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Muslims question the holocaust

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Liquid Blue
    I'm gay too, who wants to do me :wub:
    I do, I do!
    Originally posted by Tone
    Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


    • #92
      FOR FUCK SAKE! For the little fucks with only two brains cells stay the fuck out. For the little nerds that want to correct me on that go get a fukin life.

      Yes Irans president did say that but the media has used this as an excuse to potray the whole muslim world as anti-semitic. The BBC talked about the president for 1 minute then talked about the whole god damn history of anti-semitism for 10 damn minutes, I mean wtf it made me sick. Like the link in the rats post (Sarien) has shown everyone they dared him to go to Auschwitz. WTF is that going to do, I'l tell you what there going to do. there going to take a bullshit tour and get told aload of emotional crap and expect him to say its a load of bollucks in front of everyones brainwashed emotionaly weak faces with tears in their eyes, its fukin horror stories. If it happened or not its a load of horror stories and they dared him to see if he can handle the HORROR STORIES.

      If the cartoon protests never happened we would not be hearing all this crap about muslims hating jews for such a long time in history. The news said Anti-semitism is deep within Islamic culture or some crap like that. They tap into everyones emotions then get them to direct there hate towards Irans president (creating an evil person that needs to be dealt with) I mean thats just fukin brilliant isnt it. Anyone thinking of Sadam Hussain around about now.

      "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
      Winston Churchill

      Also I found a good game, wanted to share it with you guys so I put it here, otherwise I get accused of trolling

      Last edited by SkiTzO; 02-18-2006, 06:24 PM.


      • #93
        Originally posted by SkiTzO
        If the cartoon protests never happened we would not be hearing all this crap about muslims hating jews for such a long time in history. The news said Anti-semitism is deep within Islamic culture or some crap like that. They tap into everyones emotions then get them to direct there hate towards Irans president (creating an evil person that needs to be dealt with) I mean thats just fukin brilliant isnt it. Anyone thinking of Sadam Hussain around about now.
        I'm not even going to get into your "analysis" of the Holocaust because it does no good to tell a skinhead that Jews are as good (and probably better in your case) than he is.

        As far as that quote goes, way before the cartoon the Iranian PM was outwardly anti-Semitic. He's made comments that the Muslims should wipe out all the Jews in Israel and such. This isn't some media-playup because there is no way the US is going to invade Iran or anything in the next few years. And as for Britain doing anything, LOL.


        • #94
          Originally posted by SkiTzO
          If the cartoon protests never happened we would not be hearing all this crap about muslims hating jews for such a long time in history. The news said Anti-semitism is deep within Islamic culture or some crap like that. They tap into everyones emotions then get them to direct there hate towards Irans president (creating an evil person that needs to be dealt with) I mean thats just fukin brilliant isnt it.
          You're losing ground as to be able to use your age for an excuse for your behavior. Your parents should've taught you better than this.
          Ok then. Let's start. This is not the first time Iran's president has been in the news.
          Let's try this:
          Several of the 52 Americans who were held hostage in the US embassy in the months after the revolution say they are certain Mr Ahmadinejad was among those who captured them.
          Arab Israeli Conflict.

          I see at least 8 wars in which Israel either began or became part of with Arab nations, since 1948.

          And they aren't fucking cartoon "protests" when the "religion of peace" offers one million fucking dollars BOUNTY on the heads of CARTOONISTS during RELIGIOUS SERVICES. You also can't call them protests when they are clearly rioting and killing people. Are you really that dumb?

          Your excuses and evasions slip out of your hands like water, and yet you still dodge, duck, bend, cajole, insult, manipulate, and even try to mask that you're a little bigoted fuck.

          Keep on being bigoted if that's the choice you want to make, but just know that for every reason you can dream up to make it seem like you're not such a bad guy, there, but it doesn't work when you have to face up to it.

          I, however, will not make any further attempt at disproving your garbage. You can expect anything further from me to be on the level that you so richly have earned.
          "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

          Reinstate Me.


          • #95
            If your ass isn't fighting a Holy war of your own, then stop talking like you are. If you want to attack something enlist in the forces and back your shit up, otherwise, stop filling the internet with even more equally-as-extremist-to-the-terrorists bullshit.

            Not to be offencive to anyone here of course, but I just find that discussing the world's problems on a forum is rather convenient to actually doing something about it.

            Practice what you preach. I heard someone mention a World War 3 also, and if it comes to that then I would seriously consider "banging my head on the floor 5 times a day" to be on the side that believes they have a reason to fight. Not because I sympathize with the events, but because everyone in the 'West' seems to be oblivious to their own freedom and beliefs.

            Let me ask whoever has actually read this post through; what would you fight for? Would you fight for your chance to preach on a forum about media hear-say? Would you fight for your right to be ignorant? Would you fight for your religion, if you have one?

            If World War 3 comes to be in my lifetime, all of Europe and half of Asia will once again be controlled before we wake up and realize these events effect all of us. Then, I'm sure, people will rush onto these forums and offer their criticisms as if it really makes a difference.

            This post wasn't directed to anyone at all really, I just felt like adding a bit of kindling to the fire - as I'm sure someone will be bound to take it that way.

            Save a tree; eat a beaver

            1:Mefesto> king let me say you something
            1:Mefesto> you are a soon of a biatch with retarded face like nostra damus and you got a hump on your dick



            • #96
              Originally posted by Liquid Blue
              I'm gay too, who wants to do me :wub:
              Yeah but you're a cool gay. Not one of the stuck up arrogant gays.

              So in response...I would do you. babeh.
              7:Randedl> afk, putting on makeup
              1:Rough> is radiation an element?
              8:Rasta> i see fro as bein one of those guys on campus singing to girls tryin to get in their pants $ ez
              Broly> your voice is like a instant orgasm froe
              Piston> I own in belim
              6: P H> i fucked a dude in the ass once


              • #97
                I would fight for my own house, my family, myself, my freedom and my life. I would fight for my friends and my country, BUT only if they attack my country, I am not going to travel to some country 39181873737 miles away to fight because hey, they might be a threat to my country in some distant far off future.
                Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Galleleo
                  I would fight for my own house, my family, myself, my freedom and my life. I would fight for my friends and my country, BUT only if they attack my country, I am not going to travel to some country 39181873737 miles away to fight because hey, they might be a threat to my country in some distant far off future.
                  Whilst I'm certainly no advocate of the Iraqi war, taking that standpoint is impossibly naiive and should very definately never be applied to any other situations
                  Originally posted by Facetious
                  edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                  • #99
                    I am not trying to defend Irans president, of course he is causing trouble. The media uses every available excuse to generate hatred towards him and I dont want to see another fuked up war.
                    Originally posted by Genocidal
                    As far as that quote goes, way before the cartoon the Iranian PM was outwardly anti-Semitic. He's made comments that the Muslims should wipe out all the Jews in Israel and such. This isn't some media-playup
                    Yes but its strange how all this emotional crap is added straight after the cartoon riots.

                    Originally posted by Genocidal
                    And as for Britain doing anything, LOL.
                    Ok so Britain is not as powerful as the US but the fact Tony Blair is standing next to your president, shows that you are the only country that can laugh at us. I think we should be pretty damn proud of that.
                    Originally posted by Sarien
                    And they aren't fucking cartoon "protests" when the "religion of peace" offers one million fucking dollars BOUNTY on the heads of CARTOONISTS during RELIGIOUS SERVICES. You also can't call them protests when they are clearly rioting and killing people. Are you really that dumb?
                    I stand corrected they are riots but dont try and make this into me defending these riots. If you did then it was a shit attempt.
                    I think Islam is like a virus, I think all religions are viruses, but Islam is the worst by a huge margine.
                    Originally posted by Sarien
                    Your excuses and evasions slip out of your hands like water, and yet you still dodge, duck, bend, cajole, insult, manipulate, and even try to mask that you're a little bigoted fuck.

                    Keep on being bigoted if that's the choice you want to make, but just know that for every reason you can dream up to make it seem like you're not such a bad guy, there, but it doesn't work when you have to face up to it.
                    Whine garbage bolloucks. I dont want to hear it old man. I know that you will never listen to me because your an old man who is set in ways waiting to die. So have fun.

                    I do know that alot of people are listening to me and understanding. I have not once said I want anyone killed or that I hate anyone and that is the truth. Yes I have been an asshole on these forums but thats me having fun with a few nerds. This thread however is a genuine thread and I am speaking alot of fukin sence.
                    Originally posted by King Baba
                    Practice what you preach. I heard someone mention a World War 3
                    Believe me Im ready if theres a WW3 (I wouldnt miss it). I dont need to waste my time in the forces, fighting for Isreal.
                    Originally posted by King Baba
                    I would seriously consider "banging my head on the floor 5 times a day" to be on the side that believes they have a reason to fight. Not because I sympathize with the events, but because everyone in the 'West' seems to be oblivious to their own freedom and beliefs
                    Your lost, you dont like the govermant and you dont like Islam so you just say some fuked up shit.

                    VERY IMPORTANT!

                    As one strives to protect ones family, so it must be with the cultural and racial extended family. The White European race is a minority in most places on this Earth; fifteen percent and falling. WAR is not speaking of a minor problem, but the eventual extinction of Nature's finest handiwork. Whenever you hear the word minority it's not really the Black or Brown races, but the White race which has always been the minority race globally.

                    Another good game, enjoy

                    Border Patrol

                    At first its like WTF. Just keep tapping the shoot button and its easy B)


                    • Originally posted by SkiTzO
                      As one strives to protect ones family, so it must be with the cultural and racial extended family. The White European race is a minority in most places on this Earth; fifteen percent and falling. WAR is not speaking of a minor problem, but the eventual extinction of Nature's finest handiwork. Whenever you hear the word minority it's not really the Black or Brown races, but the White race which has always been the minority race globally.
                      You are quite a piece of work.
                      Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                      • Originally posted by SkiTzO
                        your an old man who is set in ways waiting to die.
                        I would like it very much, if you'd get off my lawn now, please.
                        "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                        Reinstate Me.


                        • The thing is, with these wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, we go there because they might form a thread to us (this is a netherlands standpoint, we send soldiers because they might form a thread to our country). While the thing is, BY sending soldiers, we made ourselves a target.
                          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                          • froe froe and squeez, I have more than one hole, fellas. Use but don't abuse them.

                            Who am I kidding, abuse as much as you :fear:

                            IT RHYMES, GET THE FUCK OFF MY BACK
                            My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                            • SkiTzO = Tone


                              • I just read every single post in this thread.


