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Space Aliens visiting Earth

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  • #46
    Bend over.


    • #47
      ATTN: T0ne

      Get friends.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
        Why Tone (or any other conspiracy-centric idiots) are the way they are…..

        1. They search for or interpret information in a way that supports their preconceptions, this is called confirmation bias. They ignore the majority of the information on the subject and the conflict between observations, this is called cognitive dissonance. (i.e. can not brother to be concerned with the problem of interstellar travel.)
        2. Their beliefs are based upon limited and partial information.
        3. They concentrate on subjects with high emotional impact, ensuring their comments will draw a big audience.
        4. Quickly moves to drawing a line directly to some big, impersonal entity (like government or Microsoft) as the root of a cover-up. This makes ‘buy-in’ easier.
        5. Beliefs often rely on some unique unknown technology or power(s).
        6. Always uses inductive logic instead of deductive logic. Deductive reasoning is when a conclusion is reached based upon previous a ‘known to be true’ premise. Original premise might be, ‘all cars have wheels’ and ‘a Ford is a car’. Deductively we can conclude that Fords have wheels. Inductive logic is based upon a likelihood of something happening but never completely certain.
        7. Rebuttals are usually dealt with by some new complicated and/or convoluted twist in their biased beliefs.
        Only one UFO needs to be an alien space craft for ET presence to be true. my information is not partial, here i will show you the very best hoaxed UFO videos there are:

        29 of the 31 UFO clips in this embedded youtube video are faked by Chris Kenworthy:

        HOAX--> <-- HOAX

        the purpose of this hoax was to take 2 of what are thought to be real UFO videos and mix them in with 29 of Kenworthy's fakes, to show the UFO community to be more skeptical and careful.


        However, even the best UFO video hoaxes does not have anything to do with expert witness testimony.

        Major Gordon Cooper [Mercury Astronaut, who has appeared in documentaries about this]

        One of the original Mercury Astronauts and the last American to fly in space alone. On May 15, 1963 he shot into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22 orbit journey around the world. During the final orbit, Major Gordon Cooper told the tracking station at Muchea (near Perth Australia) that he could see a glowing, greenish object ahead of him quickly approaching his capsule. The UFO was real and solid, because it was picked up by Muchea's tracking radar.

        Cooper's sighting was reported by the National Broadcast Company, which was covering the flight step by step; but when Cooper landed, reporters were told that they would not be allowed to question him about the UFO sighting.

        Major Cooper was a firm believer in UFOs. Ten years earlier, in 1951 he had sighted a UFO while piloting an F-86 Sabrejet over Western Germany. They were metallic, saucer-shaped discs at considerable altitude and could out-maneuver all American fighter planes.

        Major Cooper also testified before the United Nations:
        "I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets... Most astronauts were reluctant to discuss UFOs."

        "I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe."

        Major Robert White [X-15 going mach 5 to 6, 58 miles up)

        On July 17, 1962 Major Robert White reported a UFO during his fifty-eight-mile high flight of an X-15. Major White reported:

        "I have no idea what it could be. It was grayish in color and about thrity to forty feet away."

        Then according to a Time Magazine article, Major White exclaimed over the radio:

        "There ARE things out there! There absolutely is!"

        NASA Pilot Joseph A. Walker

        On May 11, 1962 NASA pilot Joseph Walker said that one of his tasks was to detect UFOs during his X-15 flights. He had filmed five or six UFOs during his record breaking fifty-mile-high flight in April, 1962. It was the second time he had filmed UFOs in flight. During a lecture at the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space Research in Seattle, Washigton he said:

        "I don't feel like speculating about them. All I know is what appeared on the film which was developed after the flight." - Joseph Walker

        To date none of those films has been released to the public for viewing.

        To see high credibility astronauts and witnesses speak on this issue, so you dont reply and say "its a made up site" to see them on camera, go to:


        Governor Fife Symington admits to seeing the Phoenix Lights and says they were a giant alien craft:

        Short CNN interview segment:

        20 minute radio interview:
        Last edited by Tone; 09-12-2007, 02:36 PM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by genocidal View Post
          Get friends.
          Because they, according to multiple witness testimony, disarmed nuclear missiles, and i dont like nuclear missiles destroying earth, i would like to meet the aliens and befriend them.

          Captain Robert Salas testifies that UFOs disarmed nukes:


          • #50
            I've waited hours for this
            I've made myself so sick
            I wish I'd stayed asleep today
            I never thought that this day would end
            I never thought that tonight could ever be
            This close to me-he-he.

            Just try to see in the dark
            Just try to make it work
            To feel the fear before you're here
            I make the shapes come much too close
            I pull my eyes out
            Hold my breath
            And wait until I sh-hey-hey-hake

            But if I had your faith
            Then I could make it safe and cle-he-ean

            If only I was sure
            That my head on the door was a dre-he-eam.

            <3 t0ne.
            Originally posted by Jeenyuss
            sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


            • #51
              I sighted an UFO this summer. It was at night and I was totally sober as we were watching the sky for shooting stars. Then all of a sudden I saw a shooting star that took a curve. I'm still wondering what the fuck it was. Maybe a shooting star could take a bend like that because of gravity or something. It still freaks me out when I think of it.
              You ate some priest porridge


              • #52
                Guys come on, even Ezekiel saw one way up in the middle of the air
                USA WORLD CHAMPS


                • #53


                  • #54
                    Saying there are UFO's, having witnesses see UFO's is NOT proof of anything more than people see flying things that they can not explain. My wife and I saw something in the sky 2 years ago we could not explain, and I am here to say it was indeed spooky and freaked us out.
                    But what does this have to do with aliens? Nothing. As I said in my previous post, you are trying to apply deductive logic and this is not the correct thing to do. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Your logic is flawed, your arguments are weak. I would recommend that instead of spending your time cutting and pasting crap in an effort to be an attention whore, that you spend the time instead understanding how to properly do research.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
                      Saying there are UFO's, having witnesses see UFO's is NOT proof of anything more than people see flying things that they can not explain. My wife and I saw something in the sky 2 years ago we could not explain, and I am here to say it was indeed spooky and freaked us out.
                      But what does this have to do with aliens? Nothing. As I said in my previous post, you are trying to apply deductive logic and this is not the correct thing to do. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Your logic is flawed, your arguments are weak. I would recommend that instead of spending your time cutting and pasting crap in an effort to be an attention whore, that you spend the time instead understanding how to properly do research.
                      when i spoke of witnesses, i was speaking of highly credible witnesses, such as those who testify objects were tracked on radar standing still, then shooting off going 17,000 miles per hour. what else goes 17,000 miles per hour besides the space shuttle?

                      what else would appear at a military base at the same time nuclear missiles went in no-go? This is a deduction, and a deduction which i will bump on the top of the forum, once disclosure occurs.

                      Among the inductive evidence is some 2nd hand information. Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell has had insiders confirm the ET presence to him. Also the claims of hundreds of contactees.

                      but perhaps better than that, and not 2nd hand info is that Project sign, commissioned by the US Air Force concluded that UFOs are ET Space Craft.. Project Sign was then canceled and replaced by Project Grudge and Project Blue Book, which said everything was swamp gas and hallucinations.

                      perhaps you didnt do enough research to say i dont know how to research.

                      Edit: also there is another form of evidence i didnt even discuss yet, declassified government documents which point to there being an ET presence.
                      Last edited by Tone; 09-12-2007, 06:02 PM.


                      • #56
                        i believe you, T0NE
                        Originally posted by turmio
                        jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                        Originally posted by grand
                        I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                        • #57
                          Is the fact that he's posting in a blue telcat-esque font not enough of an obvious indication that he's baiting everyone?
                          Originally posted by Facetious
                          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                          • #58
                            Why Ephemeral is anti-religion:

                            Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
                            1. They search for or interpret information in a way that supports their preconceptions, this is called confirmation bias. They ignore the majority of the information on the subject and the conflict between observations, this is called cognitive dissonance. (i.e. can not brother to be concerned with the problem of interstellar travel.)
                            2. Their beliefs are based upon limited and partial information.
                            3. They concentrate on subjects with high emotional impact, ensuring their comments will draw a big audience.
                            4. Quickly moves to drawing a line directly to some big, impersonal entity (like government or Microsoft) as the root of a cover-up. This makes ‘buy-in’ easier.
                            5. Beliefs often rely on some unique unknown technology or power(s).
                            6. Always uses inductive logic instead of deductive logic. Deductive reasoning is when a conclusion is reached based upon previous a ‘known to be true’ premise. Original premise might be, ‘all cars have wheels’ and ‘a Ford is a car’. Deductively we can conclude that Fords have wheels. Inductive logic is based upon a likelihood of something happening but never completely certain.
                            7. Rebuttals are usually dealt with by some new complicated and/or convoluted twist in their biased beliefs.
                            Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                            My anime blog:


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by ZeUs!! View Post
                              Is the fact that he's posting in a blue telcat-esque font not enough of an obvious indication that he's baiting everyone?
                              some parts of posts must be highlighted for those who skim fast


                              • #60
                                :confused: Are human fat?

