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You can only be gay...

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  • #31
    Originally posted by 1ight
    And btw, why would I have been hiding on 6/6/06? I don't fear the devil, but I don't want to play with him. The one and only that I fear is God himself, since He has the power not only to take my life but my soul, everything and throw me down to Hades.
    11th post
    that was what i was refering to.
    All good things must come to an end.


    • #32
      Originally posted by gran guerrero
      11th post
      that was what i was refering to.
      Sorry to let you down, but I have a very short hairstyle at the moment. 2mm at the sides and about 5mm at the top of my head having the side and the top blending into eachother. Really nice if you put some hairstyling gel in it.

      Before mocking or even trying to attempt to troll, maybe you should take and study the bible or overall the whole belief. Then when you know what you are talking about, you don't need to have this sterotypical picture of Christianity. Since I think that this thread is about your ignorance and unwilliness to get to know who Jesus Christ is. For sure, I can say with all of my heart that you surely do not know him.

      As for the "stick up my ass" Christian. Basically with this thread you are begging me to talk to you. If you want to talk about Christianity, you don't need to start a trolling thread about it, pure and simple. I know you're a good guy and you know it yourself. Since this ain't how you act in real life with your friends, now do you? Since on internet it is so easy to express yourself with a alias, without no-one knowing who you really are. So of course you can flame and let all that anger and hatred out that is within you. I know you have problems of your own in your life that you are constantly fighting with, questions and situations. We all have..
      Endless space, endless exploration.


      • #33
        Lol, i remeber how my friend broke up with his gf. His gf was from Sauidi Arabie(dont know english spelling) But he thought she wasnt a muslim

        She asked: What do u think of me?
        He said: I'm glad ur not one of those retards that sit on a cloth(again lack of english words) 5 times a day on her knees pointed 2 mekka.
        *She got mad and broke up with him*

        Do you do that gran?


        • #34
          omfg, nothing worse that a HARDCORE CHRISTIAN YEA MAN..and fucking jehovas witness's my godddddddddd


          • #35
            Bah, why is this thread always, ALWAYS in the new posts search, and still on page 1!?
            thread killer

            Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


            • #36
              i read like maybe a couple of sentences of what light had to say and i will respond to that cause you just got boring afterwards.

              1) dude im a born muslim and i dont give a shit about the koran why would i give a shit about the bible?

              2) i will continue trolling to those who wish to just be "hey if you dont believe in what i believe and make it to my likings because you are wrong" bullshit on a online video game forum is nothing but a joke.

              3) want the name pat robertson? i got it on ss if you like

              4) isnt there some christian forum you should be posting on?

              5) 5 is a cool number.

              6)why is someone so intune with their religion on this hell hole of a game. besides the tv, this is the devils work.

              7) i bet you were a book burner when da vinci code came out.

              8) stop reciting passages to the bible when responding to me, can't you speak for yourself without backup?

              9) the end.

              10) regards,
              All good things must come to an end.


              • #37
                You know what annoys me? People who preach about god all day long trying to "save others"

                Shut the fuck up, please! For the sake of us who don't give a fuck...just...stfu. K?
                Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                There wont be another election for president.
                Obama is the Omega President.


                • #38
                  I haven't had a problem with 1ight preaching before, and I actually think his last post was worth a read. If you just skimmed it, I suggest going back and looking it over.
                  My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                  • #39
                    when I imagine how zues tal;ks, I always think that h e talks like those witty british people wfrom the movies like Snatch and Lock stock. He porbablyu doesnt talk that way tho!
                    Originally posted by Tone
                    Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Da1andonly
                      You know what annoys me? People who preach about god all day long trying to "save others"

                      Shut the fuck up, please! For the sake of us who don't give a fuck...just...stfu. K?
                      I wish I could shut up, but the love of Christ drives me foward. I'm sorry that it annoys you, I can't do really much about it, its your personal direction and choice in your life that makes you annoyied or something else related to the past events in your life. I remember that you have said this before and that I gave you quite a similiar comment.

                      Money: There ain't such things as a Hardcore Christian, either you are or you aren't. Of course there are this saying of people being "name-Christians", that just bares the title name Christian but behind it really isn't one. There are pretty simple lines in the bible and descriptions in a whole of what a Christian is like or in other words:
                      - a person that has dedicated his/hers life to Christ / given his/her life to Christ.
                      - a person that you can really see that the bible text has become flesh in their life, that they bare the fruit of Christ, in their way of living and acting. I, myself don't always notice the way I act, but most people knows that you are a Christian without you telling it to them.
                      - and etc etc, very many aspects/elements that makes you a servant of Jesus. For some it takes a lifetime to understand and for some that never will understand or are willing to.

                      Gran: You know this is the most cliché comment used: "stop reciting passages to the bible when responding to me, can't you speak for yourself without backup?" The fact is that the bible verses or overall quoting from the bible only amplifies my thinking.

                      Regarding subspace/continuum, I don't have it installed on my computer and I haven't playied it for more then 1½ year to be exact. The game has nothing to do with me visiting these forums. I'm here for the community, I have internet-friends here, I enjoy writing in a forum that is familiar to my surroundings. Since I've playied the game, this forums has become very familiar to me and somewhat dear. I don't see myself leaving the boards just because I don't play.

                      As for me being on a Christian forum, I don't know any and most Christian forums depress me since of the long going debates over some bible interpretations.

                      Well, there isn't much I can do if you are a muslim or not. My wish alone is ( which is not only my wish) that everyone could and would be able to feel what I've felt and seen what I've seen. That the word of God would become flesh in your life, a reality, to a point where there is no denying it. So if I would be denying Jesus, I would only lie to myself.

                      "I will continue trolling to those who wish to just be "hey if you dont believe in what i believe and make it to my likings because you are wrong" bullshit on a online video game forum is nothing but a joke." As I said before, there are so many ways of expressing yourself on the internet, letting yourself go. Doing things you wouldn't possibly think of doing in real life, that you somewhat need to let out, while in the background there are so many reasons you need to do it or drives you to doing it. I don't need to hide myself, I'm sure you don't need to either.

                      I actually last year talked with a very kind woman, totally random. She asked me about the beach, it was in the winter, if you could walk near the beach if the ice would last and not break under you. So things lead to other things, and in my heart I felt that I should ask her if she was a believer. I'm not such person that usually do this since of my thorne apart selfesteem and the fact that I'm abit shy around people. But lately I've started to be healed in this section of my life, the problems lies behind my past.

                      So anyway, I asked, we talked and it seemd that we both understood that our believes and views of Christianity wasn't the same. She was a so called name-Christian. So I talked with her about my life and the path I've walked with Christ, how the word of God became true/flesh in my life. Going through with spritual gifts and etc. And I'm very happy that I got to share my life with Christ to her in that moment. And I've been praying now and then since that day I talked to her, that she would also find Christ in a personal way and that in her life the word of God would be come true and lit a big fire in her, a everlasting fire for the King of kings and the Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.

                      My point in this was that this is how I'm, I might have an alias, but this is really who I'm. And people here knows that I don't write too short messages. Its because I usually give some thought in what I say and really mean what I write.
                      Last edited by 1ight; 06-16-2006, 08:00 AM.
                      Endless space, endless exploration.


                      • #41
                        you almost sound like my father in a way, just your christian and hes muslim

                        Dad> Listen son, I read the koran, and in it reveals god and in it reveals truth blah blah fuckity blah!

                        Me, my personal beliefs. Is there a god? How the hell should i know. I'm not going to believe in some book some guy wrote, how the hell do I know if he was holy or not. He could of made it up and people believed his shit cause superstition ruled that time. And those beliefs were just passed down into the pile of shit we have today. If god is so fucking great and he created life and whatever other bullshit that is preached nowadays, then how come countries in africa and asia suffer so much. Is it cause they aren't christian dominated and no one wants to support a country that doesnt support their religion? wheres the faith in humanity when all we do is fight one another. racism is still in the united states, we dont like it, but its there. its much stronger in other countries, they still have slavery in europe, south america, africa and asia. most of it is illegal, but they still do have it. we have it too here in america but we just pay them, small wages and poor health care. but they still get paid and are allowed to stay in the country as long as they are supporting the economy. how is religion sooo great when it denies human choices and dont you dare lie to me that you dont. you might not, but what you support does. it doesn't support woman abortion (so what if its destroying life. the thing is a fucking fetus, doesnt even have a body yet. if a woman wants to get rid of a child that she got raped for, or is not ready to handle it. why ruin her life when she cant support the baby, or cringes everytime she sees a feature of the father who cruely raped her? because it is an act of god?) It denies freedom of speech (burns any book that isnt holy and could be considered against god. they burned harry fucking potter for crying out loud), i dont know why women are into it. they are treated like shit. took them 100's of years just to get a little respect and women suffrage. they arent even allowed to be religiously pure. theres no women cardinals/priests, or women mullahs, or women rabbis). Religion just denies a lot of things that could only progress our lives?
                        it holds us back in the past?
                        we take one step forward with science, and religion takes it two steps back?

                        I do believe it has its benefits.
                        that people find hope, sanctuary from their own lives in religion. i do scream out god help me whenever i need help. who am i else to call out to? bob? god is just a figure of hope. that is all. a human creation so chaos would not have broken out back in the old days. they needed rules and they found it with god. nowadays its corrupt and its only fucking up society further.

                        thats what i believe in. i dont need an alias to tell you that
                        All good things must come to an end.


                        • #42
                          I'm not very religious, but I do believe in God, Heaven and Hell, and the general idea that there is life after death. I can understand your feelings about the amount of bad shit constantly going down all around us and wondering how can there be a god that would allow it to happen- but I don't think you can have good without the bad.

                          Horrible times and horrible situations help people appreciate the good lives they have and the good people they interact with. There is alot of suffering in the world but there is also alot of love, alot of hope. Bad stuff has been happening since before we were here and will continue to happen long after we're gone- nothing we do can change that. You can either let it affect you and hamper your ability/desire to help other people and be a positive force in other's lives, or you can accept the things you can't change and try to do as much to help as possible.

                          None of us are perfect, we all make mistakes and maybe there isn't a god out there, a heaven or hell waiting for us- are you honestly going to let that decide how you act to other people? I'm not going to shove religion down your throat, tell you accept Allah, Jesus or anyone..I'd just suggest trying to live your live as peacefully as possible, and help out as much as you can. Spend the time you have left on this planet as positively as you can, help out here and there and you won't have any regrets when it's your time to go.
                          My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by 1ight
                            Gran: You know this is the most cliché comment used: "stop reciting passages to the bible when responding to me, can't you speak for yourself without backup?" The fact is that the bible verses or overall quoting from the bible only amplifies my thinking.
                            When you read the koran and the torah even maybe the little pagan books inbetween then you can recite, if you didn't or won't. Then anything you say about this one book being right on anything, is invalid. You can't say it's the best without knowing the rest.
                            It is like buying the first thing you see in a candy store (just a metaphor/simile, don't take it to far).
                            All good things must come to an end.


                            • #44
                              When I have time I will answer and share my views, but for now, I'm going home.

                              One thing with quoting the bible, its a different thing when you have seen the word of God become a reality in your life, flesh on your bones. That is why I say it amplifies my thoughts and views. This is something hard to understand if you have not experienced it yourself.

                              Bbl, to answer you long post and give my views and thoughts.
                              Endless space, endless exploration.


                              • #45
                                I'd rather have my soul burning (how can something that's spiritual burn anyway?) in hell for eternity than having to bend to a totalitarian with blood on his hands.
                                You ate some priest porridge

