I don't get it, why do people cull creatures that are not native, just because there are too adaptive and spread too fast and easily. I mean, shouldn't the most adaptive species thrive? Not that they have much success at reducing the numbers of such species without introducing some other invasive specie(s).
The truth is, if we object the destruction of native flora and fauna by the introduction of new species, we should never allow immigration, since we are the most invasive specie on the face of earth.
BTW, who ever calls for the culling of common mynahs in Australia should be locked in a small cage with 3 monkeys. They are so damn intelligent and cute!!! :wub:
The truth is, if we object the destruction of native flora and fauna by the introduction of new species, we should never allow immigration, since we are the most invasive specie on the face of earth.
BTW, who ever calls for the culling of common mynahs in Australia should be locked in a small cage with 3 monkeys. They are so damn intelligent and cute!!! :wub: