I opened a reply page about 5 times already. But I can't come up with a decent statement. Let's see the thing at work first.
At least I hope it will nullify the marketshare of ancient browsers like IE6 and IE7. I think that, at least in Holland, companies are willing to install Google products on their PC's.
fuck u and ur avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the "most visited sites" thing on each tab when you open it is really nice as well
edit: the TW forum is annoying on Chrome because i can't click on a subscribed links button any more. really lame.
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It's nice. I'll probably switch over from FF when they fill out the features a bit more, fix the Omnibar so it works a little more like FF's url bar, and resolve some of the more egregious bugs.
i've only read that it was going to luanch and not anything since ><
it's interesting , i use firefox and like it and trust it. For me the benefits are things like NOscript plug ins so you can control what can use javascript etc stopping alot of annoying adverts etc...
i don't really trust the google one as i think advertising !!! but this could be completely unfounded
wonder if it will steal the market share from FF or IE, IE has enough to go around but that is since many ppl never even think to install another browser rather than whats shiped with there pc ... Google is a bigger name than Firefox/mozilla though so maybe it will be different.
someone screenshot me some CHROME features - i r in work and have to use IE here, probably won't install Chrome at home till i hear a bit more about advantages over FF
Best bit is that book won't even load in Google Chrome. Broken image errors.
Key features that other browsers don't have:
Each tab has a process to itself. Upside = Stability. Downside = Memory hog.
Each plugin will have a process to itself. Upside = Security. Downside = Compatibility.
JIT compiled Javascript. Upside = Speed. Downside = None so far. Except it isn't quite as fast as people say it is.
gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
gravy_: Electric granny chariots
gravy_: round the nurburgring
no eula, no installing software you didn't tell it to install (google updater that's now in your task scheduler for example). dunno if it does the unique id thing or not.
I tried it for a few hours. I really like the option where you can drag a tab out and make it it's own individual window. The combined url + search bar is neat. However the thing that made me stop using it was it would never remember my passwords! For some reason during the switch from FF it remembered some of them (in the options, minor tweaks it shows you them all) but for things I use everyday, it doesnt have the password saved. And for the life of me, I could not find an option to make it save the password. I never got the "would you like Chrome to remember this password?" option. I also missed my FF add ons.
I really enjoy having my File / Edit / View / Go / etc options, that's one downfall for me, unless there's an option somewhere to enable this. It's a DECENT browser. I've noticed that after having 4 or 5 tabs open for a while it REALLY lags my machine, and I'm not running on a bad one. It's a big memory eater for some reason, and it's not the sites I was going to. It's still in beta, and I'm sure google can fix any of those issues by the time it releases to full content. It seems nice, it's different!
I guess until they manage to find some way to minimize the amount of memory it uses (I opened 4 tabs on FF and chome and chrome had 100000k of memory usage, while FF had 60000k), I'll stick to FF for now.