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Israel / Lebanon Shit storm

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  • Are all Quicksand members completly ignorant, or just the ones that post in this thread?


    • Originally posted by Izor
      They're aiming at military targets like bridges and airports, and trying to cut off supplies into Lebanon. Civilians of course get in the way of these attacks, but thats life
      You call these MILITARY targets?

      "Military" targets such as:
      • Bridges (Hey, let make it so people have no way to move to get their food)
      • Civilian Airports (Yea, i bet hizbollah smuggles in their katyusha rockets in their carry-on luggage...)
      • All Major Roads (Which will result in no way to escape the israeli bombs. Even those trying to escape in, say, a minibus, will get bombed by israel--who will just assume you are a terrorist)
      • Power Plants (We all know that civilians don't need electricity, it's alright if they live in the dark for weeks)
      • Bombing an entire block in a HIGH density area of the nation's capital, with a 500lb bomb, because a hizbollah bunker might be underground one of those buildings. (You'd think that an army with a $9 billion dollar budget could have a more covert way of doing something like this, such as by perhaps sending in a small team to detonate their way in--instead of trashing the nation's capital (and most populated) city)

      Israel destroying Lebanon's infrastructure would be like the United States turning back Canada's clock by 20 years by destroying their powerplants and airports, and killing 300+ civilians, because of terrorists who fired rockets across the US/Canada border (which caused a total damage of a couple dozen deaths, and some shattered glass over the timespan of weeks/months)


      • Originally posted by Izor
        and imo lebanese civilians are fair game at this point
        see now your on the same wave lengh as the israeli army, you should enlist, or just pay your taxes either way your indirectly doing your fair share to bring suffering to these people
        Reinstate Sarien

        Hal Wilker> Need I look recall the statement? And Suh.. control ya ho

        "no, it's Monday, which of course means it's ethnic day, so ill be going with Rosalita"


        • nuking the whole of the middle east (israel, iran, etc everything) is starting to look like a good idea, maybe once several million people have died and all the retards who want to kill people are dead they'll stfu and play nicely together.....or maybe handing out free copies of subspace would do the trick....Then these newbs could enjoy trash talking and not have to kill people in rl....
          Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

          Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
          Kitty> true

          I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

 - The Offical Flabby Website


          • wow
            All good things must come to an end.


            • Or maybe we can just give them Izor and Flabby so they can videotape their beheadings and call it a day.


              • Originally posted by Suzie-Q
                see now your on the same wave lengh as the israeli army, you should enlist, or just pay your taxes either way your indirectly doing your fair share to bring suffering to these people
                At least someone can see sense, lets just hope that our soilders arn't used as cannon fodder again, in another fucked up war to secure Israeli security.

                One of the most malignant aspects of the new chapter in the Arab-Israeli conflict is the myth of Israel as the assaulted party, lavishly propagated by the White House and the infinite pro-Israel pundits in the US media, including the editors of the New York Times, who have labeled Israel's blatant aggression against the nation of Lebanon as "legally and morally justified".

                Never mind that the rest of the world, including the European Union, does not share this perception of who is mainly at fault for the deadly cycle of violence that has gripped the Middle East again. The irony is that one can detect greater voices of dissent and opposition to Israel's massive, disproportionate response to the token kidnapping of a few of its soldiers than is the case in the "pluralistic" US media, nowadays sheepishly toeing the official line.
                I think this sums it up.


                • ...Israel's massive, disproportionate response to the token kidnapping of a few of its soldiers...
                  two things

                  1) it wasnt just the kidnapping of 2 soldiers, its also about the 8 soldiers who died in that attack, its also about the rockets firing in that action, on the north cities in israel, without us doing anything.
                  and its not just few soldiers, its for the last fucking 6 years since we left south lebanon, and let them live their life quiet without us stuck there.
                  what happened in the last 6 years? cities got attacked, 3 soldiers got killed and kidnaped, ariel sharon traded prisoners (400+) for them, and some other soldiers and civilians died, probably you didnt hear about them. lebanon goverment didnt do anything about it, and the stupid people who whine about israel now, didnt say a word when those attack happened.

                  2) maybe in your country a few soldiers dead and kidnaped are fun for you.

                  really guys, i dont mind hearing people say that israel attack lebanon too hard and civilians die. its ok to cirtic.
                  ITS NOT OK to use false facts and ignorance to justify one side.

                  a good example for someone who think he knows, and sound retard, is debonaire. -_-


                  • Originally posted by FarScape
                    two things

                    1) it wasnt just the kidnapping of 2 soldiers, its also about the 8 soldiers who died in that attack, its also about the rockets firing in that action, on the north cities in israel, without us doing anything.
                    and its not just few soldiers, its for the last fucking 6 years since we left south lebanon, and let them live their life quiet without us stuck there.
                    what happened in the last 6 years? cities got attacked, 3 soldiers got killed and kidnaped, ariel sharon traded prisoners (400+) for them, and some other soldiers and civilians died, probably you didnt hear about them. lebanon goverment didnt do anything about it, and the stupid people who whine about israel now, didnt say a word when those attack happened.

                    2) maybe in your country a few soldiers dead and kidnaped are fun for you.

                    really guys, i dont mind hearing people say that israel attack lebanon too hard and civilians die. its ok to cirtic.
                    ITS NOT OK to use false facts and ignorance to justify one side.

                    a good example for someone who think he knows, and sound retard, is debonaire. -_-
                    Look at the "location" under your name.

                    Obviously you'd be biased in favor of your own country. I'm not saying its wrong to be biased, sometimes you have no choice.

                    These traded "prisoners" you are talking about largely consisted of political prisoners who were held without a trial. Israel occupied Lebanon for years, if hizbollah never existed, israel would still be occupying lebanese territory.


                    • Well what he said was true. You're the one that said, "We gotta kill bridges and airports because terrorists put their missiles over them so we gotta blow them all up because of our soldiers they attacked first blah blah blah."


                      • Originally posted by Zingy
                        Look at the "location" under your name.

                        Obviously you'd be biased in favor of your own country. I'm not saying its wrong to be biased, sometimes you have no choice.

                        These traded "prisoners" you are talking about largely consisted of political prisoners who were held without a trial. Israel occupied Lebanon for years, if hizbollah never existed, israel would still be occupying lebanese territory.

                        you know how many times israel attacked lebanon after we suffered from terror attacks? LONG before hizbullah ever created...
                        and it was always because we got attacked, and people died. why they cant learn to stop it? hizbullah had goal to kick israel out of lebanon, they did it, attacking us more inside our border is just asking for war.
                        thats why it should end for good. no use stopping now and talk, till next round right?

                        for being biased, yeah maybe the fact im israeli make my opinion here look biased, also, the fact im a jewish. but truely, in israel im not really with the mind of the majority, so i dont agree with you.

                        you can understand the enemy pain, and the suffering of the people there who arnt involved, but thinking that talking solve the problem, is just being ignorance to the situations that happen in the world.

                        why people in europe, who killed each other for many years, have any right to say anything about others killing?
                        its a war, people die, you cant talk with terror group who keep attacking your country everytime they want.
                        thinking that you can and that you should "send commandos to do some surgery work in the heart of lebanon" is being foolish, hallucinate, and somehow disconnected from reality...
                        i dont know why people became like this, we arnt living in security in this world, not yet. mabye its the fear of using force, but sometimes, after long wars and suffering, peace could be made, and i hope it will be made here at the end.


                        • Originally posted by Izor
                          Do you realize how stupid you look calling someone ignorant who lives in Israel and has to put up with this shit? Biased obviously, but who are you to call him ignorant? Because you watch a fair and balanced Fox News channel you automatically know all the answers to the world?
                          We actually know the opposite -- The less you watch Fox News the closer to the truth you will find yourself.
                          Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                          sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                          • Originally posted by genocidal
                            Well what he said was true. You're the one that said, "We gotta kill bridges and airports because terrorists put their missiles over them so we gotta blow them all up because of our soldiers they attacked first blah blah blah."
                            to who you reply this?

                            anyway, you probably right, im sorry. my prime minister probably just waked up in some morning and said "Hey soldier dudes, lets destroy some airpot and bridges In lebanon, will be fun for us! YEY" ^-^


                            • You (Farscape) said he sounded retarded for saying that Israel is blowing up bridges and airports. I said it was true so how does that make him retarded? I wasn't saying that your intelligence didn't think there was nothing there he and I were criticizing the methods that you used; a lot of things come into airports and over bridges (for example debonnaire said food).


                              • Odd that so many from the States can throw stones at Israel for the actions taking place, yet I do not see 1/2 of the anger or resonance from the words here pointing on how the U.S. has created 9/10's of these problems to begin with. Before anyone from the States spouts off at Israel, look at GWB and his stupid f'n false war(s)! We went to war based upon 100% false information.

                                President Bush has not fired any of the architects of the Iraq war. In fact, a review of the key planners of the conflict reveals that they have been rewarded – not blamed – for their incompetence. if anyone is interested in seeing how this administration in the U.S. praises and promotes the crimes that have taken place with the parties responsible for Iraq, check this site out and see how they all benefit from Iraq and Afghanistan.


                                I just think that it is hypocritical for anyone in the States to cast judgment over the conflict between Israel and Lebanon, when the U.S. Government itself has lied and killed 100 times more innocent women and children, all in the name of the "War on Terror". I actually think that the Terror itself is the U.S. and it is inflicting this upon others when it should worry about them and not some privately run company with political ties, that have defense contracts and Oil contracts; and when a private contractor(s) in Iraq are captured and killed...F'm. They are there to make money off of the war and the people suffering so they can turn a profit, I personally do not mourn their deaths.

                                You want to look at a war crime, look at the U.S. for starters.

                                It is also so nice to know that the U.S. is selling F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan and giving Nuke info to India. They are such peaceful neighbors...any possibility that the U.S. help will start another conflict in the next decade? I would put money on it that it will happen.

                                And lastly, if the Useless I mean United Nations would have got off their asses and had that buffer zone in Lebanon deployed with the U.N. as well as supported the regime change in Lebanon, Hezbollah would never have made the amount of caves and stockpiles of ammunitions / missiles that they have been able to make the entire mess happen in the 1st place. I guess Kofi Annan was too busy covering up the corruption(s) his son and himself have ties to in stealing monies and false construction contracts to say the least.

                                War is not pleasant and if the Israel-Lebanon conflict creates such controversy, I am surprised that the U.S. Government has not fueled the same angers for a much larger scale atrocity with those that live here in the States! I guess GWB can do no wrong to some regardless of the lies, corruption and innocent deaths of others that have come about by his actions as the Chief Idiot of the U.S.
                                May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

