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State of the Union
Okay... i would like to apologize for offending any americans.
Apparently they thought i was accusing them of being "bomb happy" and caring only for themselves and no one else.
If that is the case for any americans out there, then i apologize.
Wanna call a truce??? well, even if you dont.. i'm gonna back away from this issue altogether.
this may sound a bit strong, but I think nationalism is one of the most negative psychological attitudes out there. there is less logic to it than there is to racism. people get all riled up when someone 'insults' their 'homeland'. your homeland is nothing but a set of arbitrary lines drawn on a map. who gives a shit if your parents fucked across a river from where mine did. you stupid cunts. bear in mind that nationalism (loyalty to an arbitrary set of lines drawn on a map) was one of the driving forces behind WW1, and hitler used it to his advantage before and during WW2. we'll never progress as a species until we learn to drop the nationalistic attitude that pervades our thinking. it's just so irrational.'vet' is the new 'newb'.
sit ez vet, sit.
To follow up on the fuzzy math of using war to revive the economy: it does not work. Every Republican and peas-for-brains Conservative dickhead out there claim that military conflicts are a sure way to give the ole' donkey a boost. This has been proven untrue in ALL modern day "wars," ranging from Korea and Vietnam to the recent/current Afghanistan. The reason why World War II had such an amazing impact on the economy is because the labor force DOUBLED during that time frame since women entered the job market. Not only did productivity DOUBLE, but the general demand for goods also increased.
And, yes, Macroeconomics should have taught you that.
It may be evil, but it keeps us from hanging ourselves. After all, part of human nature is all about having an identity or belonging to something, whether with a group of people (eg. a country, religion, race, family) or even to a squad in our beloved game. For example, do we feel genuinely happy playing the game whilst we're squadless? Most active users will end up joining another squad, so gaining an "identity" again.
If patriotism is evil, should we ban the World Cup or the Olympics? I hope not. And then should we ban the formation of squads on ss? Patriotism can work well if "used" properly (for want of a better word).
It's a pity people are willing to use their identity against others rather than sharing it with them.
And now i'm off to hug a tree.Well, very simply, it's a biscuit, but it is also a cake - think of it as the transvestite of biscuits. They're about the size of, well, a biscuit, and they're basically a disc of sponge, with a bit of orange-flavour jelly on top, covered in a thin layer of chocolate.
Under that theory, I would agree that all humans share in a need to "identify." But I think it would be more beneficial for people to identify with their cultural roots. The problem here is that people manage to somehow affiliate the well-being and strength of a political entity, mechanically designed and geographically engineered, as the well-being and strength of their local communities and themselves. To simplify, I think it would be far more better for an Italian-American to be more interested in their Italian heritage and have an Italian flag and eat lots of Pasta...because when it comes time for war, there is no way in hell anyone is going to root for Italy since they aren't THAT close to it and obviously they won't root for the US because they consider themselves Italian at heart. But that would only apply for countries like the US, that have established contemporary citizenry from many different origins. I don't know how to explain that, but the problem is definatly the society+state relationship and individual intamacy with political systems.Last edited by Trent Lott; 01-30-2003, 09:07 PM.
louis, i completely agree with you... well said.
btw, can every american who was so extremely offended by that post please get over it. i apologized to all of you already. so stop sending me stupid messages about "the typical american". perhaps "the typical american" can learn to forgive and move on.
can we get on with our lives now and just forget i said anything?...
1> not a chem major, chemcial engineering major
2> no i havent taken a econ class since HS SR. year, and i slept through that class and passed becuase the teacher liked me. So essentially i have no econ class background. THe war helping the economy thing is something i had heard about WWII on history and figured fuck take a chance and generalize it over all the wars.
3> about the not caring about bombing iraq. This isnt a total war where we would be bombing cities in general. We would only be focusing on threats keeping us from reaching Saddam. Of course i would care if we just went around nuking iraqi cities, we would be wasting prime uranium on sand castles. Yes i know there will be civilians killed by erreant bombs, but it's not like we are specifically targeting them. SAddam knows how to aviod this, he just wants to bring the world view of the US down with him.
3b> Even if he doesnt have any WMD right now why allow him to (1) remain in control of such a vital oil country
(2) be given a chance to make such weapons
(3) find a friend from common enemies, ie the evil is the US
IF we would have arrested osama back when we had the chance and averted the WTC collapse, would people still be yelling shit about how unfiar it was to lock him away?
What's wrong with being proactive in protection of the world oil flow and the US itself.
4> Bush's war policy may be dragging on too much for the american public. But bush hasnt really made any errors as of yet. and personally i think he handled his term well so far.To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart
Haha! Thatwas supposed to be a ;(. Oh well. I'm not so fucking retarded as to not realize he was being a wiseass, but I sure fucked up and made it look that way. I suppose the fuck-up makes me moderately stupid.
Myth knows I love him. And Rog, udaman.jasonofabitch loves!!!!
Originally posted by RogerMexico
For example, you could bitch that our government gives more money to the nation of Israel every year than we give to the entire continet of Africa. That's seems like a pretty valid complaint, if you'd like to adopt it.
Interesting, fairly relevant note: the europeans won't let us give GM Crops to africa- for growth or consumption.
In a totally unrelated note:
I'm voting for Tony Blaire in 2004.