So in the end, my point still stands, if you don't believe in God, it's a sin, you can't repent the sin because you don't believe in god, therefor you won't repent and thus end up in hell.
God does not judge in black and white. First of all, only God decides who enters heaven and who goes to hell so u cannot say that the person will go to hell. Secondly, how do you know how God judges people. I personally think that God judges people based on what they are given. If you are never exposed to God's message then how can he hold it against you. It would be more of the person who failed to spread Gods messages fault. Now, if you hear the God's word and actively act against it and reject it u probably are in trouble.
Originally posted by Galleleo
A murderer can however repent after slaughtering out a third world country and go to heaven, and that's fucked up.
Isn't forgiveness wonderful? seriously though if a person truly repented how can u hold that against them? Otherwise, I could have stolen someones toy in 1st grade and oops im doomed to hell for the rest of my life
Catholic got rid of those who opposed their beliefs, or posed as a threat to them. They adjust, and change the rules to ensure it's prosperity (is that a word?). If you take the time, and inspect the vaticans very political past, you would realize it lost it's religiousness a long long time ago. Anyways change your alias to something that doesn't stand out. AND JESUS BANGED MARY MAGDELENE
Catholic got rid of those who opposed their beliefs, or posed as a threat to them. They adjust, and change the rules to ensure it's prosperity (is that a word?). If you take the time, and inspect the vaticans very political past, you would realize it lost it's religiousness a long long time ago. Anyways change your alias to something that doesn't stand out. AND JESUS BANGED MARY MAGDELENE
One word: Reform
Wow. Very well said. Such as the luke warm puppy, who is spit out. However the hot or cold are allowed into Heaven. It is an old parable for those who dont know it. The hot, have knowledge of God and worship him. The cold have no knowledge of him and were never given a chance. The luke warm had knowledge and forsook their Lord.
However, you know. The luke warm, even the second before they leave this earth, can repent and be saved.
So are you going to take out the Old battle tank? A lot of physics students would throw parades in your honor... and I would go back to school just to celebrate with them... That sucks about the liver... I would give mine, but I need it... so selfish of me. Maybe Ironsmith's will work!
Do it... do it... do it... -Installs subliminal message in Snow's head-
Ow I have been deliverde the "message" of God, and quite frankly, if he exist he is a moronic sadistic bastard.. but he doesn't so I guess that's not a problem in the end.
He must be a busy man, judging over everyone..
Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
I'm a Lutheran. Martin Luther founded Protestant and Lutheran religions because of how corrupt the Catholic church was. Catholicism is so different from Christianity; some people consider them different religions altogether.
I don't feel like quoting everything so I'll just put a hyphen before it.
-You worship his Son
I can understand what you mean, but it was rather repetitive to put that you worship God and his Son. God is the Son. God is also the Father. Furthurmore, God is the Holy Spirit. Three persons yet one God. Sound familiar?
-Mary was free of sin
No, she wasn't. Mary was a normal person just like anyone else. She just happened to have Jesus. Other than that, she had sinned. The only person who is free of sin is Jesus.
Other things about Catholicism I don't understand -
-The different levels of hell. This is found nowhere in the Bible.
-Purgatory. Again, found nowhere in the Bible. In fact, it is nearly disproved. Luke 23:43 "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." No, it doesn't say you will go somewhere else first because you have sinned. It says today.
-The Pope. He makes his own laws for the faith. If you actually look at the qualities of the Pope and his office, you'll find that it meets the same criteria as the anti-Christ.
-Communion. In Catholicism the priest changes the bread and wine into the body and blood. It is no longer bread and wine. Yes, the bread and the wine are still there. No, they aren't just symbols because Jesus said that this is his body and blood. It's more than a symbol, but it's not completely just his body and blood.
-Sacraments. I don't understand why there are so many in Catholicism. A sacrament has to fit three criteria: offers the forgiveness of sin, was initiated by Godm and uses an ordinary object for extraordinary purposes. Some definitely don't fit this criteria - but baptism and communion do.
note: i dont actually read what she says when its about god, just based on the words and length of sentences it appears to be significantly more articulate than the other things she says.
5:gen> man
5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady
It has nothing to do with money... It is the mindset that many rich people may have. It is their lack of compassion for the poor. It is their greed and avarice that Jesus was speaking of. GG America indeed. America is one of the most generous countries in the world. We can only do so much when we live a whole ocean away.
No, see this is what drives me nuts. You can't take certain things from the bible literally and then take other passages figuritively. It annoys me that you catholics constantly do this. Of course Jesus meant the convienient for all of those living in 1st rate countires today. The fact of the matter is that you take some things (revelations, the passage above, the rich man and lazarus) to be metaphorical so it fits whatever lifestyle you're living in comparison to the world, and you take other things (mostly old testament verses which denounce homosexuality, etc etc) literally. You see, you skip the passages where both of Saul's daughters have sex with him after Sodom and Ghommora (sorry if mispelled). A whole town was just decimated for their lewd sexual acts, and what the fuck do the three lone survivors do? Lewd Sexual acts. So why does God choose to destroy those in Sodom and Ghommora, yet spare these three relatives of Abraham? Or how about when God, our all loving, all forgiving God, told Abraham to slaughter his only son Isaac. Or how about the references and actual reverances to slavery in the bible. Did you miss these verses? Well fine, if you're going to play that game, I'll give you one in present day. How can a church, descendant of a man preaching poverty as a way of life, live in a gold fucking palace with the nicest linen robes and their every wish and whim catered to? Am I the only one that finds that a tad bit hypocritical.
Yes, I too went to Catholic school mate, and I too have taken four years of this BS and let me tell ya, Agnosticism is the way to go. Catholics are stupid and bitch about the world without helping. How about we auction off that big fucking palace and all the amnesty's that come with it. How about if they do what Jesus asked his follower to do and sell all of his posessions? Maybe then they could feed the starving world. But no, instead they choose to sit up on their huge fucking pedastal and criticize the world for it's inaction. I chose to say enough already, and I have chosen instead to follow Christ in my own way, and no where on that path is their a rule saying homosexuality is evil, or that if I don't constantly repent I'm damned. Let your conscience decide before you let some old nazi determine what's right for you.
I used to be a proud catholic, now I'm a proud Christian.
Anyway on a different note. If I don't believe in God, I go to hell right? But the weird thing is.. you could kill 201 people, then the day before you die you go all like: Ow god, I am sooo sorry, I really repent my sins, please forgive, o mighty one.. bla bla bla.. and they get to go to heaven right.
That is just a last minute shit-your-pants repentance, I'm sure God would see through that.
Anyway, anyone who posted in this thread is going to hell. Oh snap.
7:Randedl> afk, putting on makeup
1:Rough> is radiation an element?
8:Rasta> i see fro as bein one of those guys on campus singing to girls tryin to get in their pants $ ez
Broly> your voice is like a instant orgasm froe
Piston> I own in belim
6: P H> i fucked a dude in the ass once
I just kind of skimmed through the posts because I don't feel like starting yet another religious debate.
As for Mary being "sinless" - Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" It doesn't say all except Mary, it says all. In Luke 3 it traces the genealogy of Mary, and of course it meant that she came from Adam and Eve like everyone in the world did. So what does this mean? She has original sin in her like every person does. Although the Bible never states she sinned in her life, it never states that she didn't. Don't you think that if a person besides Jesus Christ existed without sin it would have been worth a slight mention in the Bible?
Oh, and show me one verse in the Bible that shows any evidence on purgatory, to prove that the Catholic church didn't just make it up to scare people in the time of corruption.
Also, someone mentioned about how the Catholic church is so great for translating and spreading the Bible. Wrong! The Catholic church, long ago in Luther's time, only had one translation of the Bible. I believe it was written in Greek (not sure though). Anyway, the average person didn't own any books. The average person couldn't read, much less read in a foreign language. Everything that the priest said they had to believe because they said it was in the Bible. Obviously the priest could get them to think whatever he wanted them to think. So who was it that finally translated the Bible into German so that everyone could read it and find out how corrupt the Catholic church really was? Yea, Martin Luther. So actually the Lutherans are responsible for translating and spreading the Bible.
Everyone is bashing me for saying that Catholicism isn't Christianity. I never said that at all - I said some people don't considering Catholicism as a Christian religion. All of the Christian religions are very closely linked, but Catholicism has a ton of differences.
Facetious, I guess the reason I'm more articulate when I'm talking about my religion is because it's something I've studied in depth and give a lot of my time to. Since I've studied it so much I know what I'm talking about and can sound a lot older than I actually am.
(ph)>12 is just right
In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
1:Chao <ER>> at all
1:Mantra-Slider> chao
1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
Chao <ER> - hero