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Israel / Lebanon Shit storm

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  • Originally posted by Izor
    Great points of view. You are attempting to justify terrorist attacks on Israel, based on the fact that it was wrong for us to create the nation of Israel in the first place.
    I've never said a word about the process by which it was implemented justifying the current attacks. I explained why the tension between the nations there exists in the first place.

    Originally posted by IZOR
    Supposedly your stance here is to take the jews in Israel and move them to somewhere that has no political Antarctica?
    Ok, when did I say anything about moving the population of Israel? Where was that even implied?

    Define "political claim", please. Coherent posts are easier to reply to.
    help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.

    What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
    MegamanEXE> Chao
    MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
    (Sefarius)> ....
    (Hate The Fake)> LOL
    MegamanEXE> You are sick
    MegamanEXE> Good day


    • Originally posted by RATTY...
      6 months? No wonder the american military is so horrible.
      RATTY..., after so long of seeing your posts on forums, I can see that whatever you say that isnt a lie, is just some random flambait post that makes no sense. However I will grant you your wish for attention by pointing out that norways elite troops, which I'm damn sure by taking a look at you you shouldnt be able to get in, have done jack shit in the world..ever.

      As for these other kids: if you dont agree that the people of Israel should be removed, then what is the point of making it seem like they dont belong there in the first place? And I know that at least Chao feels Israel has no business being there, but what do you do with the people? I mentioned antarctica because thats the only place that no political organization really 'owns'. Also, perhaps you do not agree with the terrorist attacks, but surely if you think that Israel has no right to be there, you think that the arabs have rights to defend their own land from invasion. There is no grey area there, unlike how far the guy should go in TKs comparison to the mailman fucking his guys wife.

      EDIT: And as a side note not only am I pretty much the only 'QS kid' posting in this thread, I'm certainly not being racist often in it. At least nothing blatently offensive
      I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
      I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


      • You know leaders of peace are not the only ones rolling over in their graves. But also the leaders of war. War use to be a noble art, where military strategies didn't involve bombing the shit out of a country until you get the criminals that only made up like a quarter percent of the population, where the rest of normal people trying to live their lives, but they can't, because of beligerant assholes who continue to fight over the 'holy land'. Interesting, seeing as the grave of Jesus Christ himself had to rest his soul in such a violent area. What happened to strategical, morale/ethical warfare? What happened to the strive for peace? Gone are those days, to be replaced by a time where we got leaders who choose to see genocide and bloodbaths rather than ceasefire and influential integrity. How can the world look for peace, when the supposedly greatest country on Earth, who fights against terrorism, who fights for democracy, will belittle themselves to encourage acts of injustice. Actions who take innocent life. People who are so consumed by it's wrong policy to believe that eliminating the race is a good idea. You say you fight to protect yourselves. The only person who knows how to fight using fear was batman, now we got a military inducting fear into the hearts of many by threatening to take away their life. The same policy of terrorists. Terrorists fight by casting terror. You put an entire region in fear. When someone is scared and has no other options, they fight. And when they fight, you say its wrong, when you yourselves were fighting just the same. What ever happened to fighting the good fight? This is utter bullshit, and the illogical nonsense that comes out of your minds is utter bullshit. This war is stupid. This United Nations is useless. America is wrong, Lebanon is wrong, Iran is wrong, Israel is wrong, Syria is wrong, etc, etc... Terrorists are evil. But please, for the sake of humanity, don't stoop yourselves to their level to fight their war. A terrorist group is better than a terrorist country. If you are going to fight a war, fight it the right way. The just way! A way that won't get you condemned by your own allies. A way that will improve relations with your enemy. Don't fight a war caused by our failing leaders. Their family doesn't fight the war, you and your family does. Fight to protect your family and country, don't fight because they want you to fight. I know my words can't change any of you. But I hope something might get through to somebody. If one person can change for the better, the world will change for the better.
        All good things must come to an end.


        • The unit I'm joining is something that is required if you WANT to qualify as a "fallskjermjeger". Fallskjermjegere are proffesional soldiers that gets paid, it's a work, it's not something a fat bastard like you can join. You have you be physically superior to get into that troop.

          I never said I was going to become one, I only intend to go to the Middle East for a year to experience things and shoot fat dirty americans like you.

          You don't know anything about that troop, so you shouldn't say so much about it. They were sendt down to Afghanistan to assist the americans when they did some shit down there, and they prolly do missions all the time.

          Back to what I was going to say:

          Why are a fat kid like you joining the army? You're only going to be cannon fodder.

          12 month trained Norwegian Jeger being paid 500k Kr a year > a 6 month trained stupid american soldier (izor) who gets underpaid.
          DuelBot> You have defeated 'nessy' score: (20-11)
          Nessy> i left for 3 years clean
          Nessy> came back got on rampage, won twl, #1 in elim for 3 weeks, not even tryin, gg

          1:King Baba> i know my name is King Baba, but you can call me Poseidon

          I Luv Cook> I'll double penetrate your ass:/

          Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

          Broaden your horizons, read my blog:


          • Israel should not exist, it was created through lies and deceit.

            During WW1 Britain was getting their ass's kicked by the germans, ever seen the german trenches compared with the british ones, then powerful little jews in america told britian that if you give palastine to the jews we will get the United States of JewAmerica to help you win the war. Thus america wins the war for Great Britain, Israel is created and a man with a camp mostache in germany developes deep hatred for the jewish race.

            Anyways I couldnt care less about this conflict, Im on neither side I just hope they fuck up the world so we can get our white revolution started.(I so badly want it to happen in my life time) Still I hope you all see the true nature of the jew and that the media and american goverment are blatantly biased. Honestly I think that if Israel killed every muslim on the planet america would stand by them.

            And for you farscape you big fat peice of yellow knob cheese. When the IRA was bombing the fuck out of London, we didnt send over the RAF to go and bomb every target they could think of and kill hundreds of innocent people in Ireland now did we you fucking ugly hairy cunt!

            Gran Guerro you talk as if this conflict is a war and that somehow the lebanese are fighting against jewish owned american fire power. Reality check mate, Israel are bombing civillians then using the rocket attacks as an excuse to gain the moral high ground. (If you are jewish, dumb or farscape and feel like replying to this section LOOK UP!)

            Originally posted by Chao.
            Slightly confused, eh?
            eh err you fucking TWONK!
            Last edited by SkiTzO; 07-25-2006, 08:53 PM.


            • Originally posted by Izor
              Also, perhaps you do not agree with the terrorist attacks, but surely if you think that Israel has no right to be there, you think that the arabs have rights to defend their own land from invasion.
              Depends on how far you think they're allowed to go and call it "defense".


              Originally posted by SkiTzO
              Israel should not exist, it was created through lies and deceit.
              During WW1 Britain was getting their ass's kicked by the germans
              Slightly confused, eh?
              help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.

              What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
              MegamanEXE> Chao
              MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
              (Sefarius)> ....
              (Hate The Fake)> LOL
              MegamanEXE> You are sick
              MegamanEXE> Good day


              • Originally posted by Izor
                Great points of view. You are attempting to justify terrorist attacks on Israel, based on the fact that it was wrong for us to create the nation of Israel in the first place. Supposedly your stance here is to take the jews in Israel and move them to somewhere that has no political Antarctica? That surely would make up for our actions after WW2!

                One thing I dont get though: you're willing to go back 60 years or so to place the blame on the US but when I say that civilians dying is something that has happened in warfare all throughout history, that point doesnt matter, even though Israel clearly isnt aiming rockets with intent to kill as many civ's as possible.
                OUR actions after WWII? Excuse me, but we were the reason they weren't burned alive. The third reich had fallen. What more was their to do? We should have given them some money and let them be in Europe. Instead, we created this giant problem in the middle east.

                As for the rest of my reply....TK summed it up better than I can. Thanks sweetie :wub:
                Originally posted by Tone
                Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                • Originally posted by RATTY...
                  You have you be physically superior to get into that troop.

                  EDIT: In America, you wouldnt even make the military. They threw a couple kids out of processing at MEPS for hygiene issues like earwax. You wouldn't get that far, as your hair is more of a hygiene issue than earwax

                  EDIT2: TK also didnt say what either of you expect to happen to the jews that will no longer be living in Israel should you have your way
                  I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                  I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                  • Originally posted by SkiTzO
                    Israel should not exist, it was created through lies and deceit.

                    During WW1 Britain was getting their ass's kicked by the germans, ever seen the german trenches compared with the british ones, then powerful little jews in america told britian that if you give palastine to the jews we will get the United States of JewAmerica to help you win the war. Thus america wins the war for Great Britain, Israel is created and a man with a camp mostache in germany developes deep hatred for the jewish race.

                    Maybe if GERMANY didn't pull aggro on the USA via sinking the Lusitania and all then we wouldn't have had to come, but shit was pretty much imminent anyhow. Don't forget the Zimmerman telegraph and shit -- that was a whole 'nother thing.
                    Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                    sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                    • When you say "if they had their way", what "way" would that be? Did you again leap to a faulty conclusion and assume that Squeezer was in favour of abolishing Israel? He said nothing remotely close to that. Again, and read it carefully without taking another twenty leaps, he said that the way that Israel was formed was ill-conceived and led to present hostilities. He's not proposing wiping Israel off the map and moving all those people away. He's saying that the the way the whole thing was done was screwed up at the beginning and everyone involved (and I repeat those words again for you: everyone involved) has made it worse since then. Please, stop taking these huge assumptions and forming conclusions that have little to do with what people actually say.


                      • Originally posted by RATTY...
                        12 month trained Norwegian Jeger being paid 500k Kr a year > a 6 month trained stupid american soldier (izor) who gets underpaid.
                        But when you guys have like 30,000* troops, we have a number around... 1,196,210**

                        ** In 2004

                        So if we put our entire army vs. your entire army.. Well that's like attacking a country 12 v. 3 in RISK.
                        Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                        sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                        • Originally posted by Troll King
                          For example, I can understand why someone would be upset that his wife cheated on him with the mailman, but that doesn't mean I'd condone him if killed the two of them over it.
                          On the one part, I would cheer and congratulate the guy for removing two wastes of space, but to begin with I would scold him for marrying in the first place or even dealing with any woman.


                          • Originally posted by Izor
                            This might come as a shocker to you, but I was making the point that to you and me its just another article in the news, and despite what you want to think you wont know near as much about this was as someone whos living in it. Even if you know the political moves as well as you want, you dont know what it's like to be a citizen of Israel, getting randomly bombed for who knows how long until now they finally decide to eliminate the threat.
                            I pointed out in that post how ironic of you it was to pick and choose when to think about other people's situations- you weren't thinking about how the millions affected by your "message" bombings would feel, what they've already had to grow up with and yet you're eager to rush to Israel's side? Everyone in that reigon has had to live through shitty times like this at least some point in their lives.

                            Originally posted by Izor
                            At the risk of sounding childish: they started it. You cant just bomb a country and then hide behind innocent people (who most likely hate israel anyway). The real political villains here are Lebanon, for not coming in and removing Hezbollah. If they would do that, the civilians and militants all would stop dying, and peace would be restored. None of you seem to mention this when you criticize Israel.
                            Lebanon's government wasn't stable enough to remove Hezbollah, at least not without help. Should they have asked for help? Maybe, but then you have to look at why the Hezbollah were created in the first place- and who was there (what 6?) 6 years ago. I don't mention specific points because like I've been trying to beat into the ground here is that there is not one single bad guy here, everyone has done something wrong. People need to start coming together and fixing things instead of just pointing fingers.

                            Lasting peace isn't what we all want? How about we follow your advice and think about what it would be like to worry about whether or not a rocket is going to slam into your house, if your daughter will make it back from school this afternoon- you don't think they want peace?

                            Originally posted by 404
                            Odd that so many from the States can throw stones at Israel for the actions taking place, yet I do not see 1/2 of the anger or resonance from the words here pointing on how the U.S. has created 9/10's of these problems to begin with. Before anyone from the States spouts off at Israel, look at GWB and his stupid f'n false war(s)! We went to war based upon 100% false information.
                            I've already said that the US has done plenty of wrong things here, and this isn't a topic about Iraq so I'm not even going to bother bringing it into the discussion. America is at fault for plenty of killings here but the last thing I want is to end up thumbing our fingers at USA which seems to end up happening in every topic. This is about Lebanon and Israel, and while it is relevant to talk about how the US is fucking up in this situation, there's no point in beating a dead horse and talking about our mess in Iraq.

                            P.S.- United Nations accomplishing something? lol.
                            My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                            • I only point out how the Israeli civilians must feel, because when you're writing your sob stories about the lebanese, I feel inclined to point out that the Israelis who did nothing to provoke the attacks are getting randomly shot at. Personally I dont care about the civilians and how they are during the war, because losses happen in wars. Thats an undeniable fact of war. Granted, people shouldnt be aiming at them but it happens. And when it does happen I feel that the country whos being bombed has the right to and should respond with extreme force. So dont act like I only care about one side here. I dont care about the civilians equally, but if people in this thread are going to make it seem like the lebanese are being picked on I feel obligated to point out the other side.

                              Calling for a cease-fire or peace right now would not deal with the problem at hand. That is why no one wants it except for you idiots who think you have all the answers on internet forums.
                              I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                              I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                              • The US really doesn't have anything to do with the Israel-Lebanon war (yet)... If we want to go through this reverse-way it would look somewhat like this:
                                -Everyone is responsible for their actions
                                -Our governments are responsible for being hypocrits
                                -The UN is responsible for not pushing for a control in the situation
                                -Israel is responsible for increasing Hezbollah support by deplacing all the south lebanese and perhaps going too far in this war.
                                -Hezbollah is responsible for the start of this war and pushing Israel to its limits
                                -Every Lebanese and the UN are responsible for not pressuring a removal of Hezbollah before this part of the war
                                -We're responsible for creating a country for the Jews 50 years ago and upsetting the inhabitants of those lands
                                -The nazis were responsible for removing the Jews in the first place.
                                -We're responsible for dividing the Islamic countries.
                                -All three major religions are responsible for choosing Jerusalem as their holy ground
                                -God is responsible for us?

                                I don't think it's accurate, but good enough.
                                Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

