I'm sitting in thelobby of a shitty Maltese hotel waiting formy plane in 3 hourstime. I wouldbegoingon a harbour cruise but my mum got a sudden bout of seasickness... on land. Yes I'm on holiday with mymum, adding to the shittyness of this trip. Its a research trip as I'm doing Mediterranean piracy. As you may have noticed this keyboard has a faulty space bar and is generally cack. Things of note abuot this trip:
1) Maltese librarians areas grumpy asfuck
2) Maltese people aren't called Maltesers, but that hasn't stopped me
3) Rob andGeorge's21 party on saturday is actually fancy dress, you have to go as somethingbeginning withS so I'm going asSimonCowell
4) Thishotel has no swimming pool or sun lounge so I have a tshirt suntan
5) The city of Valetta is the most suggestively shaped cityIN THE WORLD. Multimap.co.uk if you want a laugh
6) I'll probably get an extra 5-10 points on my dissertation for this trip, and another 2-3 if I putin the comical photo of me witha Knight of StJohn (its funny to a lecturer, ok?)
7) Mrs Zeus thought I was in Spain
8) I haven't met any piratesalthough if I did I'dprobably interviewthem insteadof running away
9) The Malteseunderstand 'one beer please' perfectly
10) The Red Arrows were hereon sunday, no idea why. Themost feasiblesuggestion I've come up with so far is"maybe they're a bit lost?"
Anyway all I wanted to say is that once I've touched down at Stansted Airport tonight I'm going to start watching Lost. Whats happened so far?
1) Maltese librarians areas grumpy asfuck
2) Maltese people aren't called Maltesers, but that hasn't stopped me
3) Rob andGeorge's21 party on saturday is actually fancy dress, you have to go as somethingbeginning withS so I'm going asSimonCowell
4) Thishotel has no swimming pool or sun lounge so I have a tshirt suntan
5) The city of Valetta is the most suggestively shaped cityIN THE WORLD. Multimap.co.uk if you want a laugh
6) I'll probably get an extra 5-10 points on my dissertation for this trip, and another 2-3 if I putin the comical photo of me witha Knight of StJohn (its funny to a lecturer, ok?)
7) Mrs Zeus thought I was in Spain
8) I haven't met any piratesalthough if I did I'dprobably interviewthem insteadof running away
9) The Malteseunderstand 'one beer please' perfectly
10) The Red Arrows were hereon sunday, no idea why. Themost feasiblesuggestion I've come up with so far is"maybe they're a bit lost?"
Anyway all I wanted to say is that once I've touched down at Stansted Airport tonight I'm going to start watching Lost. Whats happened so far?