Undoubtedly you would sit through a lecture on predictions of nostradomus. Perhaps even consider psychic phenomena such as ghosts, telekinesis and such things. Even the CIA has proven the abilities of one ex-cop who apparently saw into a hanger inside Russia. What other creature on this earth could possibly have so much knowledge, so much insight on the workings of the world. None, so where did evolution go wrong?
They are all theories, ID is no different then the big bang. Hey what can I say, Jesus said it best.
How does all this tie into the paranormal you say? Easy, there is a spiritual war that has been in effect since God has created man. Who can deny the existence of evil? As much as we are loved by God, we are also hated and despised by satan. Of course satan loved the old days when we lived under God's law. All men were guilty under the law, even the greatest prophets, so we were separated from God. Jesus covers our sins by his own blood, only by his grace are we saved. God also gifted us with the Holy Spirit.
Now do I think nostradomus is psychic? Certainly not, his writings are purely possible events that could take place. He made probable predictions with multiple outcomes. Basically he covered all his options and wrote very obscure things. Of course not all visions are from God, I'm sure he was motivated to write what he did. It'd be like going to Vegas and putting a chip down on all the numbers... of course your going to be right when the ball stops.
So what does all this have to do with Intelligent Design?
Yes ID is backed by most Christian believers who would love schools to be unbiased against possibilities. I will teach my children but I don't believe in forcing it on yours. I do feel it is unfortunate; your children are as deserving as mine.
Separation of church and state was meant to protect our government from powers such as the old British Catholic church. This had great influence over the people and rejected any other form of religion other then what was catholic.
So our great and wonderful forefathers gave us guaranteed protection from being ruled by the church. They would be very ashamed to see how far those words have been carried. It was the intent that we should be looking at, not the definition.
Our great nation is being re-wrote not by our president, but by Supreme Court justices who rule on precedence. Precedence on precedence, Bush is at least putting the power of our supreme courts back into good hands that aren't so willing to topple the constitution. Judges that judge on the intent of our fore fathers, rather then what other judges have determined to be right or wrong.
In God we trust. That is what makes our country so great. We are a Nation founded on Christianity. How much does our father in heaven love us? Look at all the gifts he has given us. Think about it, we are the envy of every nation(except Canada, but the cold might affect their thinking).
All I'm saying is I'm afraid our Government which was founded and created by God fearing, Jesus loving bible toting people (which most of you seem to hate for no reason) is in danger of losing our relationship with God.
Oh well, I could go on forever, and I'm sure the nasty replies of scientism will come pouring in shortly.
Just remember, I didn't start this thread, just explaining what you asked for. So you can hate me now.
I'm writing this in hopes that those who are in-between can see both sides of this argument. My hope is that someone will receive this in good faith, and I apologize for "forcing" my Christian values on you unbelievers who so value your Christian free forum. Please discuss another topic where your ignorance is better placed.
Sorry if I offended anyone!
They are all theories, ID is no different then the big bang. Hey what can I say, Jesus said it best.
Every plant not planted by my heavenly Father will be rooted up, so ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a ditch. -Matthew vs. 15: 13-14
He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world at large cannot receive him, because it isn't looking for him and doesn't recognize him. But you do, because he lives with you now and later will be in you. - He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by revealing to you whatever he receives from me. John vs. 14: 15, John vs. 16: 14-15
So what does all this have to do with Intelligent Design?
Yes ID is backed by most Christian believers who would love schools to be unbiased against possibilities. I will teach my children but I don't believe in forcing it on yours. I do feel it is unfortunate; your children are as deserving as mine.
Separation of church and state was meant to protect our government from powers such as the old British Catholic church. This had great influence over the people and rejected any other form of religion other then what was catholic.
So our great and wonderful forefathers gave us guaranteed protection from being ruled by the church. They would be very ashamed to see how far those words have been carried. It was the intent that we should be looking at, not the definition.
Our great nation is being re-wrote not by our president, but by Supreme Court justices who rule on precedence. Precedence on precedence, Bush is at least putting the power of our supreme courts back into good hands that aren't so willing to topple the constitution. Judges that judge on the intent of our fore fathers, rather then what other judges have determined to be right or wrong.
In God we trust. That is what makes our country so great. We are a Nation founded on Christianity. How much does our father in heaven love us? Look at all the gifts he has given us. Think about it, we are the envy of every nation(except Canada, but the cold might affect their thinking).
All I'm saying is I'm afraid our Government which was founded and created by God fearing, Jesus loving bible toting people (which most of you seem to hate for no reason) is in danger of losing our relationship with God.
Oh well, I could go on forever, and I'm sure the nasty replies of scientism will come pouring in shortly.
Just remember, I didn't start this thread, just explaining what you asked for. So you can hate me now.
Anyone who rebukes a mocker will get a smart retort. Anyone who rebukes the wicked will get hurt. So don't bother rebuking mockers; they will only hate you. But the wise, when rebuked, will love you all the more. Teach the wise, and they will be wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn more. Proverbs vs. 9: 7-9

Sorry if I offended anyone!