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We're all rough around the edges.

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  • #16
    Country: New Zealand
    Problem: Hmm, where to start?
    Our government makes promises and doesn't keep them, instead they do 'just enough' to annoy the opposition, people are showing resemblence to conforming to other Western countries styles of government and religion, 'Destiny church', a right wing religious organizing which tithes its lower class members 10% of their income (after tax) whose leader and founder gets all that money, spends it on expensive yatchs, cars, his house etc while feeding off their hatred of gays, The student loan system, a severely fucked up system held by the government because it gets them money, puts students into debt (current student loan dept hit about 70 million If I recall correctly), A very screwed up education system that the government presses on us relentlessly, even when the 'government scholarship' exams (which I sat) were either too easy, or extremely difficult and set at far too high a standard. The funny bit is that I sat a chemistry one which I completely understood and answered 90% of questions correctly, but 'not in enough detail'... so failed, and I also sat a statistics exams which I foud incredibly difficult... and passed. Someone sat a geography exam without even taking the subject, and passed. The entire High school education system is so crap, because of this, that some schools are importing a whole new exam system from Cambridge. Oh, and we have a power crisis with some newbs crying 'but let us have teh nucl34R p0w3r pl4nt...' who dont' seem to recall NZ is nuclear free. And staying that way. Its one up on the rest of the world, anyway.

    Originally posted by Disliked
    Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
    +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


    • #17
      country: usa

      while laziness is a problem, i think selfishness is the overriding problem that causes both the laziness as well as other problems. station wagons too nerdy for you? have the money? waste tons of gas, ruin the environment, and put lives at risk by buying an suv instead! too lazy to figure out what the economic implications of voting republican are? youd rather take rights away from people you dont like? vote for bush! people in this county would much rather act in their immediate self-interest than think, and it pretty much sucks.

      by the way, i pretty much agree with you, liquid blue, except for the homework/job stuff. while in some situations, doing homework can be valuable, i dont know how you can expect people to give a shit when their professors and academic institutions dont give a shit either. most teachers that i have encountered in my life im fairly sure are only teachers because they enjoy the power trip involved in telling people what to do. (perhaps they started out teaching for different reasons, but thats the impression ive gotten from them) when i have a teacher that cares about students, homework is cool, but when the teacher just wants to prove how great they are, fuck it, whats the point? the same goes for jobs. if you work at wal-mart, is it better to try really hard, and help wal-mart succeed, or get away with as much as possible and waste their evil dollars? i say the latter, personally.
      Last edited by Facetious; 04-12-2005, 02:35 PM.
      5:gen> man
      5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


      • #18
        Simply put; more money needs to be put into our dental system but it seems to be an issue ignored by parliament.

        Watch this space for any additions.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Facetious

          by the way, i pretty much agree with you, liquid blue, except for the homework/job stuff. while in some situations, doing homework can be valuable, i dont know how you can expect people to give a shit when their professors and academic institutions dont give a shit either. most teachers that i have encountered in my life im fairly sure are only teachers because they enjoy the power trip involved in telling people what to do. (perhaps they started out teaching for different reasons, but thats the impression ive gotten from them) when i have a teacher that cares about students, homework is cool, but when the teacher just wants to prove how great they are, fuck it, whats the point? the same goes for jobs. if you work at wal-mart, is it better to try really hard, and help wal-mart succeed, or get away with as much as possible and waste their evil dollars? i say the latter, personally.
          Hmm, you bring up a good point, Face. Motivation to suceed can rise and fall due to the actions and attitudes of your peers/ co-workers.I'll just throw administrative staff into that group also. If more people stopped being lazy and started doing things to help others and acted for the greater good instead of themselves, it would most likely just have a domino effect. Sort of like when you leave a building, and you hold the door open for the other person, chances are that if anyone is behind them they will do the same. There are a couple of assholes who won't no matter what, but hopefully you get my drift.
          My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Disliked
            Simply put; more money needs to be put into our dental system but it seems to be an issue ignored by parliament.

            Watch this space for any additions.
            Yes. I don't even havea dentist, and there is no dentists taking on patients (is that the right word?) in about a 70 mile radius


            • #21

              Problem: Dept. Of Agriculture has more employees than there are farmers in the country

              Problem: The Dept. of Energy has an average of 1.7 vehicles per employee

              Problem: The perpetuation of generational misery due to unwanted children

              Problem: ‘Meism’ (selfishness as others have pointed out)

              Problem: Encouraging propagation (having kids) through tax incentives

              Problem: Smart bombs but dumb kids


              • #22
                Yea, it sucks. I haven't seen the dentist in like...5 years. I brush and floss about 2-3 times a day, though. Regardless of that, I'm sure I'm going to need like a million dollars of dental work done.

                I think I'm just gonna get platinum fronts like Ilya.


                • #23
                  Hitler told me HE was perfect.
                  Thrashing> "That'll be 25.99, thank you for buying, please come again"
                  Thrashing> "LET'S FUCK!"
                  Thrashing> Like that, Ott?
                  Catgirl> rofl
                  Missy> o.O im so leaving this chat

                  Kim> hal, say fit of rage sucks ballz
                  fit of r> here, i'll do it for you
                  fit of r> I SUCK BALLS
                  Kim> loool
                  fit of r> I LOVE BIG HAIRY MAN BALLS


                  • #24

                    Problem: Dept. Of Agriculture has more employees than there are farmers in the country

                    Problem: The Dept. of Energy has an average of 1.7 vehicles per employee

                    Problem: The perpetuation of generational misery due to unwanted children

                    Problem: ‘Meism’ (selfishness as others have pointed out)

                    Problem: Encouraging propagation (having kids) through tax incentives

                    Problem: Smart bombs but dumb kids

                    Originally posted by Disliked
                    Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
                    +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Benno
                      Location: USA
                      Problem: Rampant consumerism dictating the definition of humanity, ethics, art, and morality. Slowly we've become enslaved to our possessions so we work more and enjoy life less.

                      Calm, fitter, healthier, and more productive, a pig in a cage on antibiotics
                      I attend an industrial design school which is right next door to a fine arts school. While game design or animation students create realistic models in maya of the fine arts school, the students across the street use other mediums to render what they see. Paint vs computers isn't the differnce though, it's the motive. While it's true that the majority of students in either campus enjoy being creative and want to be rich someday, the main difference is the order of those goals. We create becuase it's a career path we enjoy, they create becuase it's enjoyable and it can also sustain them financially someday.

                      This subtle difference is what seperates Van Gogh from Kincade (sp? the crappy artist known as the "painter of light"), Pollock from Warhol, Miyamoto from the person that decided we need 8+ street fighter games, Columbus from Texaco R&D, good music from the industry standard. Since civilization first became comfortable enough to worry about more than where the next meal comes, the pursuit of more everything has taken over every faucet of life. Of course nobody is motivated by purely alturistic means, but never before has the naked lust for more driven us to ignore everything else.

                      I think the underlying reason is that we're all too comfortable. In moderation consumerism is good, it's the heart of a strong economy and mechanical progress, but people have become so materially comfortable our other avenues of pleasure have atrophied to the point where materialism is our only 'ism. Money is not happiness, but the blind public consensus is that it is. Money can help bring happiness, but it does not gaurantee it. People need to realize that a bucket of money might make you happy, but working yourself to death or choosing love over money will make you unhappy.

                      This is mostly a reaction to the fact i've just had a 20 hour school day and a bit more idealistic than pragmatic (HI ZA GOPHAR), becuase there is no fast fix for what is essentially the burden of progress.

                      The long road to recovery:

                      I have a few ideas for things that would help this problem, but i'm really sleepy and I have to be up in a few hours, so i'll post that later :|


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Benno
                        I attend an industrial design school which is right next door to a fine arts school. While game design or animation students create realistic models in maya of the fine arts school, the students across the street use other mediums to render what they see. Paint vs computers isn't the differnce though, it's the motive. While it's true that the majority of students in either campus enjoy being creative and want to be rich someday, the main difference is the order of those goals. We create becuase it's a career path we enjoy, they create becuase it's enjoyable and it can also sustain them financially someday.

                        This subtle difference is what seperates Van Gogh from Kincade (sp? the crappy artist known as the "painter of light"), Pollock from Warhol, Miyamoto from the person that decided we need 8+ street fighter games, Columbus from Texaco R&D, good music from the industry standard. Since civilization first became comfortable enough to worry about more than where the next meal comes, the pursuit of more everything has taken over every faucet of life. Of course nobody is motivated by purely alturistic means, but never before has the naked lust for more driven us to ignore everything else.

                        I think the underlying reason is that we're all too comfortable. In moderation consumerism is good, it's the heart of a strong economy and mechanical progress, but people have become so materially comfortable our other avenues of pleasure have atrophied to the point where materialism is our only 'ism. Money is not happiness, but the blind public consensus is that it is. Money can help bring happiness, but it does not gaurantee it. People need to realize that a bucket of money might make you happy, but working yourself to death or choosing love over money will make you unhappy.

                        This is mostly a reaction to the fact i've just had a 20 hour school day and a bit more idealistic than pragmatic (HI ZA GOPHAR), becuase there is no fast fix for what is essentially the burden of progress.

                        The long road to recovery:

                        I have a few ideas for things that would help this problem, but i'm really sleepy and I have to be up in a few hours, so i'll post that later :|

                        Isn't that what religion is based on? lol yeah thats very true but not every1 ignores this. The people who do not have money, the people who live in remote areas of the world that have little contact with the world, nomads, they all have ways of pleasure excluding sex.... (is that word allowed?). The problem lies in 1st and 2nd world countries, we are abusing technology to the point that we have obesce..... children 'waddling' everywhere. I being a person from vancouver (don't see 'well rounded' people much) am very irritated by this. They sit around and play video games that require no skills, so not only do their bodies get affected their brains too. Seeing a kid who can put up a good fight in a debate is very rare. The world as a whole should fix this problem or i'm afraid 3rd world countries will collapse and 2nd and 1st world countries will kill themselves because their reliance on technology. Except for India or China or some parts of russia Technology is still not a big thing in those areas.


                        • #27

                          60% income tax, 50% car tax, 75% gas tax

                          I pretty much hate the fact that it's impossible to become rich in Finland.
                          5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                          5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                          5: Da1andonly> =((
                          5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                          5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                          5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by NaiLed
                            Yes. I don't even havea dentist, and there is no dentists taking on patients (is that the right word?) in about a 70 mile radius
                            We have at least 20 dentists in my town. Some private, others NHS.


                            • #29
                              yeah, sorry, i meant no NHS dentists avaibable. it's ok tho cos my teeth are good (never had to have a filling or antying and i only brush once a day)


                              • #30
                                I don't like the Dutch weather too much...

