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TWDT Interviews about week 1 - players and pubbers

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  • TWDT Interviews about week 1 - players and pubbers

    I decided to interview a few people about TWDT as I thought it would be interesting to see how people are feeling about the league. I also interviewed some pubbers who do not participate and their reasons why.

    TWDT Interviews-

    First up I interviewed HellzNo! A Jav and baser on team Power.

    HellzNo!> sure, no problem. i saw your post, well done. please do javs as well!
    AnonymousV> How does it feel to be the 3rd highest rated 7.5 star in Javs?
    HellzNo!> it feels great! i always thought 7.5 was a more appropriate rating for me, and id much rather be a valuable 7.5 star than an overrated overvalued 8 star

    AnonymousV> Besides your own, what team do you think will do good this year?
    HellzNo!> without a doubt, any team racka is on I always expect to contend, and teaming up with turban makes for a deadly duo. Also, Ive been on a violence captained team before, and while hes an eccentric character, hes a hell of a captain

    AnonymousV>Who’s one person you think will shock people this year with their gameplay/talent?
    HellzNo!> probably biased, but Aagi would be the most shocking to objective observers, given his low rating but consistent play

    Second up I interviewed Racka, a top warbird and captain of team Blast.

    RaCka> sure thing im ready
    AnonymousV>How are you feeling about next week’s TWDT-D games?
    RaCka> i feel great, we have a good wb line for this season.. our low star warbirds are performing well so far
    AnonymousV> Very true, they did perform quite well!

    AnonymousV>Do you think this years TWDT-D is more competitive than the past ones?
    RaCka> based on the people we got to sign up we got a good amount of talent for warbird.. i'd say its like an 8/10

    AnonymousV Who’s one person you think will shock people this year with their gameplay/talent?
    RaCka> aggi and jurassic have been playing great in twd lately and have improved a lot in wb over the last year... looking to see what they do this season

    Third up was Best, a top player in the league and captain of Kobe.

    (Best)>Sup... I'm down
    AnonymousV>Why did you not start in first TWDTD match?
    (Best)> Had 2 lineups in mind and went with the second one. It was a more balanced line imo but clearly the first line was going to work better with our 10, 9.5 and 9.. First week, so was just messing around with the lineups..

    AnonymousV>How are you feeling about next weeks matches versus Thunder and Funk?
    (Best)> Feeling alright, looking to bounce back after that atrocious 1-5 start to the season...
    AnonymousV> Ouch, I know Funk also had a rough start, looking forward to that match.

    AnonymousV> Who do you think the most under rated player is right now in TWTD?
    (Best)> I'd say Lupin is probably the best 6.5 warbird and for jav, probably rylo as 6.5 (not being bias lol)
    AnonymousV> I agree, I did mention Lupin's 8-10, solid for a 6.5 star. Well, thank you very much! I should have this post ready by tonight. Thanks again for your time.

    Fourth interview was with Vys, a top warbird on Power and currently rated #1 on the TWDT website for Warbirds.

    (vys)>LOL sure
    AnonymousV>How does it feel to be the highest rated warbird in TWDTD?
    vys> Doesn't really mean much tbh, it's standard procedure. I'm top 3 stats every season
    vys> I'm just disappointed that we didn't win the match vs violence, we had 6-7 kill lead and then we threw it
    AnonymousV> I have taken notice of that! Ok, that was going to be one of my questions-

    AnonymousV> Power lost the first Warbird match, what went wrong in your opinion?
    AnonymousV> It was that match correct?
    vys> Probably nerves for the other guys, I'm not sure. I can take ownership of that, although I was there to hold the team together when we was winning, as soon as a person get on 8/9 kills and then I'm gunning for them. I guess i forgot to share the
    vys> game plan and hung them out to try abit

    AnonymousV> Very good, ok last question - How are you feeling about Sunday matches versus Thunder and Blast?
    vys> I don't really know who we play each week, I tend to log on and show. But it's definitely going to be a tough match against them. I feel that TWDT is the league which is hard to predict.
    AnonymousV> Valid points and great work in both games. Look forward to watching you this week, thanks for your time and good luck!
    vys> cheers, if i knew their lineup, i could tell you their play style etc.
    vys> but should be a good week, luckily i've got the shift at work covered
    AnonymousV> Cheers, thanks again

    Interviewing people in pub can tough, that being said two pubbers allowed me to share our conversation. I thought interviewing pubbers could give some insight on why its mainly the same people playing in twdt year after year. In my opinion it would be nice to get new blood into the game, hence why I decided to talk to people in public.

    Pub Interviews-
    I met Jack Scallywag in pub playing around in a Lanc. Scallywag was a very nice pubber who appears to be genuinely newer. Looking up his name he started this name June of this year.

    AnonymousV> Hi there, I started posting on TWDT forums and wanted to interview a few people that don’t play in the league. Would you be willing to answer a few questions? This should take less than 2 minutes. (no passwords or personal information will be asked, purely game related)
    Jack Scall> i guess

    AnonymousV> Thanks! Have you heard of TWDT?
    Jack Scall> i have not

    AnonymousV> It's a dueling tournament that allows captains to draft teams of players that are all different skill levels. Then they all compete in 3 different leagues, like TWD. Does something like that interest you?
    Jack Scall> sure
    Jack Scall> trench wars ruleset?
    Jack Scall> would it be advertised somewhere else besides general SS discord
    Jack Scall> I dropped that discord cause it seemed dead

    Nothing much after this, basically I explained how TWDT worked and thanked him for his interview. On another note I personally I think Jack would be great for any squad looking for new members.

    Next I found Red_X in pub as well, hanging out in spec. I’ve seen Red_X’s name before and looking up his stats he started this name in 2004. Since then, it appears he’s been active so I thought he would be able to give some pub insight.

    AnonymousV> Hi there, I started posting on TWDT forums and wanted to interview a few people that don’t play in the league. Would you be willing to answer a few questions? This should take less than 2 minutes. (no passwords or personal information will be asked, purely game related)
    Red_X> im willing to see what the questions are

    AnonymousV> Thanks! Have you heard of TWDT?
    Red_X> yes i've heard of twdt

    AnonymousV> Why aren’t you participating?
    Red_X > there are a couple reasons why i don't participate
    Red_X > 1. the arrogant pricks that play in leagues think they are the reason this game lives and look down on pubbers
    Red_X > 2. playing league makes this game feel like a job
    Red_X > like you're letting ppl down when you can't be there to play
    AnonymousV> I understand where you’re coming from and appreciate your input.

    AnonymousV> Is there anything staff could do that would make you want to participate?
    Red_X > there's nothing admins can do to spark interest in twdt
    Red_X > also, twdt drains pub of players
    Red_X > and pub health > any event or league game
    AnonymousV> Fair enough, maybe there needs to be something new that can spark more interest in the game.
    Red_X > doubtful
    Red_X has clearly had some interactions over the years that have made him steer away from leagues. While I understand leagues are not for everyone, he did have some points I feel people over look.

    I took away two things,
    1. Better advertisement before the league starts, maybe a banner or something that displays at the start in pub.
    2. Some people have a bad taste when it comes to leagues and the “eliteness” of the people who play in it. I know Beam tried to start a lower tier star TWDT, but there wasn’t enough traction. What about a base cup for lower tier stars?

    Many thanks to everyone who took the time to participate in the interview.

    Lastly if you enjoy these or don't drop a comment below, as I plan on trying to interview and post each week. Thanks for reading!
    Last edited by AnonymousV; 09-14-2021, 05:26 PM.

  • #2
    These are great. Nice and neutral. I like how you are anonymous and remain neutral and get your content from the opinion of the players. I can't see you lasting long doing this due to the effort involved but it makes for a good read so I appreciate it. Thanks whoever you are.
    Ogron - "Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 10* attitude [Ardour]"

    ranked #2 in ogrons signature of: TWL's most irrelevant nobodies pubtrash bozos with 0 titles.

    TWLD Season 19 #70th Best Warbird
    TWLB Season 19 #56th Best Spider

    TW Greatest no-shipper 2002 - Present


    • #3
      Thank fuck I havent logged on since sunday
      British> my 18th tomoz $$
      Sol ^> 18 and scouse, so that two kids you have by now, brit? :)

      i.d.> I just farted and shit myself alittle bit


      • #4
        Good stuff. I enjoyed the pubber interviews


        • #5
          Great stuff. I thoroughly Enjoyed the interviews. Have a great day.
          4:BigKing> xD
          4:Best> i'm leaving chat
          4:BigKing> what did i do???
          4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
          4:BigKing> ???? why though
          4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
          4:BigKing> xD


          • #6
            Nice, thanks V


            • #7
              Ooooo this was a nice read. Thanks for taking the time to do this... hoping it's something that will continue! Red_x had great points which are hard to refute, lol. Cool to see some of the decision reasoning from top players and captains.
              zidane> big play
              Omega Red> dwop sick
              mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
              WillBy> ^^

              1:Chief Utsav> LOL
              1:Rule> we dont do that here.

              cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


              • #8
                Excellent work. We will watch Jack Scallywag's career with great interest.
                Best> Para is the only guy i know who can put a quarter up his nostrils lol

