I woke up at 7am. God why can't I lie in until 9am? I'm a failure. Had a wash and looked at my grotesque face in the mirror; I'm going to die a virgin. Decided to put two pairs of socks on today as it was quite cold outside, I'm such a pussy. Rode to school on the bus and only 1 girl looked at me, but she's really ugly and was probably trying to work out whether my nose is prosthetic or not. Man I can't wait until my next wank. Lessons seemed to take forever and I bet I learned nothing at all which will hinder any social progress I stand to make in later life. Wait I don't have a life. Only got two sandwiches for lunch, conclusive proof that my mother hates me. Also noticed that the rafters in the lunch hall have sufficient room to fix some rope around. The hot girl from the year above asked me out but I know she's just being ironic so I turned her down. Spent the next two lessons doodling planning how to best ambush that girl and make her pay for taking the piss out of me. The kids on the bus all sang happy birthday to me on the ride home and gave me presents, although they all hate me and just guessed it was my birthday. I put a drawing pin in Steve's sandwich wasn't looking. Got home and jizzed EVERYWHERE. Spent the evening reflecting my life on an internet forum. I know I'm only 17 but this is exactly what the rest of my life will be like. Lindsay Lohan hates me
Chin up chum!
Chin up chum!