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Season 26 Ratings Discussion

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  • #31

    Honestly, after the shitshow of this past twdt where each team had 50 members and only 10*s and 6*s ever got played due to the * cap, being a low * is about the only way to get added anymore. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with wanting an advantage, but moreso getting a chance to play at all. It's like when you keep telling the basers to lower your base rating so maybe after a decade you might see some playtime. I doubt you say it just to have some weird advantage over some randos in a league you largely don't play anyway.

    Personally, I dont blame people who are overrated for wanting to be rated accurately or those who are underrated wanting to stay that way. Violence almost triple crowned last season by trading for anyone that was underrated. Every season is dictated by the underrated players. At the end of the day, the fault lies with the raters and the lack of any real change to make things more accurate. If everyone did a poll on the ratings of each player and averaged them out, a lot of people would be rated at least slightly different.

    99% of this game is somewhere in the middle of 6* and 10*, so the vast majority don't get to play because we apparenrly must be super inclusive to people that don't want to get better or the 5 people who are the best at a ship for whatever reason, while saying fuck you to the rest. Blame the people that force 6*s to be played every twdt instead of allowing more midrange players to get playtime. 6*s have no incentive to ever improve since they lose playtime if they get good enough to be bumped up. Why would they advocate for benching? [/QUOTE]

    The difference is both Rage and Lee play every season as a low star. If they were getting benched season after season, I'd be all for having their rating lowered.
    Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

    Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

    Don't Poke the Bear.


    • #32

      The difference is both Rage and Lee play every season as a low star. If they were getting benched season after season, I'd be all for having their rating lowered.[/QUOTE]

      This is what i am talking about. I am getting benched in leagues with my current vp rating, because there are some other low vp players, who not better or worse than me, but just rated lower for some reason.
      In base I have played and my rating has been upped every league by 0.5. For next one i am rated 7.5, i am not complaining about that. But in wb, i was upped from 6 yo 7 and have not had a game since, it was too big of an increase, while there are low star players, who also have had good seasons, who remain at same level.


      • #33

        twl and competition in general are dying because people like you strive to be as shitty as possible to play at advantageous ratings in twdt instead of focusing your energy on improving to be an actual good player

        let me be very clear when I say if you win as a 6* or 7* player you are still a total trashcan[/QUOTE]

        As I stated before, I have around 15-20 things in life that matter more to me than getting better in tw. Saying that, I am pretty sure I have played far more in elim and some occasional twjds, that still happen during euro evenings, than majority of people, so claiming I am somehow responsible for zone dying is hilarious.
        Thing is, in order to play wb or base, for euros, there are no other options than in draft leagues, because that sunday timeslot is pretty much only time, games happen at decent time. For almost entire year, there have been maybe 3-4 cases, when base games happen before midnight, similar case with wb. And if you are then rated unfairly 2 high, you do not get that chance as well. So tell me, how exactly is someone suppose to get better without ever having a chance to play.
        It should be natural. You are rated x in some league. U do well and get loads of gametime. You should get pushed up 0.5 and next league time will tell if same happens. That did not happen to me, i got pushed up 1 point and never had a game since. Thats my issue.


        • #34
          That's what happens when ppl see someone rated 6* who isn't dogshit. Keeps happening, which is why we talked about making 7* the minimum.


          • #35
            [QUOTE=Rab;n1361051]That's what happens when ppl see someone rated 6* who isn't dogshit. Keeps happening, which is why we talked about making 7* the minimum.[/QUOTE]

            Which also doesn't help because the seperation of players isn't enough as it is. Not all players in the same * bracket are equal. Some are pretty clearly better than others in various ways that absolutely make them more valuable. I'd argue this would mean you bump them up a tier, but then they're suddenly the same rating as people who are all better than them in ways that mean they get 0 playtime.

            The proper way to balance things would be a total redo with an actual 1 to 10 system, where 1 is the new 6*. This actually allows real separation of the playerbase and more roster maneuvering, but it would require actually rating people again in a constructive way that isn't just a group of randos going on a stream saying 'let's bump so and so up or down half a * point because they played well/badly last season' without any real context besides that. It's just putting lipstick on a pig, not to mention it's flat out lazy.

            The big issue then becomes how to keep twdt inclusive for the lowest *s. Personally, I feel as if people wanting to improve and being rated higher than previously should be rewarded rather than inherently discouraged as it is with the current system, but God forbid we ask players to git gud and improve at a video game rather than wipe their ass for them and hand out participation trophies.
            RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
            RaCka> mad impressive


            • #36
              The 1-10 thing doesn't work (iirc we started that way and binned it) because you can put a trash player in your line-up then a load of 9-10 stars for the rest of the line-up. E.g. 42 = 10,10,10,10,2


              • #37

                You are another guy who is constantly trying to play at as low of a rating as possible instead of ever getting good. None of your wins as a low * mean anything. It's honestly disgusting the mentality you clowns have and really shows how much of a peasant you must be irl.[/QUOTE]

                I will never be good in javelin, it just wont happen, the ship is too damn slow for me.


                The difference is both Rage and Lee play every season as a low star. If they were getting benched season after season, I'd be all for having their rating lowered.[/QUOTE]

                But I do not play a every season as a low star javelin, I have played one single season of it that's it probably do to lack of any other option to fit the *cap with ease and zidane in at same time. So with your logic here I should be lowered.

                Speaking of javelin why the fuck is aggi 9.5 in jav?
                rEnZi> just looking at rageritual tilts me
                rEnZi> its crazy
                rEnZi> thats real power

                Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd


                • #38
                  Speaking of javelin why the fuck is aggi 9.5 in jav?[/QUOTE]
                  Assuming someone must have typed his base rating in the wrong box. More like an 8-ish in jav I think.


                  • #39
                    Assuming someone must have typed his base rating in the wrong box. More like an 8-ish in jav I think.[/QUOTE]

                    I prefer to think of it as aGGi being brave and not arguing his rating which is actually too high, unlike everyone else in this thread.


                    • #40
                      [I]wb / jav[/I]
                      should all be 7* minimum

                      willby 6.5 / 6
                      mark 6 / 6.5
                      tj hazuki 6.5 / 6
                      rucci 6.5 / 6
                      mouse 6.5 / 6.5
                      mercedes 6.5 / 6
                      liz 6.5 / 6
                      joe 6.5 / 6.5
                      jammu 6.5 / 6.5
                      groan 6.5 / 6
                      dad 6 / 6
                      cyrus 6.5 / 6.5
                      cig 6.5 / 6.5


                      • #41
                        i thought we were going to try and reevaluate the entire player base and, while keeping the same rating scale, assign somewhat equivalent amounts of players to each 0.5* rating? At least once we were relatively confident on the number signups. did that get scrapped?

                        1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                        • #42

                          I prefer to think of it as aGGi being brave and not arguing his rating which is actually too high, unlike everyone else in this thread.[/QUOTE]

                          You should really take note of your position as league op and not make posts like this which belittle opinions that you literally asked for. For the next 3 months, and probably for the first time in your ss career, your appearance kind of matters.
                          Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

                          Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

                          Don't Poke the Bear.


                          • #43
                            Lol this gotta be some kind of joke that you’re asking to be bumped up… you literally lead this game in most 1-10s in history buddy.., my eyes bleed when I watch you play.. you’re already far too overrated and unplayable at 8* why would you ask for a bump up?

                            Only way you’d ever be added is if you capped which is very unlikely to ever happen again you braindead ape

                            [QUOTE=Riverside;n1361043]Allow increase of my wb rating: 8 to 8.5
                            ty 4 this[/QUOTE]


                            • #44

                              I prefer to think of it as aGGi being brave and not arguing his rating which is actually too high, unlike everyone else in this thread.[/QUOTE]

                              go be brave and make uself a 10*

                              cripple> if u had a better connection u wouldnt be good


                              • #45
                                [QUOTE=Zeebu;n1361058]i thought we were going to try and reevaluate the entire player base and, while keeping the same rating scale, assign somewhat equivalent amounts of players to each 0.5* rating? At least once we were relatively confident on the number signups. did that get scrapped?[/QUOTE]

                                That was never the objective with this season. While I'm all for some kind of mixup to TWDT, now was not the time to try it, since we're already doing the dual league.

                                You should really take note of your position as league op and not make posts like this which belittle opinions that you literally asked for. For the next 3 months, and probably for the first time in your ss career, your appearance kind of matters.[/QUOTE]

                                Well seeing as it literally says three columns over that his jav rating needs to be adjusted, and rage was listening in as we said we needed to take another look at jav ratings, I figured everyone here understood the situation, but it looks like I overestimated someone (and it wasn't aggi).

