Valentine's Day eh?
I figure if I just ignore it, it will go away.
Being at work helps. Truck drivers leaning through my little perspex window, breathing their over me with corrosive haletosis. I hope when they go home to their missus', they remember to brush their teeth. Otherwise I suspect their annual event will certainly be a non-event.
On the supposedly most romantic day of the year, I've never been less horny.
for all of you guys who get really depressed and mentally scarred because it's valentine's day and you aren't slappin' skins...sue hallmark for emotional damages. it's their holiday, isn't it? they should act responsible and shit. also, don't listen to your bright eyes records today if you're one of the aforementioned dudes
Oh ok, took me awhile to get that, cause Fit / Melufa call me jermandy (jerome + andy).
We broke up awhile ago. She was boring, but gave good head.
My world is crashing down!
5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
5:royst> i wish it was calculus
1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something
1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead
Why Lie? I'm gonna whack off, then cry myself to sleep. Valentine's Day is just another day for the world to laugh at the fact that I'm a failure with women.
GG Earth, u win.
Surome, or Jerusan.
What do i win again?
Originally posted by Tone
Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better
I think you should go out with that one girl again. You seemed to have a great time with her from what you told me <_<
(ph)>12 is just right
In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
1:Chao <ER>> at all
1:Mantra-Slider> chao
1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
Chao <ER> - hero