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Texas man acquitted of blatant homicide

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  • Texas man acquitted of blatant homicide

    Here's the story:

    here is the lowdown for all those who haven't heard it or are too lazy to read it:

    A white Texas hillbilly (Joe Horn) spots two Latinos searching through his neighborsgarbage. Horn calls 911, and is told by the 911 operator not to go outside. Mr. Hillbilly tells the 911 operator to go to hell and that "no varmit latinos gettin in mah naybores garbage, AH'M GONNA SHEWT EM" etc.. So Horn goes outside and shoots the latinos who, incidentally, have their backs turned to him. He fires 3 times at 2 people.

    Now trenchwarsers i ask was this justified? Yes, in Texas you are allowed to shoot a person if they are on your property and are threatning you. This cowboy has blatantly killed 2 men. 2 lives gone, i think this man has overlooked the value of human life in this perspective, shouting to the 911 operator "i'm gonna kill dem sonsa bitches, and im allowed to too". doesnt sound like a man interested in protecting himself. So, in summation mr. horn was cleared of 2 homicide charges because of him protecting himself.

    Ok, now in Long Island a man was charged with shooting a white ring leader of a drunken teenage mob, he was charged and convicted with killing. The man was defending his home when a bunch of drunken teenagers followed his son home, yelling racial remarks, and threatening to beat him up, after they wrongfully accused the man's son of raping one of their friends. And also, the gun went off accidentally, after the ring leader and his friends(all were drunk) lunged at the man causing him to accidentally shoot gun. Ok, notice the difference between Horn and this Man. Horn was ignoring the pleading of a 911 operator to stay inside and not end any human lives, while the Man couldn't call 911.

    4:BigKing> xD
    4:Best> i'm leaving chat
    4:BigKing> what did i do???
    4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
    4:BigKing> ???? why though
    4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
    4:BigKing> xD

  • #2
    That's Texas for ya. That's why I'm the proud owner of a home security system and live 200 yards from the police station.

    1:Shaun> if my girlfriend had a dick
    1:Shaun> mmmm


    • #3
      In texas that law about protecting your own property also says you can protect your neighbors. so as far as I have read what he did was legal. I suppose it depends on where the trashcans were exactly, ie on his land, or on the road, but then again even if it was on the road I suppose the actual trash cans are the neighbors property. Did he make the right decision? No. Was it legal, seems like it.

      ARe there a lot of things illegal that should be legal? Yep, and there are quite a few things that are legal that shouldnt be.

      Your second story sounds like the guy just got a bunch of asshole jurers.


      • #4
        in texas you're allowed one shot to defend yours and your neigbors property, what a wonderful state, ive shot at ppl trying to break into my car..

        and heres a funny thing, guns dont go off accidentally,
        unless it was a shotgun with a hammer or MAYBE a revolver and the hammer slipped out of his finger if for some reason he cocked it back...but why? when u can just pull the trigger? <-talking about the second story here and here below

        so this shit about guns "accidentally going off" is always bullshit

        AAAAAND... this is old it happened last year i remember seeing it on the news..seeing how pasadena is in HOUSTON

        he did what any good neighbor should do and they werent just "going throught the garbage..." i dont know where u get that from seeing how it doesnt say that ANYWHERE

        o.j simpsons was acquitted too and i dont see a thread on him since were on old news

        and last time i went thru ohio, 2 months ago, im pretty sure i saw a shitload of hillbillies

        they broke into someones house, they got shot for burglarizing, they got what they had coming
        if i had broke into someones house and got shot i wouldnt be surprised especially in a state where 95% of its people own guns and carry them at all times

        ill catch a pistol case before i leave my shit at the crib
        but then again i wont get a case cuz my guns arent stolen
        Last edited by Money; 07-01-2008, 01:58 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Money View Post

          o.j simpsons was acquitted too and i dont see a thread on him since were on old news
          OJ WAS INNOCENT!:fear:


          • #6
            i think by accidently, he means unintentionally. go ahead and startle someone pointing a gun at you, they might not mean to pull the trigger, but it'll happen.
            .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
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            • #7
              Dispatcher: "You gonna get yourself shot if you go outside that house with a gun, I don't care what you think."

              Horn: "You wanna make a bet?"

              Horn: "Well, here it goes buddy, you hear the shotgun clicking and I'm going."

              One letter to the Houston Chronicle said, "He didn't shoot them in the legs, to make sure they did not run away, or hold them at gunpoint until police arrived. No, he was judge, jury and executioner."

              Sen. Jeff Wentworth (Republican) "You're supposed to be able to defend your own home, your own family, in your house, your place of business or your motor vehicle."

              So where's the line. I agree with protecting yourself in your own home to a limit, running down some Mexicans in the streets far exceeds it. Might as well get a roaming gang of 60 year olds and really destroy the police department. While you're at it the judiciary, legislative, and executive.


              • #8
                he didnt run them down they were shot in the yard, do u honestly think a 61 year old man is gonna run down 2 young mexicans?

                lets be real please

                u break into someones house and get killed its your own fault, shouldnt be doing that and it wasnt a shitty neighborhood it was a middle class neighborhood with $200k+ houses, sometimes down here the police take way to long to respond and pasadena police really dont have anything to do, mainly cuz thats still HPD jurisdiction BUT pasadena receives 911 call first and use HPD as backup no reason they couldnt have been there in less than 2 mins, HPD average response time is less than 3 minutes,i know this cuz my mom is one

                and what do u mean "I agree with protecting yourself in your own home to a limit,"

                if someone is in your house there is no limit, that goes for any state in the united states, ok they werent in his house so he handled it for his neighbors, in a high crime area like houston/southeast houston aka pasadena, u never know what these guys could have been carrying they could have had pistols in their waistbands

                i know for a fact that if it had been anyone else BUT an old white man they would have done the same thing but no hes a white guy who killed 2 mexicans oh god must be a hate crime

                whos to say this wasnt the first incident? none of us know that and wont, so until then shut up i can almost guarantee u it wasnt the first time

                in times like this we dont think shit through, mainly cuz it happens so fast oh well 2 mexicans dead im sure they were crackheads anyways, who cares?

                yea he probably shouldnt have killed them but hey whats done is done and no one can change it, it wasnt cold blooded murder and no one is gonna charge him with capital murder since it was pretty much justified
                Last edited by Money; 07-01-2008, 04:06 PM.


                • #9
                  It must be my Dutch nature, but how does breaking in a house justify murder? Yes, they are breaking the law if they are breaking in to a house or whatever. Yes they should be arrested and send to jail, but breaking in justifies murder?

                  Fuck, from what I understand that guy wasn't even threatened himself, nor did he check if his neighbours were. He was just like: what? breaking in? take this.
                  Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                  • #10
                    Those stupid people deserved what they got. If anyone broke into my house or my neighbors I'd expect the same.
                    4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
                    4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
                    4:Geio> DEEZ?
                    4:Geio> LOLOL
                    4:DEEZ NUTS> LOL
                    4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
                    4:spirit> LOL
                    4:Geio> LOLOL THINK HE TOLD ME TO DIE
                    4:Geio> FUCKING DICKHEAD


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Galleleo View Post
                      It must be my Dutch nature, but how does breaking in a house justify murder? Yes, they are breaking the law if they are breaking in to a house or whatever. Yes they should be arrested and send to jail, but breaking in justifies murder?

                      Fuck, from what I understand that guy wasn't even threatened himself, nor did he check if his neighbours were. He was just like: what? breaking in? take this.
                      maybe, but if someone is in your fucking house u have no idea what intentions they have or what they have on them so....with the 400+ murders a year in houston half of them due to home invasions of THE SUSPECTS killing home owners yes murder is justified when u have a burglar...

                      see this story?
                      happend last dont u think that if they had a gun they could have killed the suspects beforee they were both killed and their son shot? each case is different

                      btw that also happened in pasadena, do u know understand why the old dude shot the mother fuckers? this isnt canada or the netherlands this is texas, this is houston


                      • #12
                        and paradise maybe u need to learn more about the area and my city before u make stupid judgements about "unjustified killings" this isnt a quiet sleepy town in Ohio


                        • #13
                          Dont you think the problem is that it is Texas, where 95% of the people walk around with a gun?
                          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Galleleo View Post
                            Dont you think the problem is that it is Texas, where 95% of the people walk around with a gun?
                            oh its the states fault? guns make ppl break into houses? guns make ppl execute ppl in front of their son and then shoot the son? so you're saying its texas's fault for allowing us to protect ourselves and that guns MAKE U KILL PPL?

                            get real, you're european your logic on the usa is jaded and basically your a retard when it comes to shit like this, thx


                            • #15
                              I just know that in countries where there are strict gun laws, it doesn't happen that 200+ people get killed in home invasions by the invaders. Then again, maybe its not the gun laws, maybe its just because of people like Money.
                              Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.

