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French rejects EU Constitution

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  • French rejects EU Constitution

    French say firm 'No' to EU treaty
    French voters have overwhelmingly rejected the European Union's proposed constitution in a key referendum.
    Almost 55% of people voted "No", with 45% in favour. Turnout was high, at about 70%.

    The vote could deal a fatal blow to the EU constitution, which needs to be ratified by all 25 member states.

    President Jacques Chirac accepted the voters' "sovereign decision", but said it created "a difficult context for the defence of our interests in Europe".

    The French leader had campaigned hard for a "Yes" vote.

    The BBC's Caroline Wyatt in Paris says the rejection by one of the EU's founding members is a political earthquake, sending reverberations right across Europe.

    Winners and losers

    European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso described the French rejection as "a very serious problem," but insisted: "We cannot say that the treaty is dead."

    But the BBC's world affairs analyst Paul Reynolds says there is no Plan B for the EU and no clear way forward, with moves towards further integration now in doubt.

    You have in the course of these debates expressed your worries
    Jacques Chirac

    In his televised address, Mr Chirac said voters had registered their frustrations.

    He said he would take a decision on the future of his centre-right government "in the coming days", hinting at a possible reshuffle.

    Late on Sunday jubilant "No" supporters gathered at the Place de la Bastille in Paris - where the French Revolution began - chanting "we won" and sounding horns.

    Those who rejected the treaty came from across the political spectrum, including Communists, dissident socialists and right-wing parties.

    One of the leading right-wing opponents of the treaty, Philippe de Villiers, said: "Europe has to be rebuilt. The constitution is no more."

    He urged Mr Chirac either to stand down or dissolve parliament.

    The leader of opposition Socialist party Francois Hollande, from the "Yes" campaign, voiced "regret" over the result, but blamed Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin.

    "The rejection of this treaty is above all the rejection of the government," he said.

    Referendum season

    Foreign Minister Michel Barnier said the vote was a "real disappointment" - but urged other EU countries to go ahead with their own votes.


    Member states can ratify the document through a referendum or by parliamentary vote. So far nine countries have formally endorsed it.

    Eight national referendums are still to come, including one in the Netherlands on Wednesday, where the "No" side is leading the opinion polls.

    Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende called on his fellow Dutch to approve the treaty despite France's rejection.

    "There is all the more reason to say 'Yes' so that some progress can be recorded," he said.

    In the UK, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the result raised "profound questions" about the direction of Europe.

    The constitution was finalised last year after long negotiations among EU governments.

    Its aim is to streamline EU institutions following the admission of 10 new members last year.
    So, I think that the French rejection is a sign of worse troubles in their country. They seem to want to barricade out the rest of the world. What does everyone else think?
    Zemyla>You know, quoting yourself in your sig is a sign of irredeemable narcissism.

    GuruMeditation> You're on SS, you're an it.
    GuruMeditation> Unless your ship grows boobs, in that case you're a freak.

    Originally posted by sexy wooden spoon
    Also u cud tlk about helping language skills.

  • #2
    I fear we are going to have 'no' as outcome too tomorrow.
    You ate some priest porridge


    • #3
      I think the rest of the world wants to barricade out the french.
      The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

      Originally posted by Richard Creager
      All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


      • #4
        Simply put; the EU sucks. So does the euro.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Nickname
          I think the rest of the world wants to barricade out the french.

          edit: Die Hard 2 dubbed to french kicked ass! Bruce was played by some guy still in puberty!
          5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
          5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
          5: Da1andonly> =((
          5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
          5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
          5: Epinephrine> oh shit


          • #6
            EU can SMD

            £ > €


            • #7
              Originally posted by Disliked
              Simply put; the EU sucks. So does the euro.
              rock on Disliked, we share a common trail of thought
              i dont like the idea of a countrys way and system being controlled by "johnny foreigner", sorry if i offend but its the truth, other european countries have to suffer it too
              Jarlson of> if this game was a girl i would jerk off to it every night

              nopcode> sometimes get mates round, have a few beers and play this yes
              oNe-t> YEAH
              nopcode> before going out
              funfunfun> god the fun never stops does it

              MageWarrior> I'm so sexy, frog makes me lapdance for him daily


              • #8
                Isn't the euro low compared to the pound and the dollar, and probably other forms of currency?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Zerzera
                  I fear we are going to have 'no' as outcome too tomorrow.
                  I hope so.
                  There's no place like


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dameon Angell
                    Isn't the euro low compared to the pound and the dollar, and probably other forms of currency?

                    At the moment the Euro/US Dollar rate is 1.23 with the Euro as base currency.
                    There's no place like


                    • #11
                      Maybe I missed something, but how is 55% rejection (vs 45% acceptance) an overwhelming rejection?
                      - k2


                      • #12
                        Rofl, the euro is owning the dollar

                        I recently bought something in america, wich costed me 266 dollars, only had to pay 192 euro, cheap stuff, considering all that would normally have been close to 250 euro
                        Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                        • #13
                          I love croissants.

                          (Feel free to publically thank me for my profound contribution to this thread)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Zemyla
                            So, I think that the French rejection is a sign of worse troubles in their country. They seem to want to barricade out the rest of the world. What does everyone else think?
                            maybe they dont see it that way, maybe the see the EU as yet another precursor to a One World Government


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Fallen Angel
                              At the moment the Euro/US Dollar rate is 1.23 with the Euro as base currency.
                              Really? Wasn't it like 1.5 just a few months ago? That's a pretty big drop. Good for me if I travel to Ireland over the summer.

