My name is Kevin. You know me by an alias of mine (I have several). You know me by The Catholic. Now, I have decided to post on these truly great forums a topic that has weighed me down for several weeks. My alias, The Catholic, usually 3 or more times a day, enjoys rather heinous insults directed to it. These insults usually include phrases such as 'goddamn catholics,' 'mary was a whore,' 'you think i am going to hell,' 'you molester!,' and various other insults that to some degree burn me.
I have decided to take the time to explain certain aspects of Catholicism to those who may have at one point thrown phrases (the above stated phrases and variations of such phrases) at me in an attempt to anger me. I will start with the very colorful expression 'goddamn catholics.' Okay, we worship God, and his Son, so chances are we are not damned. Next up to bat... 'mary was a whore.' Mary was free of sin. You do the logic there.
'You think I am going to Hell,' are very powerful words to me. I would like to say I do not hold the Keys to Heaven and Hell and I do not decide. That is between you and the Almighty, whether you call him God, Alah, or other variations is your own business. I can not judge, or I would be guilty of a horrid crime. What you do after you die is up to you and God alone. I do not wish any one the Fire of Hell.
'You Molester!' is a very serious acusation. And it is only an accusation. I am 18 years old, and if I was a sex offender I would be registered with the federal government as one. However I do realize that this is an attack on my faith and not me personally. If that is the case I ask you to do a bit of research and see exactly how many Catholic Priests have molested children and then compare that with other faiths. You might be a little surprised. Now on a personal note: I hope that those bastards pay for what they did. And they will... Oh they will. God may be merciful in Heaven and he might forgive their heinous crime, but I and many Catholics will not. This may be a sin, but keep in mind we are not Saints...
I cant wait to see the many blasphemous and hateful replies to this little posting of mine. I hope more however that this will somehow lessen the amount of filth I get pm'ed and publicly targeted with.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
The Catholic, Aka, Kevin
P.S. The only thing that will burn in Hell in my mind are typos.... Ern
My name is Kevin. You know me by an alias of mine (I have several). You know me by The Catholic. Now, I have decided to post on these truly great forums a topic that has weighed me down for several weeks. My alias, The Catholic, usually 3 or more times a day, enjoys rather heinous insults directed to it. These insults usually include phrases such as 'goddamn catholics,' 'mary was a whore,' 'you think i am going to hell,' 'you molester!,' and various other insults that to some degree burn me.
I have decided to take the time to explain certain aspects of Catholicism to those who may have at one point thrown phrases (the above stated phrases and variations of such phrases) at me in an attempt to anger me. I will start with the very colorful expression 'goddamn catholics.' Okay, we worship God, and his Son, so chances are we are not damned. Next up to bat... 'mary was a whore.' Mary was free of sin. You do the logic there.
'You think I am going to Hell,' are very powerful words to me. I would like to say I do not hold the Keys to Heaven and Hell and I do not decide. That is between you and the Almighty, whether you call him God, Alah, or other variations is your own business. I can not judge, or I would be guilty of a horrid crime. What you do after you die is up to you and God alone. I do not wish any one the Fire of Hell.
'You Molester!' is a very serious acusation. And it is only an accusation. I am 18 years old, and if I was a sex offender I would be registered with the federal government as one. However I do realize that this is an attack on my faith and not me personally. If that is the case I ask you to do a bit of research and see exactly how many Catholic Priests have molested children and then compare that with other faiths. You might be a little surprised. Now on a personal note: I hope that those bastards pay for what they did. And they will... Oh they will. God may be merciful in Heaven and he might forgive their heinous crime, but I and many Catholics will not. This may be a sin, but keep in mind we are not Saints...
I cant wait to see the many blasphemous and hateful replies to this little posting of mine. I hope more however that this will somehow lessen the amount of filth I get pm'ed and publicly targeted with.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
The Catholic, Aka, Kevin
P.S. The only thing that will burn in Hell in my mind are typos.... Ern