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Tiger is Just Too Cool

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  • Tiger is Just Too Cool

    So many sweet and cool things.
    I'll avoid all the general obvious awesome stuff like spotlight and automator and built in RSS to Safari.

    The built in Yellow Pages, Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, The Weather Forecast, and any other Widgets people care to make all at the touch of a button.
    All the way down to little things, like showing the current song I'm playing in iTunes to other Tiger iChat users under my name.

    Who knows, maybe Longhorn will manage to copy some of this awesomeness in the next 18 months until it's released.

    In short, I'm so very very pleased with it.
    "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

    Reinstate Me.

  • #2
    So is this just for Macs?


    • #3
      Yup. It's the newest Mac Operating System, and the thread title says it all.
      "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

      Reinstate Me.


      • #4
        Boo! All windows got was some rounded edges and some stupid little dog in the search function.


        • #5
          Neat. Apparently you can highlight any word and right click it, and search for it in spotlight, google, or look the word up in the dictionary. It even has pictures in some of the dictionary entries.

          May I present to you,
          The Hula Jesus Widget:

          It's just a bouncing hula doll. Hula Girl, Hula Boy, or Hula Jesus.
          Last edited by Sarien; 05-05-2005, 11:24 PM.
          "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

          Reinstate Me.


          • #6
            Pretty neat but I'd still never buy a Mac.
            Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
            i just wish it was longer
            Originally posted by Cops
            it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.


            • #7
              I'm very tempted. I've never ever bought a box of software (except stuff that comes with a new computer) but I'm really tempted to buy Tiger. I think the graphics performance upgrades alone would almost be worth it to me. Spotlight looks useful too. I use Quicksilver but it's not quite 100% everything I want.

              Did you read the Ars Technica review? Lots of good information (some on the really geeky stuff) on many of the improvements and what they mean, and what might be possible for the future.



              • #8
                Originally posted by Cylor
                Pretty neat but I'd still never buy a Mac.

                Geek, I've had it for a day and it's leaps and bounds ahead of Panther, which was still a great OS.

                I think you got your powerbook too early to qualify for a free Tiger upgrade, but if you can swing it and justify it to yourself, it's really worth it.
                "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                Reinstate Me.


                • #9
                  how much for a powerbook?


                  • #10
                    If you're a college student you can get an apple student loan to finance it. Normally the idea of adding to the mountain of student loan debt i'm in would be a bad idea, but it's a good investment provided you don't drop it. You'll be paying $12 (or so) a month as a minimum payment which could forseeably last the entire span of your natural life, so pay alot more on months when you you have money.


                    • #11
                      Monthly payments aren't what I would be worried about. The interest rate is what matters. If apple charges %10 interest, and the feds charge 2.77% with a 10 yr rate, it's a pretty ez call. Even if the fed pushes the rate up (which they supposedly will in July), 4.5% is still way better than anything a regular lender could provide.


                      • #12
                        umm..i like the calculator.

                        school macs use OS X.
                        thread killer

                        Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


                        • #13
                          I've kicked the idea of trying out a Mac, but I've always had the concern about compatibility. Is there stuff that you can't do with a Mac, since most of the world uses Windows? For example: not being able to use certain applications, or not being able to use certain functions on some websites?

                          I've wanted to get a lappytop so I can take notes in class much quicker than by writing them down and converting them to a txt doc when I get home (for study sheets), and school is the biggest reason I need a new comp. If I do a paper for school on a powerbook, or if I take my book to school and take notes in class with it, is it going to be a problem when I get home and want to switch PC's, and upload my notes to my regular win-based comp?
                          Last edited by Subjugation; 05-06-2005, 03:23 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
                            I've kicked the idea of trying out a Mac, but I've always had the concern about compatibility. Is there stuff that you can't do with a Mac, since most of the world uses Windows? For example: not being able to use certain applications, or not being able to use certain functions on some websites?

                            I've wanted to get a lappytop so I can take notes in class much quicker than by writing them down and converting them to a txt doc when I get home (for study sheets), and school is the biggest reason I need a new comp. If I do a paper for school on a powerbook, or if I take my book to school and take notes in class with it, is it going to be a problem when I get home and want to switch PC's, and upload my notes to my regular win-based comp?
                            Speaking as someone who just went through four years of school, at a school where 2 out of 3 students had a lap top, I would ask you to reassess the "taking notes in class" line of reasoning. I think I saw one person use their laptop for notes, because most people don't take outline form notes. We write comments in the margins, doodle, draw diagrams, make bulet points in columns, and you can't be bothered with formating a word document while your prof yammers on eight light years ahead of what you just wrote. I'm not saying don't get one, but considering the economy of a desktop vs a laptop system, make sure you can _actually_ justify the purchase with use.

                            On a sidenote, it's also my personal belief that laptops are on the way out. You might look in to buying a notebook PC.


                            • #15
                              Yellow Pages is an international thing?
                              Originally posted by Facetious
                              edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)

