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The beer thread

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  • The beer thread

    What is your favourite:
    -American domestic beer?
    -Shitty/cheap beer?
    -Type of malt liquor?
    -Favourite import?

    My answers:
    • Rolling Rock
    • Used to be Natty but I've recently gotten sick of it and for now it's Miller High Life
    • King Cobra
    • This is more difficult. I really like Amstel, Red Stripe, Blue Moon, and Heineken. But since they're more expensive and not usually that much better, I stick to domestic mostly.

  • #2
    American domestic will now be Canadian domestic.
    - Sleemans, Steam Whistle, Rickard's
    - Maclays are pretty good, but I haven't bought much cheap beers
    - Don't drink Malt liquors
    - Currently enjoying leffe blond/brown's, but they are not always available at Canadian liquor stores. When it comes to imported beer, I try to find ones that I haven't tried before and try them out.
    duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

    Mattey> put me in corch

    zidane> go kf urself pork


    • #3
      Candian domestic: Steamwhistle, Creemore Springs are premiums. regulars Molson Ex, Blue.

      Budget beer: LAbatt Genuine Honey.

      Malt Liquor: Haven't had these in years since i was underage but Old English w as the usual.

      Import: Groslch Amber Ale, Corona (so smooth), Stella Artois (draft only).
      There once was a man from Nantucket.


      • #4
        Originally posted by genocidal View Post
        What is your favourite:
        -American domestic beer?
        -Shitty/cheap beer?
        -Type of malt liquor?
        -Favourite import?
        - Anchor Steam
        - PBR or Lacrosse
        - Mickeys
        - Depends. Smithwicks, Guinness and Stella Artois all have a place in my heart.
        Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


        • #5
          I prefer the green bottle beers like Moosehead & Heineken. :george:


          • #6
            Originally posted by genocidal View Post
            What is your favourite:
            -American domestic beer?
            -Shitty/cheap beer?
            -Type of malt liquor?
            -Favourite import?

            My answers:
            • Rolling Rock
            • Used to be Natty but I've recently gotten sick of it and for now it's Miller High Life
            • King Cobra
            • This is more difficult. I really like Amstel, Red Stripe, Blue Moon, and Heineken. But since they're more expensive and not usually that much better, I stick to domestic mostly.
            first off, are you not american?

            if you ARE

            learn to spell favorite right, I MEAN COME ON, EVEN FIREFOX RECOGNIZES IT AS A TYPO LOL LEWSER


            • #7
              Originally posted by genocidal View Post
              What is your favourite:
              -American domestic beer?
              -Shitty/cheap beer?
              -Type of malt liquor?
              -Favourite import?
              • Shiner Bock (only available in Texas for the most part)
              • Keystone Light
              • Mickey's
              • Killian's Irish Red
              "That's what's so illogical about being a smurf. I mean, what's the point in living if you don't have a dick?"


              • #8
                Killian's is American.


                • #9
                  -American domestic beer? = Duff, comon if Homer drinks it, it must be good!
                  -Shitty/cheap beer? = Duff, Homer doesn't have much money so he buys the cheap beer!
                  -Type of malt liquor? = mmmm
                  -Favourite import? = Waikato - Go Waikato!

                  Sorry I'm in New Zealand $$$
                  Hirluin is now known on TW as Hirluin! <ZH>

                  New Zealand - home of the best Trench Wars players in the world!

                  DJ Hirluin on TW Radio

                  My awesome MySpace page :)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Reclusion View Post
                    • Shiner Bock (only available in Texas for the most part)
                    YES! They actually sell it at the 7-11 here just off campus. Not that I buy beer, but my dad will get it in Northern Va as well. A more widely available alternative is the Michelob Amber Bock if you can't find the real deal.

                    Bud light

                    Colt 45

                    Smithwicks (Hooray for Guinness, you don't have to go to Canada to buy it anymore like you used to years ago)
                    USA WORLD CHAMPS


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by genocidal View Post
                      Killian's is American.
                      Fuck me running. Then Newcastle. That stuff is English, right?
                      "That's what's so illogical about being a smurf. I mean, what's the point in living if you don't have a dick?"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by genocidal View Post
                        My answers:
                        • Rolling Rock
                        • Used to be Natty but I've recently gotten sick of it and for now it's Miller High Life
                        • King Cobra
                        • This is more difficult. I really like Amstel, Red Stripe, Blue Moon, and Heineken. But since they're more expensive and not usually that much better, I stick to domestic mostly.
                        My questions:
                        How much alcohol should be in a beer?

                        And secondly,
                        How much alcohol should be in a year?
                        How much alcohol should be in a gear?
                        How much alcohol should be in here?
                        How much alcohol should be in a pioneer?
                        How much alcohol should be in a tier?
                        How much alcohol should be in a smear?
                        How much alcohol should be in a steer?
                        How much alcohol should be in a fear?
                        How much alcohol should be in a peer?

                        thread killer

                        Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


                        • #13
                          I'll go by Norwegian standards, but I'll make it as international as I can.

                          -Norwegian domestic beer? - Gull pils, made by a small brewery in a town close by.
                          -Shitty/cheap beer? Same as above
                          -Type of malt liquor? Don't got much of this in Norway.
                          -Favourite import? After I found a pub 100 meters away from where I live with San Miguel on tap served in frozen glasses, it has to be it.

                          Goddamn, not easy to post anything right now, very hungover
                          Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                          5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                          • #14
                            Alphabetic list of Belgian Beers

                            My Fav are: vedette, duvel, leffe, stella, jupiler, maes and in summer the beers from bellevue.
                            some are wise, some are otherwise

                            1: PolluX> People say I talk too much
                            1: Louis XV> Dude you seriously need to stfu!
                            1: Louis XV> I still love you, k?


                            • #15

