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First American to grasp concept of irony

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  • #31
    go play soccer dumbass euro
    I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
    I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


    • #32
      i still like macoroni and cheese, bitches
      To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
      brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


      • #33
        Originally posted by Izor
        go play soccer dumbass euro
        Currently listening to:
        Valient Thorr - Immortalizer
        Dead to Me - Little Brother
        Tim Barry - Manchester
        Lemuria - Get Better
        Alkaline Trio - Agony and Irony


        • #34
          Originally posted by Horny Elf
          copy/paste a thread?
          this was a joke i got on my cellphone. Want me to credit the guy who sendt it to me ?
          ugh who would wanna be credited with that?
          Originally posted by Tone
          Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


          • #35
            Horny, what's the story behind your avatar?
            5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
            5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
            5: Da1andonly> =((
            5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
            5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
            5: Epinephrine> oh shit


            • #36
              Originally posted by Riesen
              See: The Big Book of British Smiles.
              But he said bath, which is a French stereotype


              • #37
                Originally posted by Jeansi
                Horny, what's the story behind your avatar?
                The story is he had an offensive avatar so I changed it to a picture of me
                Originally posted by Facetious
                edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                • #38
                  Horny Elf 0
                  Mike 1
                  5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                  5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                  5: Da1andonly> =((
                  5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                  5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                  5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Verthanthi
                    There is a reason that's called the book of "British" smiles. That particular stereotype applies only to Britian, not the rest of Europe.
                    That would be the irony. . .HARHARHAR! But not, I'm American. I'm fat, stupid, lazy and own 50 guns, I don't know what irony is.

                    Last time I checked, England was part of Europe, and brushing your teeth was a part of personal hygene, like bathing. The stereotype is that Europeans have terrible hygene, not just bathing problems, but then again, I'm only an American.

                    Anyway, what's irony? I had a teacher tell me that nothing in that song Ironic is ironic, which is ironic, but that just confused me more.


                    • #40
                      horny elf is a tit, but a norweigan one.. so back off or else I might kill you
                      Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                      5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                      • #41
                        Uh oh, someone pissed off the Viking. Good thing America has that invisible shield around it, protecting us from the likes of Vikings and Al-Queda.


                        • #42
                          So did you guys know that New Yorkers are the fastest readers in the world?

                          Its pretty amazing, some of em can even go trough 110 stories in five seconds
                          :wub: GammaHydroxyButyrate :wub:


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Horny Elf
                            So did you guys know that New Yorkers are the fastest readers in the world?

                            Its pretty amazing, some of em can even go trough 110 stories in five seconds
                            top 100 basers list


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Horny Elf
                              So did you guys know that New Yorkers are the fastest readers in the world?

                              Its pretty amazing, some of em can even go trough 110 stories in five seconds

                              thats messed up....


                              • #45
                                No its ironic
                                Originally posted by Facetious
                                edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)

