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Staff are complete idiots

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  • #76
    Originally posted by kthx
    Basically that just shows that you don't care about the racism itself, you just care about the fact that you have the power to ban people for using it should you feel the need.
    Originally posted by Jason View Post
    i'm not fucking around, and if you get even a quarter of an inch out of line, i'll do everything in my power to see you banned for one hell of a long time.
    Not picking fights, I call them like I see them. Got no problem with how you mod Sarien, in fact you may be on the "too lenient" end. But 4 months of staff and Jason is throwing his "connections" around my forum like any Wark-ish staffer would.


    • #77
      hey genocidal

      do me a favor

      trade those first four letters in on your name

      and replace them with s-u-i-c-i

      in other words, stop being such a fuck and starting shit with me when you have absolutely no connection to the situation at hand to begin with.

      and one last thing, you don't know the deal with wark. he's a piece of shit who likes to stir up trouble and/or bitch and moan every chance he gets. if a ban ends up coming his way, it's more than certainly deserved.

      i'm not ban happy. i'm just happy to rid this zone of the worthless fucks who do nothing but bring it down.

      EDIT: my "4 months of staff" are actually more like 4+ years. chances are, i was hosting events before you ever even came across our pretty little spaceship game.
      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


      • #78
        Originally posted by genocidal
        Not picking fights, I call them like I see them. Got no problem with how you mod Sarien, in fact you may be on the "too lenient" end. But 4 months of staff and Jason is throwing his "connections" around my forum like any Wark-ish staffer would.
        I got no problem with you either gen, in fact, you and I have quite a bit in common I've found. Jason's problems with wark go beyond and aren't even close to someone being power hungry. Read about the work Jason put into something that wark has consistently taken all credit for. Take a peek in past staff threads where you can see wark go to town on TW staff. To the point that in the past I've seen wark actually say that without him the zone would crumble.

        Jason's at the end of his leash and even so he still said that he wouldn't be doing anything unless wark broke a rule.

        I know Jason, and he can be a bit spastic (reference: post above this one), and a bit of a roller coaster ride sometimes, but seriously.. the dude is a good guy. No bullshit, and I'm not just sticking up for a friend.. he actually -is- a good guy.
        "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

        Reinstate Me.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Troll King View Post
          Or I could be saying that staff can't be complete idiots because they clearly haven't taken all of the required courses as Efhat did.
          You are very natrually talented at being a complete idiot.
          ☕ 🍔 🍅 🍊🍏


          • #80
            Originally posted by T3l Ca7 View Post
            You are very natrually talented at being a complete idiot.
            before anyone else says it, i will: look who's talking..
            Throughout time, there’s been
            crimes, throughout our history
            But not as great, as the one of late, affecting you and me
            Once a nation proud and free, and now we’re weeping sorrow’s tears
            Tragedy’s approaching, it’s worse than all your fears

            Come on my countrymen
            Come on and take a stand
            Don’t let ‘em take away your land

            the Wenger bus is coming
            and all the kids are running
            from London to Manchester
            cos he's a child molester

            fuck islam


            • #81
              Originally posted by kthx
              Kolar, I wouldn't have said staff was having a cover up if the images were removed, I just found it ironic is all. He was banned for racism and racism was deemed worthy to keep up on the forums to prove his guilt. I mean no matter how liberalist you want to take this you have to see the irony in the situation.
              Keeping it up has nothing to do with proving his guilt. Me being liberal has nothing to do with this, if it were removed you'd complain about that. It doesn't matter what forum staff would have done here, you would still find fault with it. You are a forum troll.


              • #82
                Originally posted by kthx
                As for you Sarien, honestly I was just bored and wanted to stir some shit and saw an oppurtune moment to do so.

                That's how.
                "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                Reinstate Me.


                • #83
                  Every time you have a difference of opinion with Kolar, he's just going to call you a forum troll. Nothing new there

                  As for Jason: rofl, check that ego, boy. You were the unimportant wouldnt have done shit if no one gave you the idea and told you what to code.. there are other people who can do that, but coming up with concepts is where all the hard work is
                  I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                  I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                  • #84
                    wow ive never seen someone bitch over a ban this much get the fuck over it you ho ass ni**a its the internet, not like you're banned from life, or are you


                    • #85
                      Wow this topic now reminds me of pub and why I don't have an urge to play again, thanks
                      My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                      • #86
                        Just logged on for the first time in six weeks

                        [Aug 15 20:13] Kian: Sharp likes mangina
                        [Aug 16 00:33] Send: that was the most pointless message i have ever received
                        [Sep 16 04:21] Xog: hey i waited for a few months to get a response for my forum ban when is it lifting?!?
                        [Sep 25 21:26] emaho <ER>: Fuuuck foooorveeeeeeeverrrrrr, if u dont mind (i dont mind)
                        Originally posted by Facetious
                        edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                        • #87
                          ok thread hijacking from wark bitching to ZEUS BEING BACK OK YES

                          we;come BAKC QWHOA
                          Originally posted by turmio
                          jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                          Originally posted by grand
                          I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                          • #88
                            wark, you're so full of shit it must be coming out of your ears. you didn't hand me an ounce of code. you didn't hand me an ounce of anything other than the original idea. the module doesn't even use any sort of a zombie module modification. i whipped up the whole thing from scratch. the whole thing, i did it all. so you can totally fuck right off, pal. and don't give me bullshit about it "being like a business" either. i did all the work for that event, plain and simple. the one and only thing you did was come up with the idea. whoopdee fucking doo. i'm not your peon. i'm the guy who turned an idea into reality. anybody can come up with ideas, it takes work to make some shit actually happen.

                            oh and p.s. one last thing wark, i have most definitely, absolutely, positively, without a doubt, been a staffer for over four years. you're just flat out wrong if you think otherwise. but it doesn't surprise me to see you be flat out wrong because you're very damn good at it.

                            izor, i know you do wark up the ass every night, so that's probably the only reason you're sticking your nose in this, but as a matter of fact, i've had my hand in quite a few dev projects here and there. so what i didn't come up with this one particular idea for freezetag? i don't have an ego problem at all. i don't sit here and brag about what i've done for the zone. i just help out behind the scenes. also, let me reiterate to you the last thing i said to wark. anybody can come up with ideas, it takes work to make some shit actually happen.

                            on a final closing note, hi zeus! hi jeen!
                            jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                            • #89

                              give up, jason hes got you beat there. you really have no idea how these things work. If you wanna try going the Bill Gates way and stealing all the credit for something you have to at least act like you came up with the idea all by yourself. Or at least have the skills to take someone else's idea and make it better, although your game was apparently buggy enough to pass as a Microsoft product. Where was Ikrit when something needed to get done right?
                              I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                              I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                              • #90
                                not even going to waste my time reading either of the posts from you two. you're just the kind of guys who know nothing other than how to be a complete and utter jackass. wrong or right, you're fucking jackasses and you've got a bone to pick with everyone about everything.

                                the end
                                el fin

                                say whatever the hell else you want 'cause i'm not gonna respond.
                                jasonofabitch loves!!!!

