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Muslims question the holocaust

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  • Muslims question the holocaust

    In european history the holocaust is a fact and if anyone even questions it they are described as a racist or a hater. Now I have discovered that this is not the case in the muslim world and alot of them beleive it to be a hoax, Irans president for example. I dont understand why anyone would even question the holocaust but it certainly doesnt sound anti-semitic to me to question a moment in history.This video has not changed my mind on the holocaust (I still cant decide lol) but it has brought to my attention some interesting facts, like why Britain gave palastine to the jews.

    Please watch it and decide for yourself.<---Judea declares war on Germany

    Is it just me or is the world FUCKED UP!

    "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."
    Adolf Hitler

    Edit: Isnt it strange how as soon as muslims around the world embarrass themselves with the cartoon protests, the western media has decided to tell everyone that they are also anti-semitic. who controls the western media?
    Last edited by SkiTzO; 02-09-2006, 07:31 PM.

  • #2
    Research a guy called David Irving
    Originally posted by Facetious
    edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


    • #3
      Originally posted by ZeUs!!
      Research a guy called David Irving
      I did and my view is that he is a foul mouthed immature racist and a disgrace to the white race. He is being used as a scapegoat and anyone that tries to question the holocaust is compared to him.

      Please everyone watch the video, it is very interesting.


      • #4
        Originally posted by SkiTzO
        Please everyone watch the video, it is very interesting.
        No it's not- it's presumptuous, very poorly put together, and ultimately utter garbage.
        :confused: Are human fat?


        • #5
          [EDIT]Preaching to you is only going to serve to further press you into your narrow minded viewpoint.

          Think how you will, but be prepared to have other people distance themselves from you for it.
          Last edited by Sarien; 02-10-2006, 02:56 PM.
          "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

          Reinstate Me.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sarien
            narrow minded viewpoint.
            I am not narrow minded. I only find it strange that its not just white aryan supremacists that question the holocaust but people from around the globe. Before I knew so many questioned the holocaust I never even thought about it, I just tought it was fact. (which is the narrow minded view, not the other way around)

            I am not preaching either I am just asking people to watch the video because this thread is being ignored.


            • #7
              Originally posted by SkiTzO
              I am not narrow minded. I only find it strange that its not just white aryan supremacists that question the holocaust but people from around the globe.
              Yes, "white aryan supremacists" are, in fact, not the only stupid people in the world. There are also all sorts of other stupid people. Good job!
              Originally posted by Ward
              OK.. ur retarded case closed


              • #8
                Yea, Germany felt like having a good time, so they faked the Holocaust, and got a shitload of their own people killed in a war.

                Oh, the things you do when bored.
                Last edited by Squeezer; 02-10-2006, 10:39 PM.
                Originally posted by Tone
                Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Squeezer
                  Yea, Germany felt like having a good time, so they faked the Holocaust, and got a shitload of their people killed in a war.

                  Oh, the things you do when bored.
                  Watch the video idiot


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SkiTzO
                    Watch the video idiot
                    10 minute dice.
                    Originally posted by Tone
                    Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                    • #11
                      Skitzo, the first version of my earlier post was a diatribe about why you're an idiot, and what's wrong with that stupid ass propaganda movie.

                      After submitting it I realized, it won't change anything. It'll just give you fuel for your stupid bigot fire. So I went back and changed it.

                      I will say this though

                      You should be ashamed of yourself. Not for "questioning", questioning isn't wrong. You should be ashamed because you debate with this stupid film as evidence thrown in the face of thousands upon thousands of personal accounts of horrors you couldn't even begin to realize.

                      "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                      Reinstate Me.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Squeezer
                        Yea, Germany felt like having a good time, so they faked the Holocaust, and got a shitload of their own people killed in a war.

                        Oh, the things you do when bored.
                        I'm not entering the Holocaust debate. Had the thing rammed down my throat for the 25 years of my existance. It was fucked up, but you know what? I'm tired of hearing about it. Hearing about human suffering and evil just isn't my cup of tea.

                        Now then, in reply to Squeezer, you'd be surprised what "superiors" would get away with in the old days. During the first world war soldiers were asked to get out of the trenches, and WALK to the other side. And they'd do this. Just because their officers said it would work.

                        Millions upon millions of people died over the two world wars due to the stupity of a few old men who played with lives like toy soldiers and the world like a game of Risk. Sadly, things havn't changed much today, and if they could get away with it many men in power would still act the same way today with anyone dumb enough to follow them.
                        gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
                        gravy_: Electric granny chariots
                        gravy_: round the nurburgring

                        XBL: VodkaSurprise


                        • #13
                          Clearly i wasnt there, but the Nazi's were known/recorded as very precise people, keeping statistics/references to almost all actions done by them, including the "final solution" a.k.a the holocaust. With the historical proof, it is utterly hard for someone of decent WWII knowledge to say that it never happened.
                          Singularit> Ive seen old men do alot of scary shit
                          Beasts> ur grandpa always runs around on ice singu?
                          Unorthadox> LMAO
                          Unorthadox> LMFAO
                          Singularit> mine does
                          Singularit> but hes ubergrandpa
                          Unorthadox> ROFL


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sarien
                            Skitzo, the first version of my earlier post was a diatribe about why you're an idiot, and what's wrong with that stupid ass propaganda movie.

                            After submitting it I realized, it won't change anything. It'll just give you fuel for your stupid bigot fire. So I went back and changed it.

                            I will say this though

                            You should be ashamed of yourself. Not for "questioning", questioning isn't wrong. You should be ashamed because you debate with this stupid film as evidence thrown in the face of thousands upon thousands of personal accounts of horrors you couldn't even begin to realize.

                            I have tried my hardest to keep this thread normal but you are such an idiot that its impossible. I have openly and honestly questioned the holocaust and you have called me an "idiot", "narrow minded" a "bigot" you said the video is "propaganda" and that I should be ashamed for even questioning the holocaust. PATHETIC!

                            The video is NOT prperganda. It shows you a diffrent view of the holocaust, one which is not clouded by over exaggerated horror stories.

                            I suggest that you dont reply to this thread again because I have no time for pathetic people who cant keep there personal issues out of an adult conversation. I have decide to share with everyone a video that I found very interesting and already I've got the rats all over me.

                            Originally posted by Unorthadox
                            Clearly i wasnt there, but the Nazi's were known/recorded as very precise people, keeping statistics/references to almost all actions done by them, including the "final solution" a.k.a the holocaust. With the historical proof, it is utterly hard for someone of decent WWII knowledge to say that it never happened.
                            hahaha Please tell me that was a joke.

                            You have no clue what so ever in what your talking about child. There are hardly any records left of the final solution, everyone claims that it was an order of word which is utterly ridiculous. The nazi's destroyed nearly all evidence as they were losing the war, which is why there is so much mistery surrounding the holocaust. As there is no good evidence everyone is going by the word and personal accounts of the alledged survivors, who have all been treated badly by the nazi's and who are all jewish. I suggest you watch the video before you post gain.

                            This video shows you a diffrent view point on the holocaust.

                            So for christs sake if you are going to post anything WATCH THE VIDEO before you embarrass yourself with an idiotic post.


                            • #15
                              exaggerated horror stories

                              ps: i watched about half of your video before i got tired of watching drivel fall out of some poor guy's mouth who made his life work out of complete nonsense. of course, it's sadder to be the trisomic retard that falls for it, but that honor is yours and yours alone.
                              Originally posted by Ward
                              OK.. ur retarded case closed

