Originally posted by Exalt
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Let me start with the bolded part since it doesn't have a number attached to it, and I'm going to bold my answer for clarity. I have never asked for anyone to roleclaim. If this is in reference to me saying that I was roleblocked and it could be theoretically confirmed, then I apologize for the confusion. I was roleblocked, the role blocker knows I am telling the truth, the role blocker would be committing suicide by confirming this. I am dead to rights, any other town cops will be committing suicide by claiming. Do not role claim. I just told you guys what happened, and I guess it's frustration derived wishful thinking on my part. I mean, you have to be able to understand the frustration more than anyone else in this game Exalt. I was useless Night 1, I was called out by Willby before his results even came in (I need to double check the timing but I think this is accurate), and I have had any chance of being useful taken from me because for the rest of the game I am either 1. dead today, or 2. roleblocked for the rest of the game. On top of this, I've spent half of the game arguing with you, and the other half begging for activity, only to end up being killed by a claim that can only be proven by me dying! I've tried to force activity out of people to at least be useful, and now the only way I can be useful is to die. It's annoyingly ironic.
1. I'm the opposite of most people, I work for the government so my weekends are pretty free apart from social obligations. Yesterday I had an easy day because it was just set up for today, and today I coordinated testing on a $27 million project, which led to one of the few days where I was essentially inaccessible. Again, this doesn't matter, but it's another area of frustration on top of what I posted above, that all of this would come up on one of the very few days that I can't be accessible for a majority of the day.
2. I'm not sure how that came across as fishing for roles, it was an honest attempt to start dialogue. Maybe I'm giving other players in this game too much credit to assume that, upon seeing a question about a vigi, they wouldn't get offended and speak up saying that they tried to make a kill, it wasn't their fault! I was looking for theories on what people thought, that's all. When I was more active, mafia games here were generally themed and the writing made it pretty clear who did the kill without explicitly saying it. A lot of times Mafia kills were stereotypical brutal ones like you'd see in the Godfather, serial killer kills were usually even more brutal and kind of weird, like something from the movie Se7en or something like that. Yes, I assume the hit was from the Mafia because they have the advantage, I just wanted to address the elephant in the room that there was only 1 kill and generate more dialogue as to why. It's been like pulling teeth to get participation, and this seemed like a pretty easy way to drum up conversation. Maybe that was a mistake, I don't know, I just don't see it that way.
3. You are correct, I could have claimed guilty and seen what happened. But that would be a lie, I would know it and the roleblocker would know it. Less of a risk since theres a 50:50 chance any roleblocker is mafia anyway. But then whats my play afterwards, hope that the mafia just forgets to roleblock me? Seems unlikely. Plus it would be a chance that, by doing this, we would have had 2 roleclaims and a dead townie, which would end the game. You can still win the game when I get lynched, we can't win the game if this scenario played out this way, and I'd still probably end up dead.
4. Yeah I still think you're looking at this entirely the wrong way, and it's not worth beating the dead horse again. You presented reasons for believing ixt, and thats fine. A couple people reasoned voting for ixt because a day 1 role claim and call for investigation is a bad look, that makes sense. Theres another 8ish people who didnt give any reasons for what they did at all and just hid on the wagon. I at least told you long before any wagons formed what I would do, but we've been through this.
Jesus, on to the next post.