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  • why did you link that zerzera? I dont get it :/
    Originally posted by Tyson
    There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
    Originally posted by HeavenSent
    Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
    Originally posted by Izor
    Women should never be working in the first place.


    • 1) Why are you wasting my time with a 5 year article that takes the demographics of 28 people that died and applies it to the whole military?

      2) The article doesnt support your cause seeing as how it says the military is more educated than civilians of the same age.

      3) The article says that 3 of 5 soldiers are white, then goes on to say that it is a magnet for blacks.

      4) The article has the audacity to state the obvious that the officer corps is largely politically conservative. If they werent I doubt they'd be joining the military, really.
      I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
      I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


      • the new slave market

        What is the purpose of them being alive and sucking up tax dollars? They didnt do some little shit to get a life sentence, so why would anyone care?
        The U.S privatised penal system profits from the incarcerated. Where there is profit there is corruption. Why are people going to jail for smoking weed or not paying their taxes?.. cheap labour. Whats more, the private companies dont give a shit about rehabilitation, that would be counter productive to their workforce and bottom line...


        • So, how does that make Dutch police look like a joke? Should we be battering that woman senseless or?
          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


          • Did you like my video better or his?
            Originally posted by Ward
            OK.. ur retarded case closed


            • Originally posted by Vykromond View Post
              Did you like my video better or his?
              I liked yours better
              You ate some priest porridge


              • Hey, clean this law breaker bad guy

                Originally posted by TagMor View Post
                The U.S privatised penal system profits from the incarcerated. Where there is profit there is corruption. Why are people going to jail for smoking weed or not paying their taxes?.. cheap labour. Whats more, the private companies dont give a shit about rehabilitation, that would be counter productive to their workforce and bottom line...
                Which part is privatized? I thought all prisons were county, state, or federal.

                I don't think they are making money off the prisoners. Making license plates?

                The US prison system is very sad. There should be more recources poured into rehabilitation than just keeping people locked up. One trouble is many prisoners are well beyond rehab. And there are no easy answers how to fix the system.

                How many prisoners have mental health problems that go undiagnosed and untreated?

                Have they ever gotten help for the MH problems? Would they be better and happier members of society with some meds and counseling? Some would.

                How many wack-jobs are just people off of their meds?

                I wouldn't think it's fair to make prisoners a slave labor force doing hard labor. BUT, it be nice to see them doing more for society. Like some already clean up garbage and mow the grass on the side of highways.

                Why not put them to work cleaning up lakes, rivers, and ponds that are polluted? Some that have not committed major crimes could do community service. Maybe major criminals could do community service who show major improvement after a few years of counseling.

                There can also be job training. Bring teachers into the prisons to teach trades and other job skills. Prisoners could choose a path they'd like to follow to help them have a steady job on the outside.

                I saw a TV show about a prison in Europe where they strive to treat the inmates like people instead of criminals. It fosters an atmosphere where people are treated well and not like animals so they respond likewise. They had no bars or cells, they lived in small houses on an island so they couldn't get away. Interesting idea.

                I came, I saw, I lagged out... :rolleyes:


                • First off, quit comparing joints to cigarettes (1000x worse ) since there's no standard "joint." At least in the USA, ciggarettes are a standard size and have relatively similar make ups. A "joint" could be smaller/much bigger (especially if they refer to blunts). I put a filter in my joints/blunts and know many people who do. Also, cigarrettes are usually machine made and use little paper. Joint paper may be better, but it's still paper. A lot of blunts are thick paper and a little leaf. Obviously, smoking a lot of paper is bad for you. Also, i might alienate a lot of tokers here, but who smokes joints anyway? bongs+bubblers+blunts ftw

                  There are thc receptors inside ur body (unlike any other drug), but scientists still think there's an elusive thc hormone made by the body no one's discovered yet.

                  As for harder drugs, yes i've tried them, but not b/c of weed or needing a "better high". it was just peer pressure, kinda like how i started smoking weed. i woulda smoked it before, but everyone but stoners lies to you about how bad it is. Also, you can smoke weed all your life and not feel too many consequences, but after doing coke for a year or two i had to quit. hard drugs are just too hard on the body. I'm more worried about doing something bad on alcohol than weed.

                  Weed should be legalized for way more reasons than it shouldn't, and the prison system is one of them. Too many people are introduced to the penal system b/c of simple possession charges. These people do not deserve to go to jail because they probably won't go back (unless for the same charge). People say that bad guys would get off, but they'd just be prosecuted for the worse crimes they committed. No one's going to bust a terrorist with a simple possesion charge. (unpaid parking tickets, maybe).

                  And ftr, it costs more to execute someone than to keep them on a life sentence. while we pay out the ass to keep criminals alive, we pay even more to try them through at least 3 appeals and other legal fees to execute them.
                  .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                  .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                  • joints are good for walks. J-walking baby!
                    All good things must come to an end.


                    • Originally posted by JackieChan View Post
                      Which part is privatized? I thought all prisons were county, state, or federal.
                      thats the largest, i believe there are currently two others operating in the u.s

                      cant be bothered finding their latest figures but here is a quote from wiki for 04.
                      "The company had annual revenues in 2004 of $1.15 billion USD."

