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Funny Shit Right Here Yo!

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  • Funny Shit Right Here Yo!

    A gay man named Roger goes into the doctor's office and has some tests run. The doctor comes back and says "Roger, I am not going to beat around the bush. You have AIDS." Roger is devastated. "Doc, what can I do?"

    The doctor says "I want you to go home and eat 5 pounds of spicy sausage, a head of cabbage, 20 un-peeled carrots drenched in hot sauce, 10 Jalapeno peppers, 40 walnuts and 40 peanuts, 1/2 box of All Bran cereal, and top it off with a gallon of prune juice." Roger asks, "Will that cure me, Doc?"

    "No, but it should leave you with a better understanding of what your asshole is for."

    a friend sent it to me via text message while I was at work, after reading it I shot mountain dew out of my nose...

  • #2
    Q: what's brown and sticky?
    YOU ARE THE 1,000,000,000TH VISITOR IN MY SIG!
    Click here to receive your price!


    • #3
      That text message must have cost at least £50
      Originally posted by Facetious
      edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


      • #4
        ok it wasnt a text it was an e-mail...

        god ya got me


        • #5
          oh yeah

          ps Zeus thanks for that one thing that you know about but no one else does :fear:


          • #6
            10 other people on these forums know about it (can you see who else a pm gets sent to if it gets sent to multiple people?)
            Originally posted by Facetious
            edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


            • #7
              Originally posted by ZeUs!!
              10 other people on these forums know about it (can you see who else a pm gets sent to if it gets sent to multiple people?)
              No, but your subject line sort of hinted at multiple people

              internet de la jerome

              because the internet | hazardous


              • #8
                thx for not sending me that pm Zeus!! <_<
                I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


                • #9
                  I felt so special,

                  all until I noticed cundor got it too =/
                  5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                  5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                  5: Da1andonly> =((
                  5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                  5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                  5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                  • #10
                    my pediatrician was homophobic, maybe that joke is about him
                    5:gen> man
                    5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                    • #11
                      thats one funny joke!!
                      thread killer

                      Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


                      • #12
                        what is pink and fluffy

                        a pink piece of fluff!!
                        USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                        ---A few minutes later---
                        9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                        9:Kim> UM
                        9:Kim> i didn't
                        9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                        9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                        9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                        9:pascone> lol?


                        • #13
                          a bit of pink fluff?

                          Originally posted by Disliked
                          Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
                          +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


                          • #14
                            yo can we make hogo moderator of RH, please? hogo4mod
                            audit> and btw, im your fan!

                            DeeZ NuTs> time to own
                            DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
                            Azreal> LOloL
                            cook> ROFL

                            R.I.P VENOM


                            • #15
                              2 gays live together in a flat
                              one dies and the other makes a curry out of his dead body

                              When asked why he did it, the gay replied:
                              "cos i wanted to feel him dribble out of my arse one last time"

                              Ok heres another one...

                              What's the difference between a fridge and a fag?
                              Tha fridge dont fart when you take the meat out

                              Hogo got pawned.

