I don't see a difference between driving elderly, driving when really tired, or driving a little drunk, as long as the people in all three situations are equally impaired in their driving ability. If you drive in a situation where you aren't capable of driving safely, you're irresponsible, period. I just think it's stupid to draw the line at "have you drank" or "have you not drank" instead of "are you okay to drive" or "are you not okay to drive."
Objectively, I'd feel much safer driving a little buzzed than getting in the car with my grandmother (and she's not like really really old or anything, I've just noticed over the years her reaction time and decision-making ability in the car has faded a fair amount), and that's how I feel it can be compared. I'd be interested to see a comparison of elderly driving fatalities vs fatalities caused by otherwise good drivers driving between .08 and .12. The overall stats of elderly vs legally impaired drivers don't really have any relevance to what I'm saying. If you're a bad driver to begin with, you shouldn't have even one beer and drive, and as I said, you shouldn't drive if you're drunk either. I'm just talking about driving if you can feel the affects of the alcohol but don't have any noticeable symptoms of being drunk, when you're typically a safe driver.
I went on too long. If you want to call people idiots for doing that, fine. I call people idiots for saying your instead of you're. I just found Nickname's "I hope you die" shit to sound a little crazy.
Objectively, I'd feel much safer driving a little buzzed than getting in the car with my grandmother (and she's not like really really old or anything, I've just noticed over the years her reaction time and decision-making ability in the car has faded a fair amount), and that's how I feel it can be compared. I'd be interested to see a comparison of elderly driving fatalities vs fatalities caused by otherwise good drivers driving between .08 and .12. The overall stats of elderly vs legally impaired drivers don't really have any relevance to what I'm saying. If you're a bad driver to begin with, you shouldn't have even one beer and drive, and as I said, you shouldn't drive if you're drunk either. I'm just talking about driving if you can feel the affects of the alcohol but don't have any noticeable symptoms of being drunk, when you're typically a safe driver.
I went on too long. If you want to call people idiots for doing that, fine. I call people idiots for saying your instead of you're. I just found Nickname's "I hope you die" shit to sound a little crazy.