I agree jason's cool, but I also know Jason's nature, so if he winds up changing. Mania because it's a "cool" name, but I voted donni darko just because that movie fucking rules. FUCKING RULES.
Goddamnit, every time I get in the mood to change my name, some people are like, "Yeah, Jason sucks. You should do it." and other people are like, "Dude, stick with Jason." I wish I had just stuck with syc0tik in the first place and never switched to Jason. I HATE this name, but I can't escape it. My mind is a neverending pit of indecision, and whenever I ask for someone to pull me out of that pit, I get people pulling in opposite directions. Human tug-a-war isn't fun folks!
So yeah, fuck me. I still don't know what to do. What about going back to syc0tik? I'm just really sick of Jason. It's so boring.
Mania or Donnie Darko. Depending on if you want the cool feel or the ubercool feel.
5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
5:royst> i wish it was calculus
1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something
1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead
I wish I had just stuck with syc0tik in the first place and never switched to Jason.
never shoulda changed from it
go back and put the fear in the infidels
To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart
I don't like any of those, but the best is Harmacy.
Ultimately I think you should stick to one name there Jase.
I don't know what you're going for in a name, but I'll throw out some suggestions:
Pilp The Pill Poppa
Motorcycle Mouse
Lou Reed
A-Bomb Cowboy
Yabba Dabba Drunk
Fort Rox
Quick Wrist and The Slits
Blues Dancer
I'm obsessive compulsive, manic depressive and just plain fucking nuts man! In my head, I'm totally saying, "You fucking tool, it's just a name in the spaceship game." And then the other voice in my head is saying, "Change it you cuntface." What's a man who hears multiple voices to do?
I know I should definitely just stick to one name. Lord knows I remember the fiasco when I semi-secretly switched to Disco Jesus for awhile. It's a pain in the ass and a half dealing with all the "Who's that?" and explaining to everyone that I changed names. I guess the thing just is, I really hate my real name. I don't even like it when people call me Jason in real life, except for the girlies I'm dating who can call me Jason all they want as long as I'm getting some. Back when I was syc0 I was all, "Oh man having my real name would be so sweet!" I was 15 at the time though. What the fuck do 15 year old's know?
Basically, I'm crazy enough that I can't decide. So I really need someone to just say, "J, fucking use this <insert name here> you weak-minded piece of shit."
Oh, and yeah, I do realize how utterly pathetic this whole thread is. I know I've got problems. Don't bother reminding me. Ya dig?
I'm obsessive compulsive, manic depressive and just plain fucking nuts man! In my head, I'm totally saying, "You fucking tool, it's just a name in the spaceship game." And then the other voice in my head is saying, "Change it you cuntface." What's a man who hears multiple voices to do?
I know I should definitely just stick to one name. Lord knows I remember the fiasco when I semi-secretly switched to Disco Jesus for awhile. It's a pain in the ass and a half dealing with all the "Who's that?" and explaining to everyone that I changed names. I guess the thing just is, I really hate my real name. I don't even like it when people call me Jason in real life, except for the girlies I'm dating who can call me Jason all they want as long as I'm getting some. Back when I was syc0 I was all, "Oh man having my real name would be so sweet!" I was 15 at the time though. What the fuck do 15 year old's know?
Basically, I'm crazy enough that I can't decide. So I really need someone to just say, "J, fucking use this <insert name here> you weak-minded piece of shit."
Oh, and yeah, I do realize how utterly pathetic this whole thread is. I know I've got problems. Don't bother reminding me. Ya dig?
So far I think you're the only person that has reminded yourself. The easiest way to let details affect you on a regular basis is to give them a label, then apply it to yourself.
Now how deep was that?