I work whenever the fuck I want
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Working On Sunday
I don't work. I go to bed whenever I feel like it, but usually around 5am - I like to call my best friend and tell him he needs to wake up to go to work. I wake up myself at aound 1 in the afternoon, and sort of stare at shit until 1:30. Then I take jacuzzi. Sometimes I use my shampoo, sometimes I steal pavement's, and even use his Axe bodywash instead of my soap. But I ALWAYS use his shit on my pubes.
When I feel adventurous, I leave my house before 3:00. Usuaully though, I wait till said best friend gets off work, he comes over and tells me about how hard he slaves. I then proceed to Wendy's with him, and buy myself a triple cheese (god bless metabolism) while paying with my credit card- I read books, write up notes, and sell them to friends for lots of money.
God bless America.
Originally posted by JeromeI don't work. I go to bed whenever I feel like it, but usually around 5am - I like to call my best friend and tell him he needs to wake up to go to work. I wake up myself at aound 1 in the afternoon, and sort of stare at shit until 1:30. Then I take jacuzzi. Sometimes I use my shampoo, sometimes I steal pavement's, and even use his Axe bodywash instead of my soap. But I ALWAYS use his shit on my pubes.
When I feel adventurous, I leave my house before 3:00. Usuaully though, I wait till said best friend gets off work, he comes over and tells me about how hard he slaves. I then proceed to Wendy's with him, and buy myself a triple cheese (god bless metabolism) while paying with my credit card- I read books, write up notes, and sell them to friends for lots of money.
God bless America.
fuck off!The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard CreagerAll space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.
If it is a job worth keeping, you gotta put your dues in now to get ahead later. If it is a PT job for the summer or end of summer now...then that sucks for you time wise.
Money should dictate your answer as well as the future of what this job holds for you. Is there room for advancing in this job? Well hopefully your getting paid over $10 an hr.May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.
Originally posted by project dragonI just got a job at the CNE, its the midnight shift teehee
12am-8am. Im going to need some red bull.
will this ruin me for university orientation? I have music auditions the first week of university and CNE ends the same day I leave for uni.
For the summer I'm working 3 jobs. I'm assistant supervisor at a camp from 8-12:30, then I go work at the A&P deli from 1-6, then go to my college and setup physics labs from 7-10. I only have to work at the deli on the weekends though, usually from 9-5 or 7-3, so I have time for a social life then and Thursday/Friday nights.
Once school starts up, I'll work 2 jobs... the physics lab job from 7-12 AM and school from 1pm on on MON-THURS... and then FRI-SUN I'll work the deli since I have no classes.
PS. thats right fuckers, I set my schedule up so that I have 17 credits, my earliest class is 1 PM, AND I have Fridays off.Dice
TWLB Champions Season 8
TWLJ Champions Season 8
TWLB Champions Season 10
TWLB Champions Season 11
Originally posted by project dragonI got into Laurier for the music program. Western wouldnt give me the program i wantedand i didnt want to stay in Toronto for university
a2m I got 27 credits but have Monday and Friday off :P
I've never had a job where I had to wake up so early. The earliest was a job that started at 8am that I woke up at 7:30 forAnd now I am just lounging around working from home wheeee.
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