Spinsanity is actually a nice guy. I'd take his mindless political spamming anyday over the usual tw would-be morons.
There is no comparison between him and tone.
There is no more comparism between him and tone as there is between SpiderMage and tone. I was on a squad with spin, and he's pretty cool. Most people just see the macros and think nothing of it, don't even bother to talk (other than say stfu newb or whatever)
Originally posted by Disliked
Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
+++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++
He's always seemed like a version of DEA to me--instead of "get cancer and die!!!1!", it's just kind of sensationalized politics. Doesn't really bother me, but it's stupid.
Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.
Americans do not like the1st Amendment and Metal Gear's policys reflects this fact. TestTube's vision for people in Metal Gear zone.
Right before TestTube used a rule to restrict more discussion in SSForum.net in the SSC related forum (forum was locked-- was it to close to home?), he said the following...
"This has been discussed already on the trench wars forums and judging by the replys over there iam surprised he had the guts to post again" SSForum - SSC related topics
TestTube may well be right! Perhaps America is turning away from Democracy.
CBS reported not long ago... "Support for the First Amendment has eroded significantly since Sept. 11 and nearly half of Americans now think the constitutional amendment on free speech goes too far in the rights it guarantees, according to a new poll." LINK
Here is a stat that reflects the mentality of some that support my one year ban from Metal Gear. "75% said that as part of a classroom discussion, public school students should be allowed to express views that others might find offensive, but just 27% agreed that students should be allowed to wear T-shirts with messages or pictures that might offend others."-- LINK
Remember WHY I got my one year ban from Metal Gear, I was banned for talking about politics, NOT spamming.
Here is the rule TestTube used to ban me for a year (or earlier used to censor me from chat - and my ability to talk to my team)
TestTube published the following.... "As this is known by most by some its not. please keep political discussions out of pub chat in the game thanks" - TestTube LINK to MG forum
A player from Metal Gear Speaks his mind - in a "free speech zone" - the SS forum.
Hackysack has a fairly correct version of why I was banned, but insist that it was spam (I was not spamming and I was not banned for spam)....
"..things like "bush lied people died" then he would give some bull 'statistic' and wait for someone to start arguing with him. He would do this for hours everyday and mods kept getting messages such as. Please stop political talk in pub." And he concludes "..there is no reason to argue politics on a game.."LINK
I think a lot of people take issue with Hackysack's last statement, aside from the fact that President Bush lead us into a war that has cost billions and many lives, all on very questionable pretenses, there are other reasons to do what I do, as arcader said in the forum that announced TestTubes "no politics in Metal Gear rule", ...."yah wtf, aruging and flaming is the basis of all fun in ss, especially in an incredibly limited zone game wise, such as metal gear.", which anyone that sees what I do is doing just that, in the context of game play. If at any time someone starts in on a specific subject or is jamming up the pub chat, I take it to private messages.
Why would Hackysack say what he did?
Well there are two reasons that Hackysack does not want to admit, even to himself.
1. Mods rather than telling the complainers not to cry wolf, some may see a opportunity to enforce a special rule from TestTube.
2. I think the second reason speaks for itself... from the link where TestTube rolled out the new rule
Hackysack stated the following....
"TT's to do list:
-Ban Spinsanity for constant politcal talk in pub
-remove shraps
-bring old tile sets back to pub -make me mod"
Will Hackysack become a mod in Metal Gear?
Will I get my one year ban lifted?
Will Metal Gear ban another for "talking politics"?, censor of chat?, a warning from a mod? ---it may be YOU !
Watch what you say and where you say it - some people with power sometimes abuse that power - sometimes in Sub Space!
Spamming here in TW is against the rules. So are offensive images. Bye.
Well, Mr. Fandango, ask yourself what is more offensive, the images or WHY the images exist in the first place.
I encourage you to atleast goggle a few articles that make some very interesting comparisons between President Bush and Hitler.
Maybe you could pick one out and start a new post in the general discussion or political section....
I will tell you one thing, it it much more difficult to hide the similar points than it is to bring out the differences.
Iraq has lost 100,000 people, Hitler killed more, but you will find that both went after people in that same region.
Both used terrorism to kick off their campaign. In the case of Hitler, he staged a terrorist attack and blamed it on Jews that were commies. In the case of bush, the only thing for a fact is that he may not of staged it, just saw it coming.
Both used that excuse to start homeland security, and patriot act laws.
Mr. Fandango good luck trying to argue why my images are offensive!
There's not much "discussion" going on. All I see is you throwing some rehashed crap in size 7 font at us expecting us to do something about your ban. How many times have you been told to shut the fuck up because of your disruptive copy-pasting? You obviously don't listen too well.
Originally posted by Tone
It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
What are his intentions? To bring us poor, uneducated, TWers some political enlightenment? A big percentage of the people he cut and pastes spams in TW aren’t even American and probably don’t give a shit about American politics.
I see nothing wrong with occasionally presenting and discussing a political or social issue in a pub arena in a 2D space game, but when it occurs over and over, for months at a time, it clearly becomes something more than a free speech issue. It becomes disruptive and damaging to the game. If anyone doesn’t believe this, then please watch as Spin, Spinsanity, Sex., etc goes into the pubs, sits in spec and begins his cut and paste diatribes. The arena will die within 10 minutes as stupid people get sucked into his intentionally disruptive arguments.
If his intention was to really discuss these topics, why would he choose a 2D space game? Why not find some political forums and chat rooms and do it there?
Spin has single-handedly hurt TW more than any person I have seen since 1998. I always figured that he was some pissed off, previously banned kid who was making it his mission in life to damage the game and community for spite or something. It is no different than someone coming into the game everyday with inflammatory religious macros or inciting nationalistic cut and pasted crap.
And yes, we can all add him to our ?ignore list. But that does NOT help when half the pub sinks into arguing with the person and the previous decent pub game falls apart.
MG did the right thing, only trouble is now he is even more determined to do damage here in TW. It is time to stop pretending that this is a free speech issue and understand it for what it really is, an intentional disruption of the game.
PS. To the people who say he is actually a 'nice guy'. Nice people don't intentionally damage the game for their own agendas. Nice people don't come onto these forums under assumed names with the intention to deceive.
Spin has single-handedly hurt TW more than any person I have seen since 1998.
Seriously though, I think you're overstating the case a little bit. I've been playing for 2 years and I have never noticed him clear out an arena before. And even if he did, his "cut and paste diatribes" wouldn't have an overall effect on the amount of people in pub.
Let's assume what you said is correct for a moment. If 10 people left pub 5 to avoid reading his macros (which you can easily disable), or get away from the conversation that others have joined, those 10 people are more than likely not going to log off, they're going to head to different pubs, or other arenas. Therefore, you will not have a net loss of players. Just a redistribution of them.
But like I said, I really don't think that even actually happens the way you describe. If anything, since 1998, I was under the impression that the game has actually GROWN in volume of players.
Yea, I get it that you think he's bad for the game, but I don't see how you can get mad about his political ones and not ban people for spamming "NOOB" and "EZ" kill macros.
Getting emotional and saying something stupid in pub chat is one thing, setting out to intentionally disrupt the game is another thing.
Premeditation makes it more, for one. I doubt anyone enters Elim and thinks, I am going to spam 'noobie' today.
And obviously at least the mods in MG agree with me.
Drama? Nah. I offered $100 to anyone who could get him to leave TW about a year ago. It is not like I have been rallying all this time to get him removed, I have simply watched as he has caused pub arenas to deteriorate. If no one else cares, neither do I.
Like I said, if anyone wants to 'payback' TW, simply build some inflamatory religous macros and have at it.
Yea, I remember the days when I used jesus=terrorist as my in-game ID. I was constantly "requested" by mods to change it. Ridiculous. It's not like I created macros about Christianity being a twisted pile of shit just to get under people's skin. But even if I did, I don't think banning would be justified. It would not be racism, or hateful to any particular culture. Religion is a part of culture, not the culture itself. Opposition to an IDEA or a PHILOSOPHY should not be a bannable offense. And that includes what Spin does.
Assuming he does it purposefully to disrupt the game, then that should be the argument used in banning him. But it wasn't, instead they said "no political speech". But back to what you said, there's no more proof that he's intentionally disrupting the game than some low self-esteem having loser like Ayden who spams her kill macros to piss her opponents off.