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24: Day 5 Finale (Spoiler City)

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  • 24: Day 5 Finale (Spoiler City)

    My favourite season since the 1st....
    and Holy shit, the Chinese are back for day 6! Discuss

  • #2
    I thought the way they ended things off with Henderson was a bit anti-climactic, especially after the thrilling assault on the sub where Jack, as I like to call it, went Solid Snake on the terrorists. I felt that Martha's role in Logan's fall was done very well though. I didn't like her character at the start, but I liked how she developed through the season. I didn't like how easy it was for Jack to get President Logan alone however; compared with everything else he had to go through that day, it just seemed a little too pat.

    The way that the day ended seemed to imply that next season will pick up soon after where this one left off.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Troll King
      I I felt that Martha's role in Logan's fall was done very well though.
      I forgot it was on. What happened with that plot point?


      • #4
        Well, for those who wanna know... here's the blow by blow... (scroll down to the bottom if you don't wanna know the whole last part)

        Jack stows away onto the President's helicopter, which was sending him to David Palmer's casket send off, as a fake co-pilot.

        Jack then singles out the President on the chopper and makes the crew send him to a location in the middle of a semi-industrial district after tazering most everyone on the helicopter.

        Jack then tries to coherse a confession from the president for his role in today's events. Jack sits him infront of a camera rigged to Chloe's PC at CTU (secretly, of course, to the leaders of CTU). And then as Jack puts down his gun, tazer, and pocket pen, he starts to question to no avail. Then, in a show of weakness (or is it?! dun dun dunn) Jack spares the President's life by not shooting him dead in his chair during the interrogation. The president is then found and Jack is put in custody. And in a smug gesture, he takes his pen back, and claims Jack is dillusional and needs to be put into solitary confinement forever....

        The President then flew down to the airport to see off David Palmer's casket and give a speech. The President's wife, Martha, though, freaks out when she learns that Jack failed in the interrogation, cause now there's nothing left to stop the President from getting away with the murder and terror of the day. So, she has another outburst of "He did it!" and the Secret Service escort her to an empty hanger, the President soon follows. In the hanger President Logan slaps his wife and shakes her around looking to see if she was bugged, cause he now knows that she was involved with how Jack got onto the helicopter. After telling her that he didn't mean to kill David Palmer and how it all got outta hand he finally put himself back together to go back out to the public and do his speech.

        Back at CTU Chloe is setting up a conference call with the Attorney General with a recording incriminating President Logan in today's events. She had the whole recording of the President admitting everything, by having the President, himself, bugged and having Chloe monitor him until he says it. His outburst in the empty hanger with his wife was damn well enough. Then, U.S. Marshalls (sp?) put the President under arrest under the directive of the Attorney General after hearing the evidence. As the President finds out, at the end of his speech, that he's been caught, he looks over to see Mike Novick (another key player in the setup) and Martha Logan smiling in a "Ha, Ha, Gotcha, Bitch!" way. Then you find out he was being bugged with the pen he picked up back at the Jack Bauer interrogation room. His failed, attempted confession of the President was all part of the plan to make him think he got away scott-free, only to plant the bug on him.

        Then, Jack is let free (cause he was never in the wrong for kidnapping the President in the first place) and Audrey comes out and they kiss and say they love you, blah blah blah. Chloe cries at the end when she sees a picture of her (and she was fucking SMILING in this picture) and Edgar that Bill Buchanan gave her as she was leaving with her ex-husband (long story there).

        Then, back to Jack, a SWAT Officer tells him that he has a call from Kim Bauer on a landline inside the building they were stationing at (the Jack Bauer interrogates the President building). He runs in, picks up the phone which was held intentionally off the hook and suddenly 3 men in black ski masks jump out and pounce on Jack! He tries to fight them off, but he was drugged and succumbed to the 3 on 1 disadvantage.

        Audrey goes in to check on Jack and sees he's missing, the Swat guys put a search out for Jack Bauer, but they're far too late...

        ... *cut to inside a large, dark, metal room. Hanging chains, very rustic and poorly lit. Nothing but metal inside*. Jack is bloody, brused, can now only see out of one eye, as the other is brused shut (total "Big Boss" throw back in my head). You see the masked men were 3 Chinese Agents! And one of them, a lead, older Chinese man was telling Jack how the Chinese never forget .... in Day 4, he was blamed for killing the Chinese Consulate and had to fake his death to get away .... about his past. After asking for a phone call, Jack is denied by the lead Chinese agent. Then, Jack asks the Chinese to kill him instead. They also deny that request claiming Jack is way more valuable to them alive. 16 Months later, they caught up to Jack and he is now on a slow boat to China .... Day 6 Begins January 2007.

        Spoiler in Short, again highlight:
        Martha tricked her husband by freaking out and getting him alone in a airport hanger. Then, the President was talking to her "candidly" about his involvement in the day's incidents. The whole time the President was secretly being bugged by Jack and monitored by Chloe back in CTU. They successfully then get him arrested.


        • #5
          Wow, that was a lot of typing. Thanks for doing that, DA. I was wondering how it turned out.


          • #6
            has been my fav day so far by a longshot. cool effect DA, howd you do that highlight thing?
            Ill-timed force will be ineffective; act with precision; timing is everything. Knowing where and when to strike is more important than strength; misapplied ability is disability. Unreasonable or undue force will defeat itself

            1:money> i need a loose-meat butthole

            Evasive <E> wtf
            Evasive <E> GIMME MY BOT
            caco <ER>> )Oo
            caco <ER>> bot thief!
            caco <ER>> duel me for it
            Evasive <E> no!
            Cigarettes> wunderbar?


            • #7
              Replace the { } brackets with [ ] in the following ....

              {color=white}highlight below to see what this looks like{/color}
              highlight below to see what this looks like


              • #8
                i think it was a cool last 2 hours but definately not as good as the other seasons...i wouldn't put it in the top 3.
                the price is right, bitch.


                • #9
                  The first 5 episodes were amazing, and easily topped the last two seasons.

                  Season 1 FTW though.
                  Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                  sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.

