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Israel / Lebanon Shit storm

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  • IIRC this sort of "episode" was discussed earlier in the "iraq" thread, or somewhere..

    Conc had a good post, which was a nice change to reading much of the other trife in here, basically its not a "simple" conflict, as these cases in the ME usually arent.

    Those of you who see it as Israel should just bomb the bejesus out of lebanon need to pull your head out of your asses and start thinking, that wont "solve" anything, conversely it'll add to anti-semetic feeling, and will ultimately create more of the "terrorists" and new Hezbullah will just spring up from the cracks, far from ideal.

    Im not going to "preach" about what is an ideal solution, because to be honest im not that deeply vested into Hezbullah to offer one that is actually "feasible" to all parties.

    Sure, Israel could stop what they are doing and try to negotiate it out with the Hezbullah, because inevitably they would probably come to some sort of monetary agreement for a "short term" ceasefire, but again that wont "end" terrorism in and around Isreal.

    I also don't understand why so many of you are pointing the blame squarely on Lebanon and the Lebanese government, you have to understand that althought the Lebanese government is "flaky", it has just recently gained sovreign indepenence, and as such it doesnt really have an "established" government in place.
    You should also understand that for many Lebanese people and Arabs in general (not all, but id be willing to say the majority from what i know and from whom I have discussed the matter with) do see the Hezbullah as some sort of "freedom fighters" rather than terrorists, quite simply do to the fact that Hezbullah and Hezbullah alone were able to gain independance for Lebanon, sure it wasn't "pretty" or "traditional" warfare, but they prevailed where the Lebanese "army" failed, this has earned them some mad street cred in the streets of the Mid East, nor is that sort of credibility isn't forgotten over night.
    So, while many civilians aren't "directly" supporting Hezbullah (i.e. monetary aid, or via supplying them arms), they are supporting their cause, which is just as important.

    Syria, another country that cant exactly parade around its impeccable credentials, is however a bit of a understated powerhouse in the Mid East, it has a well enough equipped army, has ties to most if not all of the "big money" states in the region, and believe it or not has the very real capacity to be a royal pain in the ass in the Israeli backside if it felt so inclined.
    I say this because there is a very real possibility that Syria will mobolize its army, which in turn WILL (there are no ifs and or buts about this) start the money cogs from KSA, UAE, Egypt, Iran, Jordan etc, and much of this will "slip through the cracks" and fall smack bacng in the hands of the Hezbullah militia, which is a scary thought....

    Militants smart bombs...

    Now i don't know how real the threat is that the Hezbullah will get their hands on any significant technilogical advancements, but with the black market around the corner and huge deposits coming in, it could very well happen.

    On the flipsyde (tihiii) of that is The Nation Of Determination (Israel), who for some reason seem to try and resolve absolutely everything with nothing but muscle, sure it may be a deterrant, but what most people seem to fail to realize is that its "opposition" isn't running scared of the fact that they have more fighter jets than the average mutt has fleas.
    Militants arent found by F16 or laser guided cruise missiles fired from a temple in jerusalem on easter, finding Hezbullah militants is much harder than that, and as such "levels" the playingfield, that "level" could be tipped over if the militants aquire something truly powerful and are able to slip with it into Israel.

    its a scary time for ME stability, first, this whole Oil Quest by Captain Bush, which has already put Western popularity in an all time low in the ME, now this?
    No wonder westeners are getting the jitters in "safe haven's" like the UAE, its just a matter of time till something happens there, especially now that the crisis is hitting so close to home, many lebanese and syrians reside in the UAE, and if things escalate, and the US really decides to back their pony, things could look quite grimm indeed.

    In closing, I condemn both sides for what they are doing, but i dont see it as a "simple case" of bombing the animals back to the proberbial stonage, nor do I see it as a case of Israel is in the wrong and should give up, sure, Israel seems to have some misconstrued conceptions of what it is trying to achieve, since alienating even more of the Arab world wont help its quest for peace.

    Again, the US had a chance to "better" its public image in the ME, which it seemed to thumb its nose at, and instead decided to back its partner from the get go, its not like it wasnt forseeable that it would do so, but had it taken a slightly more political start in trying to resolve the problem, it may have helped itself avoid some problems in the future, (this is purely speculating however, so incase it doesnt happen, dont frag me) particularly because it may fuel the fire of many people who dont feel strongly about the Hezbullah, but do have very strong Anti-US feeling into choosing the "lesser of two evlis", especially knowing that the Hezbullah have stood up to Israel before with what many regard as "great" effect.

    why do I always have so much to say on ME'n topics?
    Displaced> I get pussy every day
    Displaced> I'm rich
    Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
    Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
    Thors> prolly
    Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

    best comeback ever


    • Originally posted by Displaced
      Those of you who see it as Israel should just bomb the bejesus out of lebanon need to pull your head out of your asses and start thinking, that wont "solve" anything, conversely it'll add to anti-semetic feeling, and will ultimately create more of the "terrorists" and new Hezbullah will just spring up from the cracks, far from ideal.
      Like I said earlier, history already proved me right with Japan. Conversly, if we continue to do what you're suggesting, and allow terrorists to fire off some rockets at Israel then go back in the shadows for a while, the terrorist groups will still grow because people will start to think that the world cant do anything about them, and everyone here knows as well as I do that a lot of people in the Middle East, if not almost everyone, agree with the terrorists' plan.

      The usage of nukes probably isnt even necessary..but I would go as far as to say that leveling a few cities would send the message to the population of the whole area that terrorism is not acceptable, and that allowing them to continue to hide there will have consequences. Although you say the citizens cant do anything about it and some other sad story, ultimately someone has to take responsibility for the terrorists being able to hide there. I would choose the government and its people
      I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
      I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


      • i havent suggested anything, im just shedding some light on the situation, as stated, im not offering any "solutions".

        i acknowledge your view, but just think about the fact that if you level lebanon, i mean completely fucking level it and in effect wipe out hezbullah (which wont happen since they don't reside solely in Lebanon for starters), in effect creating Martyrs from them, do you not think that every single uneducated lower class arab that can walk will "want" to take revenge on Israel, be part of a true holy war?

        Do you not think that muslim extremists will gain even more supporters if you level lebanon?

        Do you not think that other arab states will "fear" the same happening to them, and thus increase funding to these freedom fighters?

        If you don't, you are a far more naive person than most.

        Trying to be as peaceful as possible is the "best" solution I can see, although its probably not feasible...

        If you left it well enough alone, the extremists would have nothing new to recruit their suicide bombers with, no new propaganda to spread, no new threats to speak of, no ideals, no nothing, only ancient rhetoric which in a decade or two, will be so thin, nochalant us-haters wont escalate into fully blown suicide bombers...

        granted, thats not a possible way of advancement, just food for thought.

        Also, japan is a "little" different, its a fricking island for starters, escaping is that much harder.
        Secondly, the emperor gave up, Hezbullah can operate completely without a "figurhead", someone dies, another one rises, and creates his own agendas and factions.. it wont stop when you kill some old geezer, it just might bring up an even more fanatic leader, with desciples who WILL follow him to the death, and will sacrifice themselves completely for some ideal.
        Last edited by Displaced; 07-22-2006, 04:11 PM.
        Displaced> I get pussy every day
        Displaced> I'm rich
        Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
        Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
        Thors> prolly
        Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

        best comeback ever


        • And history proves you wrong with Afghanistan. How many years did the Soviets try to bomb the crap out of the Jihadi soldiers there? Ten years? How did that end, again? I can't remember. Someone refresh my memory.
          Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


          • With lots and lots of vodka
            Originally posted by Facetious
            edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


            • Displaced: quite simply do to the fact that Hezbullah and Hezbullah alone were able to gain independance for Lebanon
              wtf are you talking about? @_@

              hezbullah was created in order to fight us in south lebanon. we left south lebanon, why keep attacking?
              the lebanon goverment is responsible since they have an army who can sit in our border, and they accept hezzbullah as a legitimate group, to sit on their goverment, instead of saying thanks, israel redraw her troops, disarm and lets live in peace, they allow them attack israel over and over.
              who is responsible then?

              people might not see it, but we DO NOT just bomb things.

              i really lost hope to explain our israel see it, and no, im not saying we are perfect, and im not saying that i dont understand the people in lebanon who suffer, but its situation that last for 6 years and something gotta be done to stop it. sadly people in both sides pay with their life.

              And history proves you wrong with Afghanistan. How many years did the Soviets try to bomb the crap out of the Jihadi soldiers there? Ten years? How did that end, again? I can't remember. Someone refresh my memory.
              dont go far...
              israel destroied the palestinians terror groups in lebanon in the 80s (thats why we invaded them back then, also after terror attacks on citizens in the north), what came out of this was hezzbullah. but they also formed to fight us in the south since we were sitting there to make a security zone to the israeli cities (in other words, if we were in now, hafia was safe).

              you need to understand tho, that israel is not afganistan. there is a huge diffrenet between invading to a country and lose to guerillas, and defending againts guerillas militant, who attack your country.

              also, the world has changed, mainly since the fight againts terrorism is on the issue.
              the only way to destroy terrorism in huge scale is by infulence and education war, just like it was after WW2 when USA spilled tons of money on the west erupean countries, and the soivet sucked everything from the east. was a huge ideology war in the cold war.
              thats why i think israel, in the palestinian issue, are doing wrong by not give them alot of money directly into education, and supervise what they are been teaching too...


              • I might agree with you in that the way countries battle terror today is about as effective as the way America battled communist ideology in the Cold War.


                • Originally posted by genocidal
                  I might agree with you in that the way countries battle terror today is about as effective as the way America battled communist ideology in the Cold War.
                  Communism was just a shitty enough ideal to die out on it's own in a modernized world.
                  help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.

                  What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
                  MegamanEXE> Chao
                  MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
                  (Sefarius)> ....
                  (Hate The Fake)> LOL
                  MegamanEXE> You are sick
                  MegamanEXE> Good day


                  • Originally posted by Chao.
                    Communism was just a shitty enough ideal to die out on it's own in a modernized world.
                    it wasnt shitty, it just couldn't compete to an arms race without trading with different countries that wasn't their satellite.
                    All good things must come to an end.


                    • Farscape...

                      In the eyes of much of the Arab world, and MANY (not all by any means) Lebanese, Hezbullah is seen as the reason as to why IDF left Southern Lebanon, and are seen as the saviours of the Sovreign Lebanese State, because lets face it, the Lebanese army wasn't exactly able to put a dent into the Israeli war machine, while a handfull of extremists made -in effect the IDF leave their soil.

                      (and no its not quite that simple IRL, but that about sums up the viewpoint)

                      The reasons they are still attacking (by large) are that:

                      They dont want peace?
                      I find it very hard to see any militant faction stopping before Israel is "eradicated", now thats most likely never going to happen, nor is lasting peace ever going to be created while a strong Anti-Semetic feeling resides in the ME.
                      Israel and the Israeli population just happen to be the scapegoat for a whole concoction of problems, that's not to say that they havent created some of their own hate...

                      Israel was in Southern Lebanon, and they know the Lebanese and other Arab states dislike that notion.

                      Israel's partnership with the USA- hate the US, hate its buddies.

                      Israel's "treating" of problems in Gaza annd the whole Palestinian issue- Frankly, it just pisses off Arabs, and gives them some "reason" for continued funding.

                      Yes, the world has changed, but people at large are still the same narrowminded fools they were decades ago, but now they have more money and bigger guns to do the talking for them.

                      War has changed too, purely because its no longer necessary to club someone with a peice of wood and grunt like apes to proclaim victory, rhetoric is blasted all over popular media and ICBM's are launched via remote, its a pretty anonymous, damage is also pretty horrendous.

                      That doesn't mean that guerilla tactics have changed much since their conception, it also doesnt mean that terrorist's would stand a chance if they bought 50 tanks a hummer and some ammo and tried to invade Israel, they wouldn't get very far... it does however mean that they could plant a dirty bomb in a car/bus/plane and drive it into the heart of Jerusalem and detonate it.. much more bang for the proverbial buck, and it is a lot more psychological for said juggernaut, and its citizens....

                      Which would you choose if you were vastly outgunned?
                      Last edited by Displaced; 07-22-2006, 09:03 PM.
                      Displaced> I get pussy every day
                      Displaced> I'm rich
                      Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                      Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                      Thors> prolly
                      Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                      best comeback ever


                      • lol disp, how does saying what you just said do anything except call for killing more arabs?

                        - You acknowledge that these groups want to fight Israel until they are eradicated.

                        - You acknowledge that they will continue to use cheap tactics and do whatever it takes because thats about all they CAN do. (NOTE: Nothing justifies the torture and public beheadings done to innocent people, or suicide bombings on CIVILIANS)

                        - Hopefully you acknowledge that the people you are dealing with in this area are FAR less educated than us and FAR less reasonable people. They cannot understand anything but hate toward Israel/the US, and do not have the capability of learning otherwise in the near future (the change has to be gradual).

                        You offer no solution to the problem that these people will continue to hate Israel and use cheap tactics against them, including ignoring a cease fire when they get the opportunity to. imo it is very unreasonable to expect Israel to sit back and wait for a chemical weapon to be released in one of their cities, or the next attack, whatever it may be. However if they send the message that the entire fucking area has hell to pay for being assholes, the people will be controlled by the fear of what will happen to their families if they continue to attack Israel. That will have to do until these arabs can understand how to coexist in this world.
                        I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                        I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                        • Originally posted by Izor
                          - Hopefully you acknowledge that the people you are dealing with in this area are FAR less educated than us and FAR less reasonable people. They cannot understand anything but hate toward Israel/the US, and do not have the capability of learning otherwise in the near future (the change has to be gradual).
                          What is it with the yanks and Isreal?

                          Americans please tell me why you think you have some sort of special relationship with these people. They dont follow rules and are killing innocent people, europeans can see that why cant you.

                          Remember this, the jews have been ethnically cleansed from england to hungary in 1000 years, enslaved by the egyptians, they dont eat pork and has a symbol as a six pointed pentagram. hmmm coincidence?

                          Originally posted by Izor
                          (the change has to be gradual).

                          Originally posted by Izor
                          the people will be controlled by the fear of what will happen to their families if they continue to attack Israel. That will have to do until these arabs can understand how to coexist in this world.
                          BIG MISTAKE Why do you think the Irish, Scottish and Welsh are so patriotic when there countries have been controlled by England their whole history. Humiliation breeds defiance.

                          Izor are you jewish?

                          Ever heard of the saying "an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth" or are you just a dumb, brainwashed, moronic yank?


                          • Originally posted by SkiTzO
                            What is it with the yanks and Isreal?

                            Americans please tell me why you think you have some sort of special relationship with these people. They dont follow rules and are killing innocent people, europeans can see that why cant you.

                            Remember this, the jews have been ethnically cleansed from england to hungary in 1000 years, enslaved by the egyptians, they dont eat pork and has a symbol as a six pointed pentagram. hmmm coincidence?


                            BIG MISTAKE Why do you think the Irish, Scottish and Welsh are so patriotic when there countries have been controlled by England their whole history. Humiliation breeds defiance.

                            Izor are you jewish?

                            Ever heard of the saying "an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth" or are you just a dumb, brainwashed, moronic yank?

                            Hey, you were the guy who was dickriding Hitler if I remember correctly. Why aren't you still banned?

                            Also, why do you keep coming back?
                            :confused: Are human fat?


                            • Dear Liquid Blue,
                              I apologize that your pertinent, topical, and thoughtful thread has been hijacked by people like Izor and Skitzo. Let's let them battle it out and maybe one of them will die and the world will be a better place.



                              • My friends,
                                Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                                sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.

