I hope that doesn't mean I have to stop speaking my mind. ^-^
I appreciate the support and confidence that the community and staff have shown toward me. I posted the following in another thread recently, and although I can't speak for Face or Aqua, I think it would be appropriate for me to adopt it as my own personal mission statement:
And I would also like to join you guys in congratulating Face and Aqua.
I appreciate the support and confidence that the community and staff have shown toward me. I posted the following in another thread recently, and although I can't speak for Face or Aqua, I think it would be appropriate for me to adopt it as my own personal mission statement:
Hopefully, the new moderators will be more than just "thread lockers and movers". I think it's vital that the new mods will be public relations/community oriented individuals who will share the responsibility of keeping the community informed of upcoming changes, prevent small issues from snowballing into major problems (by moving or locking threads), and by keeping the line of communication open during the unavoidable periods of discontent.