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  • #76
    Originally posted by Blood
    You can't deny that a lot of American people viewed communism as the epitome of evil, and view middle-eastern people nowadays as dangerous terrorists. The media has a lot to do with this.
    You know what else has alot to do with that perception?....Middle Eastern people actually being a bunch of damn terrorists

    Did the Finnish not view communism in the same way? Finland even made an alliance with Nazi Germany to stop the Soviets from imposing their will in Scandinavia. I think they were motivated by an even greater fear than U.S. citizens were in the 60s....although I would be pretty scared too if I lived in a time when there was a militant totalitarian superpower threatening to saturate your continent with hydrogen bombs and send you back to the Stone Age.
    The Scrotal Master
    "Master of Scrotal Matters"
    "Harbringer of d00m!"

    now appearing as ::drumroll::
    box turtle


    • #77
      yeah, Finland made a treaty with Nazi Germany to fight against the Soviets, who attacked us in 1939. I am unaware of communism being branded as evil or bad in any way, the country was being attacked so you didn't really need to coach people into defending their own lives.

      You do understand the cold war worked both ways, right? A lot of people in Russia were most likely scared shitless of the US bombing their homes with nuclear weapons. Balance of terror, two sides!


      • #78
        Genocidal I’m too lazy and I don’t care enough to look after sources for you. Besides, it’s not as if you’ve used any sources yourself. The only nice thing about this thread is seeing how you are getting very defensive and upset when you hear people criticizing your country and refuse to believe your country could have done anything wrong ever. People like you who trust whatever your country do/did blindly scares me. I don’t really see what you are trying to prove with speculating what I know or do not know either.


        • #79
          Originally posted by R1pp3r
          Genocidal I’m too lazy and I don’t care enough to look after sources for you.
          You might as well say "I'm wrong." Being lazy is no excuse for being uninformed.

          Originally posted by R1pp3r
          Besides, it’s not as if you’ve used any sources yourself. The only nice thing about this thread is seeing how you are getting very defensive and upset when you hear people criticizing your country and refuse to believe your country could have done anything wrong ever. People like you who trust whatever your country do/did blindly scares me. I don’t really see what you are trying to prove with speculating what I know or do not know either.
          First off, you live in another country, yet try and dictate that the country that Genocidal lives in has it's media controlled by the state. How would you know, exactly? Heresay? I'm guessing you don't have the entire cadre of American media over there in Sweden, do you? Are you surrounded by American media every day? No? How about interacting with a majority of Americans on a daily basis? No again? Wow, you must be some kind of Superman to know all this stuff without actually experiencing it firsthand.

          If you did live here, you'd know that a lot of people are pissed off about a lot of things at the moment, and that the media has (on a majority) become a lot more scrutinizing of American politics. You'd know that there is a growing number of people calling for a censure or impeachment trials. You'd know that (in reality) a vast majority of all media (print/TV/radio/etc) is VERY critical of the current government.

          You don't like Bush, that's clear. Good for you. There are a lot of people in agreement with you. But what some people (including myself) don't appreciate is people who have little more than clips from Fox News to go on and then declare that all US media is 100% behind our government, and all US citizens are just complacent sheep. That's just not true, and any person living in any US city would be able to tell you otherwise. I take offense to it. It's just like you'd take offense if I looked at Sweden, read some news story on your Piracy political party (a piracy party? what the blue fuck) and declared that Sweden was a country of non-trustworthy lawbreakers. What? You aren't? Sorry, I can't hear you over all this hate.
          Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


          • #80
            Originally posted by R1pp3r
            Genocidal I’m too lazy and I don’t care enough to look after sources for you. Besides, it’s not as if you’ve used any sources yourself. The only nice thing about this thread is seeing how you are getting very defensive and upset when you hear people criticizing your country and refuse to believe your country could have done anything wrong ever. People like you who trust whatever your country do/did blindly scares me. I don’t really see what you are trying to prove with speculating what I know or do not know either.
            I think you miss the point of my arguments. I'm a staunch anti-Bush guy and I didn't vote for him in either 2000 or 2004. That doesn't mean I feel the need to be ignorant about it. Sure my country has done some bad things in the past that are worth criticizing - like McCarthyism (even though I don't feel it reached any where near the level of Korematsu or Nazism) - but to say that our media is all corrupt that I blindly follow FoxNews is completely ignorant. Yes I watch FoxNews but I also hate 90% of their pundits, I just find it fascinating.

            We're not even talking about trusting what my country does in this thread - we're talking about the media in my country.

            But speaking about racism in countries, I was appalled to find out how racist most Europeans are. Again, I'm probably generalizing, but from what I've read about how Muslims are treated in France and Germany the problems are way worse over there. I went to Germany and could tell that they aren't accepting of different color people. Though Berlin has the second highest Turkish population of any city in the world, the Turks are also the poorest there. On an individual basis, I went to Germany with a group of my friends from school. We had 3 black people in our group and every where we went, especially trains and restaurants, you could tell people had some disdain for them and would clearly treat them differently; or just give them the "German stare" where they just look at you. In America that's rude, but apparently in Germany it's accepted.

            I found it so surprising because I've long felt embaressed by the history of racism in my country. Slavery existed longer in America than most of Europe and segregation is a pretty awful mark in my nation's history. But after going to Europe, I feel that America has made some good strides within its society in stamping out racism. Of course it still exists, and I'm not trying to say that America is the best, but it's good to know we're not the worst.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Eric is God
              Zeus, if you want to tear my opinions apart go right ahead, but have the respect to compose a written response.
              I didn't bother reading it
              Originally posted by Facetious
              edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


              • #82
                Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd
                You might as well say "I'm wrong." Being lazy is no excuse for being uninformed.

                First off, you live in another country, yet try and dictate that the country that Genocidal lives in has it's media controlled by the state. How would you know, exactly? Heresay? I'm guessing you don't have the entire cadre of American media over there in Sweden, do you? Are you surrounded by American media every day? No? How about interacting with a majority of Americans on a daily basis? No again? Wow, you must be some kind of Superman to know all this stuff without actually experiencing it firsthand.

                If you did live here, you'd know that a lot of people are pissed off about a lot of things at the moment, and that the media has (on a majority) become a lot more scrutinizing of American politics. You'd know that there is a growing number of people calling for a censure or impeachment trials. You'd know that (in reality) a vast majority of all media (print/TV/radio/etc) is VERY critical of the current government.

                You don't like Bush, that's clear. Good for you. There are a lot of people in agreement with you. But what some people (including myself) don't appreciate is people who have little more than clips from Fox News to go on and then declare that all US media is 100% behind our government, and all US citizens are just complacent sheep. That's just not true, and any person living in any US city would be able to tell you otherwise. I take offense to it. It's just like you'd take offense if I looked at Sweden, read some news story on your Piracy political party (a piracy party? what the blue fuck) and declared that Sweden was a country of non-trustworthy lawbreakers. What? You aren't? Sorry, I can't hear you over all this hate.
                You are just making things up to fit your poor attempt of an insult and keep guessing how I can know stuff when I live in a different country etc. I haven’t even typed that I have little more than clips of Fox News or that I have even seen Fox News so I don‘t see where you got that idea from nor the rest of your ideas. I don’t see how after you’ve read that Swedish news and generalized the Swedish people got anything to do with this and no I wouldn’t take offense I would just think you’re an idiot.


                • #83
                  Genocidal I’m too lazy and I don’t care enough to look after sources for you.
                  refuse to believe your country could have done anything wrong ever.
                  People like you who trust whatever your country do/did blindly scares me.
                  And he's the idiot? The one making things up to to fit his views?
                  My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by R1pp3r
                    no I wouldn’t take offense I would just think you’re an idiot.
                    I'm glad we're in the same boat, I guess.
                    Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd
                      I take offense to it.
                      Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd
                      I'm glad we're in the same boat, I guess.
                      Oh really? Well I'm done with this. It was entertaining though.


                      • #86
                        you were done quite awhile ago, chief.
                        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                        • #87
                          I held back on this post on purpose...but hey...for what it's worth in regards to the Fox news B.S. and CNN comments.

                          1st...on CNN watch Lou Dobbs or read his columns. This guy is for Joe Public and not the right or left in the Govt.

                          As for Fox...they are owned by Rupert Murdoch & who is Murdoch? Well here is a brief portfolio of what he is and represents.

                          Murdoch's empire: According to Businessweek, "his satellites deliver TV programs in five continents, all but dominating Britain, Italy, and wide swaths of Asia and the Middle East. He publishes 175 newspapers, including the New York Post and The Times of London. In the U.S., he owns the Twentieth Century Fox Studio, Fox Network, and 35 TV stations that reach more than 40% of the country...His cable channels include fast-growing Fox News, and 19 regional sports channels. In all, as many as one in five American homes at any given time will be tuned into a show News Corp. either produced or delivered." he is a far-right partisan who has used his empire explicitly to pull American political debate to the right. He is also an enabler of the oppressive tactics employed by dictatorial regimes, and a man who admits to having hidden money in tax havens. In short, there more to Rupert Murdoch than meets the eye.

                          Are all of Fox's programs right wing? NO look at the Simpson, Family Guy, and other mindless satirical programing. When it comes to news, FOX has been on record for firing employee's that have publicly demonstrated their political ties with the Democrats or as they are now deemed..."Liberals" They almost make this as bad as McCarthy with term Communist.

                          Fox is not what I would call a biased news aganecy. The will have debate on issues and have "Liberals" from public Radio/PBS on a round table discussion. If you have ever watchd these you will see Nazi Brit Hume cut off anyone who speaks against his dream lovers GWB, Cheney, Rove, Rice and so on. In the past years I watch just to see the spin on things, I have never seen Hume disagree with anything the Republican Party has done in the past two terms.

                          Back to Murdoch: Murdoch gave "his full backing to war, praising George Bush as acting 'morally' and 'correctly' and describing Tony Blair as 'full of guts'" for his support of the war. Murdoch said just before the war, "We can't back down now – I think Bush is acting very morally, very correctly." [New York Times, 4/9/03; Guardian, 2/12/03] I almost get the impression that Editor, Bill Kristol is always under Murdochs desk between his legs giving him his best oral talents.

                          Murdoch and Fox News...not Fox TV programming, are tainted to a right wing biased opinion.

                          Murdoch is a racist facist loving biggoted hypocritical repulsive scumbag who just happens to be very wealthy. I think he is an asshole.

                          Ahh...feelin much better now!

                          Next on the agenda...the US Constitution and the elimination of the 4th ammendment followed by a ceremony making Gozalez into the next Goebles!
                          May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


                          • #88
                            Fair enough Zeus I don't expect many people to read my posts.

                            Just as an interesting side note: I heard a politics profressor on the news talking about birth rates in the US. He was saying the average birth rate in predominantly Republican voting families is almost double that of Democrat voting families. So if you look 20-30 years down the road, there might be a huge swing in Rupublican voting. Not that I hate Republicans; I like some of their policies and dislike others. My biggest concern is the influence religion is having in politics these days. I really don't think the mixing of religion and government can result in anything positive.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Eric is God
                              Fair enough Zeus I don't expect many people to read my posts.

                              Just as an interesting side note: I heard a politics profressor on the news talking about birth rates in the US. He was saying the average birth rate in predominantly Republican voting families is almost double that of Democrat voting families. So if you look 20-30 years down the road, there might be a huge swing in Rupublican voting. Not that I hate Republicans; I like some of their policies and dislike others. My biggest concern is the influence religion is having in politics these days. I really don't think the mixing of religion and government can result in anything positive.
                              ruh roh, looks like the democrats might have a mine shaft gap on their hands.
                              SIGNATURE PROTEST: KEEP THE SHORT FFS

