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Lucid Dreaming

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  • #46
    Originally posted by za gophar
    this thread has kind of put dreaming on my mind for the last few days. before i go to bed i often vow to remember my dreams. i may be getting some results.

    last night i had some pretty vivid dreams. as soon as i woke up, i remembered dreaming that i was with 2 of my friends. i dont know how this came up, but one of them said that she was unsure, but she thought the color of amber was greenish silver. i said no, it is golden yellow. then my other friend told me he was sure it was silver and green and yellow... i ended up agreeing with him, and i typed the words "silver green yellow" on a computer. i clearly remember seeing the words "silver green yellow" appear on the screen as i typed them.
    I think this happened because you were thinking TOO much about dreaming and effects of dreaming.. i.e. the colors of dreams are suppose to represent feelings or ideas held deep inside your mind, and took it too seriously, trying to make something up subconciously.

    I think the fact that you typed it on the computer is making your sub-concious mind trying to tell your concious mind that you're spending too much time on the computer.. No joke. You should really take it into consideration if you really think that you spend too much time on the cpu


    • #47
      interesting interpretation, could be somewhat true. i feel like i used to spend too much time on the computer, but havent since i got to college.
      Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
      apt>yes u can wtf
      apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
      apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
      apt>so i dont miss the toilet
      Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
      apt>ill show you pictures
      apt>next time I masturbate


      • #48
        this is a very interesting topic Xog,

        I've been practicing meditation for a few years ( bout 5 )now and lucid dreaming as far as I'm concerned is just an off branch of the many levels of psyche you have without realising it.

        I've had some good and bad experiences, I'll share one of the bad ones that's forever been scared into me :

        In meditation they ask you to form a white light of energy around you for protection from evil spirits, me being lazy , disregards step 1 and skips right to the good stuff.. So I'm lying out on my couch in the basement with the tv on on useless news network, closing my eyes I start to meditate, now if anyone reading thus far has done meditation, you know you get calming sensation as your breathing techniques hopefully slow down your breathing process thus achieving your alpha state of mind. Anywho back to my story... I'm lying there for a few hours now, just drifting around in empty thoughts and pictures being brought forth through my subconcious and then all of a sudden everything went black, i felt a very hard pressed feeling smothering my chest, I attempt to call out, but gasp wease and faintly make a squeek... Thinking I'm in some deep shit, I try to wake myself up but I'm not waking up, trying to struggle, I feel the pressure slowly let up on my chest and it felt like it was now concintrating on smothering me out with a pillow... I was watching a doctumentary on something called " Sleep Paralysis " and these are exact symptoms, but uncannily, unlike the encounters I heard, I was woken up by being shaken violently then flung off my couch to hit my head on the adjcent coffee table...

        this happened almost 3 years ago, It took me almost a year to work up the nerve to sleep in my bedroom downstairs again, and that was only because I had my girlfriend accompany me ( she was none the wiser ), otherwise I'd probably just be working up the nerve now
        what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius


        • #49
          Originally posted by Xog
          umm what if u do the question about dreaming or not dreaming and decide that u are dreaming when u actually are in real life. u open the window and jump out. then you see the ground, it looks very real. SPLAT!!!!
          thread killer

          Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


          • #50
            I'm able to do lucid dreaming occasionally. All it requires is a reminder that I'm dreaming, whether it be my girlfriend yelling at me to wake me up, the feeling that I'm in bed, or whatever.

            I usually have some conscious control over the dream but only twice have I ever had very strong control. One time I was able to generate objects, corridors, walls, etc. It was a lot of fun... I could simply imagine something into existance and it would appear.

            There's also the bra shop by the sea shore dream, but that's another story altogether.
   - Web Hosting Services
            qan> dock's raw animal magnetism and sheer ability to reboot bot cores inspires lust in all genders :P
            3:wadi> no yawning on the internet.


            • #51
              Another reason to want to be DoCk> :P


              • #52


                • #53
                  this sounds pretty sweet. i'm one of those people who never remembers dreams. i attribute it to the fact that i've spent years upon years knocking myself out with all sorts of sleeping pills, tylenol pm, cough syrup, that sort of thing. and now i'm taking medication which tends to numb me up a bit emotionally. but yeah, i really want to start remembering my dreams. if they're anything like the crazy shit i dream up when i'm awake, i could be in for a wild ride.

                  i'll try out those techniques and post my experiences.

                  great topic! :thumbsup:
                  jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Squeezer
                    dude u know what sucks? When u climb something big in ure dream and fall, then right as ure gonna hit the ground u wake up
                    I envy you in that when I was younger, around 8 maybe, I used to have almost nightly faliing dreams where I hit the ground. I kept having them until I decided i wasn't going to die when I hit the ground. Next night i was falling, decided I didn'twant to die and landed safely


                    • #55
                      Write your dreams down when you wake up, and you'll notice more dreams start coming to you and more parts of that very dream are revealed to you while writing it.

                      Something else that is closely related to lucid dreaming is OBE, Out of Body Experiences, someone who experiences LD a lot will get OBE's. And OBE's are way cool, whether it's real or just a hallucination hasn't been proven yet, but it's definetly something you should try. Put away what you've been brainwashed as a kid, try some OBE or Lucid Dreaming inducing "drugs" i hate using that word because it's dumb. But try natural things like Peyote, Marijuana or Shrooms. Get books and read about this stuff, it's very exciting. But it tends to take you away from other things, and is kind of something reserved for people who are in their mid life and are retired and have time for this time of crap.

                      I used to be a huge fanatic of eastern culture and religion and all this Astral Plane bullshit but it takes away from your life. Just dwindle in it for a bit, and learn about it in bits here and there. If not it will suck you in, cause it's just so cool to learn about it. Even if it's real or it isn't it's kind of cool to believe in stuff like that. Telekinesis, Lucid Dreaming, Meditation, OBE all of that stuff is closely related. I'll post some more later when I feel like it ;d


