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Was I trolled this twdt season by those in charge?

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  • #61

    love ss drama

    cripple> if u had a better connection u wouldnt be good


    • #62
      Originally posted by uprise View Post

      Im not denying it is a dickmove. I just dont understand why you would think your attitude in this thread is going to help change the situation, or convince other caps to take you for that matter. I do enjoy the irony in the last sentence though.
      What?? I have been clear and concise about how I want to help the team I am on and not cause drama..I have NO history of disturbing any twdt squad I've ever been on by disruption unlike so many.. apparently rough always causes drama on his teams. When I get on a team I am there 100% for them.

      kthx keep that racist bs off this thread please.. it is not cute or funny.
      TSLD CHAMPION 2018
      TSLB CHAMPION 2018


      • #63
        Originally posted by Jessup View Post

        What?? I have been clear and concise about how I want to help the team I am on and not cause drama..I have NO history of disturbing any twdt squad I've ever been on by disruption unlike so many.. apparently rough always causes drama on his teams. When I get on a team I am there 100% for them.

        kthx keep that racist bs off this thread please.. it is not cute or funny.
        If you drop to free agency you're basically giving up the first 4 weeks of the season so we can revisit that option at a later date if necessary. In the meantime if any captain wishes to borrow you in any league that you are a 7* or under in, I will approve it.
        Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

        Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

        Don't Poke the Bear.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Jessup View Post

          What?? I have been clear and concise about how I want to help the team I am on and not cause drama..I have NO history of disturbing any twdt squad I've ever been on by disruption unlike so many.. apparently rough always causes drama on his teams. When I get on a team I am there 100% for them.

          kthx keep that racist bs off this thread please.. it is not cute or funny.
          Fuck off, it's hilarious. It's that kind of bland offended over everything attitude that makes people go the extra mile to keep you out of this league. If you don't team but are entertaining it makes it a harder decision to exclude you.
          Rabble Rabble Rabble


          • #65

            Attached Files
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #66
              Originally posted by kthx View Post

              Fuck off, it's hilarious. It's that kind of bland offended over everything attitude that makes people go the extra mile to keep you out of this league. If you don't team but are entertaining it makes it a harder decision to exclude you.
              I have a wonderful sense of humor but there is nothing funny about your racist pic. Want to explain the joke? Actually don't because there is nothing humorous involved in it.

              kthx make your own thread please and get it off this one kthx
              I will be happy to destroy you on your own thread about how racist you are there but don't bring in some totally unrelated bs to this thread.
              TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
              TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
              TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
              TSLD CHAMPION 2018
              TSLB CHAMPION 2018


              • #67
                Originally posted by Jessup View Post

                I have a wonderful sense of humor but there is nothing funny about your racist pic. Want to explain the joke? Actually don't because there is nothing humorous involved in it.
                Racist would mean I was insulting him for his race, saying random retarded buzzwords doesn't mean you are making a cogent point. Maybe I'm an oxygenist
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #68
                  Originally posted by beam View Post

                  If you drop to free agency you're basically giving up the first 4 weeks of the season so we can revisit that option at a later date if necessary. In the meantime if any captain wishes to borrow you in any league that you are a 7* or under in, I will approve it.
                  ok so allow a cap to claim me to be a permanant member of a twdt team.. zidane showed interest.

                  I see no logic in allowing a borrow for me in a game that has no borrows needed. I deserve to be on a squad as I signed up for this league like everyone else did. Just throw me to zidane and this thread can be closed.
                  TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                  TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                  TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                  TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                  TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                  TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                  • #69
                    Black people commit more crimes, it isn't racist it's just that your self preservation instinct has been destroyed by the "education" you received.
                    Rabble Rabble Rabble


                    • #70
                      Permanent victim mentality isn't something people want to be around.
                      Rabble Rabble Rabble


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Jessup View Post

                        ok so allow a cap to claim me to be a permanant member of a twdt team.. zidane showed interest.

                        I see no logic in allowing a borrow for me in a game that has no borrows needed. I deserve to be on a squad as I signed up for this league like everyone else did. Just throw me to zidane and this thread can be closed.
                        I'm not going to just give you to another team as that would be unfair to the other 30 guys who will never see a second of playtime this season. If you want to be included and a captain sees value in you, make yourself available to be borrowed and if they want to take you on permanently they can offer Rough a trade. If Rough has never added you and denies a trade that's reasonable (you were last pick so pretty much anybody besides cyclone), then I'll see what I can do to help you.
                        Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

                        Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

                        Don't Poke the Bear.


                        • #72
                          They call Beam a faggot but none of them wanted to pick Jessup, that's funny. What can Beam do? Forced Rough to add Jessup in his chat? Since when does it's required anyway?

                          Jessup play the victim card and now people are sad to see him getting victimised.. Fucking idiots, no wonder why people are bending the knee when their TV, Hollywood stars, McDonald and NBA told them to do so. Fucking idiots. Take Jessup with you instead of trying to make you look like the good guy.


                          • #73
                            Discover & share this Lyrics GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.
                            Rabble Rabble Rabble


                            • #74
                              jessup this is a product of the way you deal with people trolling you. you have a right to defend yourself... which you reiterate constantly. ultimately people dislike you for it. you shouldnt be surprised by this.

                              you arent going to get TW to change for you. its not going to happen. take a slice out of rab's post and figure your shit out. once you make the decision not to jump down everyones throat every time you get some shit thrown at you people will likely stop trying so goddamn hard.

                              if you didnt act like you do you are plenty good to get playtime in this league and the ratings youre at. yes your style makes you a little annoying to play with, but that isnt ultimately why you arent getting a 'far shake'

                              now, respond to this in the normal jessuppian way and say that it shouldnt be run this way and blah blah blah blah bunch of whiny shit about how its unfair and youre being targetted. thats the response i expect from you here. thats the response we all expect from you here.

                              that exact response is why people dont want to play with you. im not trying to troll you here, its just the way it is.

                              1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by zidane View Post
                                anyone who thinks rough is genuine should get tested... he is obviously just trolling jessup LOL. not sure how anyone can't see that. thix is an annoying cunt who thinks random strangers on the internet should take his life advice.

                                jessup definitely plays the victim card a lot/has an annoying playstyle, which is why a lot of people don't want her on their team, but this internet bullying is very sad. nothing but back handed advice and support for rough who has ALWAYS been a huge piece of shit. i find it funny personally, and most probably do but some people deal with this stuff differently.
                                When Best posted an extremely offensive meme involving Jessup for the TWL “interviews”, who was it behind the scenes who demanded staff take it down because of how abusive and offensive it was to her? Me.

                                Backhanded advice? I genuinely feel sick seeing how people treat Jess and on multiple occasions have reached out in game to try to help. Solid contribution to the thread though zid, typing an essay to basically say you don’t like Rough and then ridiculing others for internet bullying while you simultaneously call me an annoying cunt. You’re truly a voice of reason.

                                Why are you even commenting here, shouldn’t you be drafting your appeals for the upcoming TWDT season?

