You know, I'm actually pretty down with there not being avatars on everyone. In fact I was pretty pleased when the board deleted mine for me though I was curious to see how it would have looked going through the meat grinder like eveyrone else's did, but it was nothing I would ever lose sleep over.
I wouldn't let genocidal's shitheadery get to you Jase, he's just another crappy kid and his words mean nil.
My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.