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Space Aliens visiting Earth

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Tone View Post
    This was painted in 1710

    This was painted in the 15th century

    heres more:
    This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
    Originally posted by Tone
    It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
    Originally posted by the_paul
    Gargle battery acid fuckface
    Originally posted by Material Girl
    I tried downloading a soundcard


    • #32
      Originally posted by PH View Post
      This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.


      • #33
        Yeah, photoshop.

        A place where you can buy the photo isn't a 'confirmation' of anything really painted from that time.

        You're not buying the original.

        Proof that Tauren Kodos are real:

        I can throw a picture of batshit up on the internet and claim it's real.

        This will bring up the philosophic question "What is reality?" we can then debate it for 15 pages and never come to a definite conclusion.

        You can believe in UFOs all you want, but don't expect to make believers out of us.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Dameon Angell View Post
          Yeah, photoshop.

          A place where you can buy the photo isn't a 'confirmation' of anything really painted from that time.

          You're not buying the original.

          Proof that Tauren Kodos are real:

          I can throw a picture of batshit up on the internet and claim it's real.

          This will bring up the philosophic question "What is reality?" we can then debate it for 15 pages and never come to a definite conclusion.

          You can believe in UFOs all you want, but don't expect to make believers out of us.
          these are CONFIRMED paintings

          and you know what, there are CONFIRMED AND DATED CAVE DRAWINGS, debunk that!!

          and this is merely to establish that UFOs cant all be government secret aircraft, because they have a long history...thats the purpose of showing the paintings

          look at the other evidence too, look at page 2 of the website i put up for 3 big UFO cases as reported by the mainstream media, one includes a UFO that was only a few miles away from me, the Ohare incident, which PILOTS and AIRLINE EMPLOYEES saw, and it cut a hole in the overcast!!:


          • #35

            Read erich von daniken's books. You will love then, they're about the ancient knowledge/interaction with aliens. He has alot of bullshit, but some points fronze your eyebrows. Ancient paintings are just fascinating (in reference to the space), no mather what the real thruth is.

            To answer your question, do they exist? Hell yes. We are not unique.
            Have they visited earth? Probably. Perhaps 15.000 years ago. Hence the intelligence "jump" at the human race. Perhaps not. Who knows. Who cares.
            Are they here now? Nahhhh. The sign that they're intelligent shows by not showing up at a world who is still busy fighting tribal wars.

            The real question is. "if" they are here; Why would they keep it a secret to us that they visit us? Why would you think they're conspiriting with the goverment? It's all too far fetched. To "examen" us? haha. We are already able, as primates, to geneticly alter dna. They wouldn't need that many humans for they're "experiments". (god i love the "'s)


            • #36
              Originally posted by SEAL View Post

              Read erich von daniken's books. You will love then, they're about the ancient knowledge/interaction with aliens. He has alot of bullshit, but some points fronze your eyebrows. Ancient paintings are just fascinating (in reference to the space), no mather what the real thruth is.

              To answer your question, do they exist? Hell yes. We are not unique.
              Have they visited earth? Probably. Perhaps 15.000 years ago. Hence the intelligence "jump" at the human race. Perhaps not. Who knows. Who cares.
              Are they here now? Nahhhh. The sign that they're intelligent shows by not showing up at a world who is still busy fighting tribal wars.

              The real question is. "if" they are here; Why would they keep it a secret to us that they visit us? Why would you think they're conspiriting with the goverment? It's all too far fetched. To "examen" us? haha. We are already able, as primates, to geneticly alter dna. They wouldn't need that many humans for they're "experiments". (god i love the "'s)
              So far, i have not stated anything that is speculation in this thread. so far it was the evidence of visitation

              -begin speculation-

              to answer this question, i speculate that: (possibly with the exception of one species, the grays) they have not conspired with the government in anyway and the reason that they do not engage in an open contact yet is because humanity is not ready yet for an open contact. i believe they stage UFO sightings to show their presence and gradually ease people into their presence. there are not much other purposes for flying in our atmosphere, other than the disarming of nuclear missiles and minimal/critical interventions that have taken place (which former military officers testify they did disarm nukes).

              So they stage these sightings and sit in space near earth for a reason. I believe there can be an open contact with ETs once our situation changes in the very near future and once there is formal disclosure from earth governments that they are here and have been here. they wouldnt be unethical and disrupt us by making contact at the wrong time.

              -end speculation-

              One things for sure though, there are space aliens here. review the evidence, watch the documentry called out of the blue by james fox, buy the new version of it when it comes out. and watch the national press club disclosure conference where HIGHLY CREDIBLE WITNESSES TOUCH UPON THEIR STORIES AND PROMISE TO TESTIFY UNDER OATH BEFORE THE CONGRESS., this is a small portion of hundreds of hours of testimony, presented before the press at the national press club. we are talking radar evidence, we are talking evidence that there is a clearance level called Cosmic Top Secret, we are talking commanders of missile silos testifying that their missiles were disarmed by UFOs


              type Out of the blue in google
              Last edited by Tone; 09-12-2007, 03:12 AM.


              • #37
                can you ask them to stop sexually abuse me?

                I dont like probes


                • #38
                  Originally posted by SEAL View Post
                  can you ask them to stop sexually abuse me?

                  I dont like probes
                  do you know the implications of a contact? do you know the implications of utilizing government cabal suppressed technology into our society? how it can mean better sources of energy and the practical application of antigravity? the benefits of this technology.... just to list one, the oil crisis would be over.

                  the secret government has suppressed advanced technologies that can benefit us all.


                  • #39
                    suppressing advanced technologies is a pure selfish american economic driven thought. Nothing alien about this. That will end now china is consuming more and more.

                    What makes you think the greys are conspiring with the government? (pure interest)

                    Don't you think it's the perfect coverup for the goverment to test the latest technology?
                    Military: Test this.
                    You: I saw something.
                    Military: Deny it. "no better, let's deny it was an alien". It wasn't anything, certainly not extraterrestrial.
                    You: ALIEN!!!
                    Military: Thank god for him, we can continue testing now.

                    Simple question for you, the guru of conspiricy. Why are we not ready for aliens yet? I'm ready. And why would we in the near future? (year 2000 huh?)
                    Last edited by SEAL; 09-12-2007, 03:38 AM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by SEAL View Post
                      suppressing advanced technologies is a pure selfish american economic driven thought. Nothing alien about this. That will end now china is consuming more and more.

                      What makes you think the greys are conspiring with the government? (pure interest)

                      Don't you think it's the perfect coverup for the goverment to test the latest technology?
                      Military: Test this.
                      You: I saw something.
                      Military: Deny it. "no better, let's deny it was an alien". It wasn't anything, certainly not extraterrestrial.
                      You: ALIEN!!!
                      Military: Thank god for him, we can continue testing now.

                      Simple question for you, the guru of conspiricy. Why are we not ready for aliens yet? I'm ready. And why would we in the near future? (year 2000 huh?)
                      As i showed with the paintings and mentioning cave drawings.. and there may even be evidence of UFOs in scriptures .. This has a long history that goes back way before the military testing of novel craft could take place.

                      Besides, these craft are exhibiting features that are very unlikely to be prototypes of military craft, and, they are seen in space as recorded by the shuttle cameras, hundreds of them, entire fleets of UFOs. In that footage, they survive camera zooms (unlike close objects in front of the cam), change directions, cloak and decloak, make intelligent formations, are mentioned by mission control/astronauts, and are confirmed to be very large objects at distance.

                      As far as the grays conspiring with the government, i really dont know. In the speculation part of my last post, i had stated that i dont believe the ETs are conspiring with the government, but i had put in ( ) except perhaps the grays because there is some research that talks about this, but i really havent looked much into that.. so i wouldnt know. im saying generally i wouldnt believe advanced ETs are conspiring with the dark cabal shadow government.

                      What i do know, is that the UFO subject is a real and serious one, backed by compelling and redundant evidence. Multiple witnesses of high credibility have come forward. Their credentials and background are established. Who cares about the crackpots when there are also credibility witnesses.

                      Watch this profound presentation by Stephen Bassett (founder of Paradigm Research Group) to learn more about ET Disclosure:



                      • #41
                        Watch this profound presentation by Stephen Bassett (founder of Paradigm Research Group) to learn more about ET Disclosure:

                        Hmm... pretty sure this is photoshopped.
                        Originally posted by Ward
                        OK.. ur retarded case closed


                        • #42
                          This is a video of Stuckup and I in our home town having a first hand experience with an Alien. Tone speaks the truth.

                          To this day I am still coping with high amounts of drugs and alcohol.



                          • #43
                            Why Tone (or any other conspiracy-centric idiots) are the way they are…..

                            1. They search for or interpret information in a way that supports their preconceptions, this is called confirmation bias. They ignore the majority of the information on the subject and the conflict between observations, this is called cognitive dissonance. (i.e. can not brother to be concerned with the problem of interstellar travel.)
                            2. Their beliefs are based upon limited and partial information.
                            3. They concentrate on subjects with high emotional impact, ensuring their comments will draw a big audience.
                            4. Quickly moves to drawing a line directly to some big, impersonal entity (like government or Microsoft) as the root of a cover-up. This makes ‘buy-in’ easier.
                            5. Beliefs often rely on some unique unknown technology or power(s).
                            6. Always uses inductive logic instead of deductive logic. Deductive reasoning is when a conclusion is reached based upon previous a ‘known to be true’ premise. Original premise might be, ‘all cars have wheels’ and ‘a Ford is a car’. Deductively we can conclude that Fords have wheels. Inductive logic is based upon a likelihood of something happening but never completely certain.
                            7. Rebuttals are usually dealt with by some new complicated and/or convoluted twist in their biased beliefs.


                            • #44
                              Fuck yes.
                              :confused: Are human fat?


                              • #45
                                Fuck me.
                                Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                                You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                                There wont be another election for president.
                                Obama is the Omega President.

