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Facial Hair Thread

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  • #31
    Originally posted by H I M View Post
    I sport the same look as Jerome, just not as X-Men-ish.
    I love living in the South because "X-men-ish" is accepted, if not encouraged.

    internet de la jerome

    because the internet | hazardous


    • #32
      If I had that much hair then I'd probably get some nutter trying to shave it off and sell it as a stuffed animal. The joys of Glasgow
      2:puker> gilder is any band bigger than metallica in your country
      2:gilder> if artist count, madonna, cause he was in finland once
      2:puker> he
      2:puker> maledonna
      2:Sika> whats metallica


      • #33
        I have the stubble look, quite simple because it grows that fast.. I actually get the 5 o clock shadow at 2 o clock.
        Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


        • #34
          i shave when i can, but it comes back fast i shave it all, ALL OF IT. worst parts i hate getting are under the chin cuz it cuts ez there and grows back way too fast, and all above my upper lip such a sketychy place to get a clean shave i get cut all the time
          Big Chill


          • #35
            i like the full beard, and would rock it more often if i had a women whom approved.
            The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

            Originally posted by Richard Creager
            All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


            • #36
              i'm not actually growing a beard , i've just been to lazy to shave, i should shave soon i guess, but i've taken thursday and friday of work so i'll probably leave it till monday.

              yet i find the time to piss about on this game and forum, hmmm where are my priorities? but shaving is stupid, it just grows back.

              oh yea thats not really a hair doo, it was cold today and i was wearing a hat
              In my world,
              I am King



              • #37
                I look 12 years old when I shave, i've grown to like my stubble.
                carpe diem


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Ward View Post
                  no-one cares how a homosexual manages his facial hair
                  oh ok

                  i care how you manage your facial hair, cutie

                  oh wait

                  i forgot, to have facial hair you have to hit puberty first

                  my bad
                  7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                  Duel Pasta> great
                  Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                  Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                  TWLB Champion Season 12
                  TWLJ Champion Season 11
                  TWLB All-Star Season 10
                  Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                  • #39
                    Ahaha hahahahaha




                    you called a pre-pubesant cute after he called you gay


                    it was funny tho


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by D1st0rt View Post
                      no-one cares how a homosexual manages his facial hair
                      since you obviously didn't get it the first time
                      You asked? And no don't use my lines against me, I don't swing that way
                      1:Kthx> Hey Cower ill let you play the next game if you can name me five medieval weapons.
                      1:Cower> Sword
                      1:Kthx> ok
                      1:Cower> Axe
                      1:Kthx> WAIT, YOU GOT IT
                      1:Cower> ?
                      1:Kthx> GET OFF THE CHAT


                      • #41
                        yeah i'm sure you're first person to ever call someone a homosexual

                        it's ok if you're insecure about your own homosexuality, let it all out man
                        7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                        Duel Pasta> great
                        Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                        Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                        TWLB Champion Season 12
                        TWLJ Champion Season 11
                        TWLB All-Star Season 10
                        Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                        • #42
                          My favorite facial hair is the Amish-style though !

                          TW Web Developer

                          4:vys> yo
                          4:vys> 1 day ill be staff
                          4:vys> know it for sure
                          4:vys> yo P_L already told me that i'd be ZH one day when deluge is sys op and method owns TW

                          2:money> zazu got zizu'd when he should have zizzo'd

                          3:Lizard Fuel <ER>> !tell stop meeting girlfriends on subspace, who are you, hurricane?
                          3:RoboHelp> Told moth about stop meeting girlfriends on subspace, who are you, hurricane?
                          3:Lizard Fuel <ER>> oh sht


                          • #43
                            I alwys keep it as full as it will go, trimming, shaving, and all other forms of heresy are b&

                            Why? Because only women shave


                            • #44
                              Shaved today. :santa: :arrow2:
                              Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #98: Every man has his price.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Ward View Post
                                You asked? And no don't use my lines against me, I don't swing that way
                                and no, I don't want your number
                                no! I don't want to give you mine
                                and no, I don't wanna meet you nowhere
                                no! I don't want none of your time.

                                no! I don't want no scrub!
                                carpe diem

