I can see why Epi couldn't care less about spending time typing out a well thought post anymore, because Ron Paul and his ideas are a non-issue. Epi's expressing his beliefs on the subjects without sitting down and getting all uppity about it. I'm surprised you guys are arguing more with one liners than the real thought out posts.
Well... maybe I'm not.
I tried typing long well thought out posts for a long while but now I've just given up. Let these guys keep thinking that Ron Paul isn't a quack
Hai guyz i just wanted to attack what ur sayin by callin it moronic but i dont wanna say anything else, cuz then you might have somethin to debate
I think it's more of a 'hey guys, I put something out there, but you didn't really read it, or are so adamant about your beliefs that you skimmed over some of the stuff I said, that I honestly don't care to debate this with you anymore, so here's some stuff that I know will get you talking,' (and DOES).
Yeah, cause Epi believes the supreme court justices know more about the constitution than us, but when it comes to monetary policy, Allan Greenspan is a quack.
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
But clearly you are more knowledgeable than him on ecomonics.
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
I think this quote stands for itself as by far the stupidest idea of this campaign cycle. There's really nothing more to say because it is so monstrously stupid it doesn't even deserve a real response.
I don't see how backing a currency with gold is stupid, its how the human race has done it forever. I just got done poiting out how Epi's arguments are fallacious paul, and it wasn't a one liner, so I don't know what to say to that. If pulling out of Iraq correlates to abolishing our military, then I guess I'm wrong. You keep saying Paul's a quack, but I think Reaver and I and others are at least trying to debate the subject and make logical arguments. Maybe we aren't doing a good job but at least its interesting, talking about politics can be entertaining and a learning experience. Epi made a good point which I am not afraid to admit, but some other arguments don;t seem to make sense. If he won't even address us anymore then I guess we're done then.
and btw ron paul is like the mosty talked about person on the internet these days, maybe a non issue to someone who has his mind set. Honestly I don't know if I'll vote for Paul, senator joe biden seems like a cool dude too.
It's a not a non-issue because he's the most talked about on the internet, it's a non-issue because his poll numbers are so low. If there are so many interneters out there supporting him, why aren't they showing up in the polls?
It's a not a non-issue because he's the most talked about on the internet, it's a non-issue because his poll numbers are so low. If there are so many interneters out there supporting him, why aren't they showing up in the polls?
Because some of them are voting for the first time. Because some of them don't have landlines. I'm not saying Ron Paul is a front runner or close to it. But I'll never regard whomever everyone else is voting for as some important merit.
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
here's the most important poll atm, the iowa straw poll everyone is talking about. As you can see, he isn't in the leaders race, but when you look at some of those names below him, I wouldn't call him a non-issue yet.
It's a not a non-issue because he's the most talked about on the internet, it's a non-issue because his poll numbers are so low. If there are so many interneters out there supporting him, why aren't they showing up in the polls?
ITT we learn that polls accurately show the support a candidate has without fail. (Please go read up on the democratic primaries from the last election cycle)
Last I heard from these polls he was fighting for 3rd place in the Iowa rankings, right up there with the frontrunners. At the beginning he had barely one or two percent, I think you underestimate his campaign's growth.
help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.
What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
MegamanEXE> Chao
MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
(Sefarius)> ....
(Hate The Fake)> LOL
MegamanEXE> You are sick
MegamanEXE> Good day
ITT we learn that polls accurately show the support a candidate has without fail. (Please go read up on the democratic primaries from the last election cycle)
What about them? Howard Dean leading in the polls, and then making his stupid speech and plummeting? I think the polls reflected the whole Dean debacle pretty well.
So what is it Reaver, Vati and Chao... is he a front runner based on the polls, or is he not?
So what is it Reaver, Vati and Chao... is he a front runner based on the polls, or is he not?
My whole point before was that someone not considered a front runner ending up winning there. To answer your question: No, he isn't, although he is placing much higher than a few months ago and I don't really give the polls much thought to begin with. (Sam Brownback took 15%, is he even in the debates anymore?)
I also like how most people who support RP here have given pretty valid arguments as to why they do, but it's ok for people to say "LOLOLOL IT SOUNDS DUMB AND U R DISCONNECTED FROM REALITY" and not have anything to back up their statements, like a reason why his economic beliefs are that laughable. I guess it's easier to throw stones than actually debate.
help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.
What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
MegamanEXE> Chao
MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
(Sefarius)> ....
(Hate The Fake)> LOL
MegamanEXE> You are sick
MegamanEXE> Good day
Have you have learned nothing about the TW forums. I have been trying to spread the seeds of truth, BUT THE NAYSAYERS KEEP IT FROM BEING HEARD!
This sort of proves my point that you've got no real legs to stand on in a political discussion and would rather resort to unfunny sarcastic remarks when anyone tries to address a question you asked. Directly to the three of us, I might add.
help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.
What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
MegamanEXE> Chao
MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
(Sefarius)> ....
(Hate The Fake)> LOL
MegamanEXE> You are sick
MegamanEXE> Good day