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What's with the Pope?

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  • What's with the Pope?

    This new pope makes me wonder where his brain is. In knowing the basic foundations of Catholisism as well as many organized relegions, I am amazed at his outcry recently where he urges for support for Larger Families.

    VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday praised large families and called for countries to approve legislation and other incentives to help them. ``Without children there is no future,'' Benedict said.
    Help them? last thing I want is a welfare system, where people keep having children that they cannot afford creating a welfare state of which my tax dollars go to pay for these kids that the parents cannot afford to feed and cloth.

    I also wonder if the Pope has seen the population problems within this ever shrinking world and the problems that will arise from overpopulation.

    It is my hope that further adequate social and legislative interventions be promoted to protect and support the more numerous families, which constitute a richness and a hope for the entire nation,'' the pope said.
    Maybe these people cannot afford to have these kids.

    In todays times where most familes parental units work to pay the bills and put food on the table, who is going to take care of the kids that the Pope wants everone to have?

    For a relegion that does not allow the priests up to the pope have sexual relations with women and sire legitimate children, how do they still go about trying to impose there beleif and practices over what a man & woman should do in life. I guess that's why so many of them desire young boys?
    May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

  • #2
    Maybe he's trying to continue the Irish Catholic tradition of large, poor, Catholic family units.

    Too mean?
    5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
    5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
    5:royst> i wish it was calculus

    1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

    1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


    • #3
      eh, just taking a guess here. in most of the european countries (especially western europa) there is a problem that the population is growing old. without a growing population in near future we'll have a worker to pension ratio of like 2:1. (currently it's like 4:1?) which means a lot of pressure on the already pressured social system. some people think either more children or an increase rate in immigration in near future could lessen this tension.

      or maybe more children means more christian boys.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dabram
        eh, just taking a guess here. in most of the european countries (especially western europa) there is a problem that the population is growing old. without a growing population in near future we'll have a worker to pension ratio of like 2:1. (currently it's like 4:1?) which means a lot of pressure on the already pressured social system. some people think either more children or an increase rate in immigration in near future could lessen this tension.

        or maybe more children means more christian boys.
        I could see it from that viewpoint & that makes sense as well when one considers a declining population as mentioned.

        I guess you can sum it up to world wide media/news coverage, as it comes across in a sense that he is talking of this on a global scale.
        May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


        • #5
          Yea, I view this from the cynical perspective too. Attendance is down, Catholicism is going through a growth slump.

          They are obviously trying to farm out new recriuts, the fucking cultists.


          • #6
            "VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday praised large families and called for countries to approve legislation and other incentives to help them. ``Without children there is no future,'' Benedict said."

            Kind of left out the responsibility part, didn't he?
            Is his solution to crank out more and more kids, simply because without warm bodies 'there is no future'?

            Shouldn't he have added that these children should be 'wanted' by their parents, and that unless the parents are willing to make the long-term commitment to raising them correctly, then perhaps they shouldn't have any at all?

            Of all the possible reasons to have children, I would have to rate 'without them there is no future' pretty low on the list.

            I would also say that offering 'incentives' (in the form of tax breaks or other $$ forms) is about as stupid a method for encouraging responsible decision making as there is.


            • #7


              • #8
                Well in my opinion the Pope doesn't know what he's talking about. Maybe, he hasn't seen how many children countries like china, or india have. He should be focusing more on the moral responsibilities in having children, than making them. It's up to the countries to make certain law's according to their population. You simply cannot apply the same rules to all countries, each country, and it's state/province should be treated individually, because they might differ in population, and culture. This isn't probably his best announcement ( couldn't find a better word). There are many things off the top of my head that I can name that could he could really help influence, stopping growing organ trade, helping the poor african kids, do something about the catholic priest pedophile thing etc.

                Or maybe he just wants to one day say too all the priests in the vatican "little boy's for all, help yourself guys."


                • #9
                  I doubt the governments would listen to the pope though. Governments have their own prorities, increase taxes (and consequently damp the economy) so they can support more numerous families will hardly make on to their list. Unless of course small families pose a problem for their reign (because the changing ratio of people with different races, religions etc).

                  Of course there are poor religions countries, which each family would have 6 children. But ask this question: how does that prevent them from getting violated by more developed countries? Sure you have 1 billion people - so what? Nine nuclear bombs are enough, you need ten to completely wipe them out?

                  Most of the people, including myself think war is a bad thing. But really it is not completely so. This is my own interpretation of wars: they are ways for more efficient production methods to supercede less efficient ones. If you spend all your resources on providing for the children, then some other countries that produce more units per head and does not spend so much on the children will utilizing their surplus resources and build large armies to invade those that do and robbing them of their oil :grin:

                  I don't believe any government has not realised that - sure there are dumb retards, but there are also extermely smart ones that give advices to the government.

                  But oh wait, on second thought: people are just stupid. :fear:

                  Edit: I forgot to mention that in order to sustain the economy we do need youth, which means that we need to have children. But that does not mean we need large families and whole lots of children. It is not the more the better, but rather, it is that the right proportion we sacrifice for the children, the right we dedicate for the research and development of new technology, the right amount for defence and the right amount for ourselves - after all we can not spend more than what we create.
                  Last edited by T3l Ca7; 11-02-2005, 09:01 PM.
                  ☕ 🍔 🍅 🍊🍏


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by T3l Ca7
                    Most of the people, including myself think war is a bad thing. But really it is not completely so. This is my own interpretation of wars: they are ways for more efficient production methods to supercede less efficient ones.
                    In some odd out of this world way I agree........ It goes along with the survival of the fittest thing hand in hand.


                    • #11
                      The pope doesn't think about things economically, unless it involves one group of people being impoverished. He is the head of the richest company (or whatever you would call them) in the world. He doesn't give a crap about the economics of a baby boom, he only cares about pressing Catholic values on people. If you were the head of a rich organization like that, where your every whim was catered too, you wouldn't give a shit about the economics behind over-population either.
                      Originally posted by Tone
                      Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Fit of Rage
                        Maybe he's trying to continue the Irish Catholic tradition of large, poor, Catholic family units.

                        Too mean?
                        In my world,
                        I am King



                        • #13
                          1 or 2 sentences is hardly enough to figure out what he was saying and why. Anyone have more context? What countries was he talking about for one would make a huge difference.


                          • #14
                            Oh and what good bacon it was...
                            I really do like pie

                            Aos> im a freelance Gynecologist

                            GHB>I AM ANGRY ON THE INTERNETf

                            Matchbot1> You can't challenge your own squad, silly :P


                            • #15
                              All kidding aside here, if you read the whole story, the pope was saying this to Italian and Spanish families, who's birth rates have been going further and further down.

