mortal didn't sink. I'm not saying it's a perfect deal, but its a pretty good one that does the best job of keeping TWDT healthy and competitive, even if it denies the mob their perceived desire for "justice" with Shadowmere.
                      top 100 basers list


                      • #86
                        your captain of mortal - thix, had the opportunity to do what stayon just proposed and chose rough over him.

                        i don't mind at all if your team is having 2nd thoughts and wants shad back on team instead of rough then you draft whoever you want at 2nd FA pick (most likely rough anyway lol).

                        the biggest problem is healt bailing on his fkn team cause his star player logged off early, in what planet would you expect the cap just to call it quits right there. do you know how many times people have logged off for whatever reason and completely fkd their team over? no one was banned cause of this.

                        im willing to talk with other caps and if you want shadow back on ur team and rough back on FA, i don't mind at all. im only opposed to trading rough for healt since that's clearly an upgrade in 2 leagues and mortal should NOT be getting rewarded for having terrible personalities/captaining


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by zidane View Post
                          the biggest problem is healt bailing on his fkn team cause his star player logged off early, in what planet would you expect the cap just to call it quits right there. do you know how many times people have logged off for whatever reason and completely fkd their team over? no one was banned cause of this.
                          just like Ogron, you have no idea, why I quit. Shadowmere situation was only tiny part of it or more like final blow to some other things im not gonna discuss in here. ask urself why wud I quit being TWDT cap for team I chose bcuz 1 player in that team ragequit and why would I uninstall and quit the game I have been playing for years? lol its not a joke when they say "you cant fix stupid"


                          • #88
                            The point is somewhat moot, anyway. The deal was approved 6-0-1 with 5 captains and myself voting yes and Dreamwin more-or-less abstaining.

                            I spoke to Pressure an hour ago, and he said he wants the deal.

                            We all did what we felt was best for the league to stay competitive and move forward quickly from the incident. I don't remember caps ever coming together like that, putting their personal ambitions aside, and working out a deal for the benefit of others in general, so it's pretty disappointing to see the reaction is so negative and focused on banning Shadowmere and blowing up Mortal.
                            top 100 basers list


                            • #89
                              Yea I think the deal is hugely beneficial for our team but I also want to acknowledge my team's concerns, which is why I haven't exactly offered a final opinion in this thread


                              • #90
                                It's all good. I just find it amusing that almost every season some teams/captains are rewarded mid-season for their bad drafting.
                                Taking into account the current state of this game, I guess its alright, though.

                                Let's be competitive and move on!

                                T E R R O R I S T 2 0 1 6
                                Season 12 champion TWLD / TWLJ
                                Season 18 champion TWLJ / TWLB
                                Season 19 champion TWLB (C)

                                Season 6 champion TWDT-J TWDT-B (C)
                                Season 10 champion TWDT-J (C)
                                Season 11 champion TWDT-B (C)
                                Season 13 champion TWDT-B (C)
                                Season 17 TRIPLE CROWN TWDT (C)

                                The winningest TWDT captain of all time

